> Downloads » GTA San Andreas » Tools » San Andreas Mod Installer 1.1
San Andreas Mod Installer 1.1
File Info Stats
Author: cpmusick Views: 7,305,160
Added: 22nd Sep 2005 Downloads: 5,204,135
Last Update: 22nd Sep 2005 Last Downloaded: 18:21 on 25th Mar 2025
Version: 1.1 Rating: 3.5/5 (16920 Votes)3.5/5 (16920 Votes)3.5/5 (16920 Votes)3.5/5 (16920 Votes)3.5/5 (16920 Votes) (16920 Votes)
Website: sanandreasmodinstaller.com Size: 3.42 Mb
Traffic: 17365.06 Gb

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SAMI is an easy to use program that allows you to easily install mods for the PC version of GTA San Andreas. It is very powerful, yet so easy to use.

-Appealing and unique designs for each page
-Automatically detects game directory
-Install any custom vehicle automatically
-Install any other mod type if a script is included
-Use scripts as "instructions" for installing a non-vehicle mod
-ZIP and RAR support. Automatically extracts ZIPRAR files and installs the mod
-Install mods from any folder on your computer
-Right click on any mod that is a ZIP or RAR file and click "Install With SAMI" for easy mod installing
-Automatic update. Very flexible update engine.
-If update is found, it will be downloaded automatically
-Automatically backs up all existing files before the mod is installed

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