GTAVI? In Next Month's PLAY

By Chris | 19th Apr 2007 at 17:34 GMT in GTA IV | 17 Comments

GamesRadar are reporting on a little printing error made by UK publication PLAY in this month's issue. The next issue advert shows a horizontally flipped "IV" logo, of course turning it into a "VI". So with issue 153 out on May 17th we'll have a nice GTA6 preview to look forward to!


Let us know if you're a subscriber and will be getting a copy early.

tilly's photo
tilly 19th April, 2007 @ 17:55 - Permalink

LOL! i thought you mistyped it when i read the thread! lol I would get it if it was text, but even a picture? wow.

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 19th April, 2007 @ 18:41 - Permalink

Ooooh, i hear angry managers firing people...

How could they make this big as mistake. That logo is mahoosive, jeez...

tilly's photo
tilly 19th April, 2007 @ 18:55 - Permalink

maybe they wanted to get creative and make a confusing mirror image...

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 19th April, 2007 @ 21:43 - Permalink

LOL, I'm registered on their forum, so I'll mention this to them! :D

Gycu's photo
Gycu 19th April, 2007 @ 22:39 - Permalink

So will we get screenshots or what from this magazine?

Jared's photo
Jared 20th April, 2007 @ 10:59 - Permalink

Hehe, I have a strong feeling its an error, however I may contact Rockstar at some point just to check.

Dark Lord's photo
Dark Lord 20th April, 2007 @ 11:27 - Permalink

May be they are playing April Fool way tooo late!

K9 Krew's photo
K9 Krew 20th April, 2007 @ 12:07 - Permalink

what a chronic error, there's going to be hell to play

Gerard's photo
Gerard 20th April, 2007 @ 14:32 - Permalink
Hehe, I have a strong feeling its an error, however I may contact Rockstar at some point just to check.

How could it not be an error? Apart from the fact that GTA 4 and GTA5 are not out (so why GTA 6) and why would it have exactly the same logo as GTA 4?

Read the text that says "GTA IV" on top of the logo. Kind of a clue that it means GTA IV.

It may be some kind of a joke, overlooked by people not paying attention. OR it might just be a genuine error. No alternatives.

Dazza's photo
Dazza 20th April, 2007 @ 15:17 - Permalink

We mistakes happen...its gonna have the same preview in the Australian PlayStation Mag, i saw GTA IV and GTA VCS on the logo of this months, so i brought month will be better.

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 20th April, 2007 @ 15:37 - Permalink

GTA:6 sounds brilliant, I can't wait! [/sarcastic] :lolbounce:

I think it may be an error, but who knows? Maybe someone from the company could tell us?

Jared's photo
Jared 20th April, 2007 @ 23:10 - Permalink
Hehe, I have a strong feeling its an error, however I may contact Rockstar at some point just to check.

How could it not be an error? Apart from the fact that GTA 4 and GTA5 are not out (so why GTA 6) and why would it have exactly the same logo as GTA 4?

Read the text that says "GTA IV" on top of the logo. Kind of a clue that it means GTA IV.

It may be some kind of a joke, overlooked by people not paying attention. OR it might just be a genuine error. No alternatives.

Could be a publicity stunt, it certainly got publicity didn't it? How many people are gonna go and buy it now? Millions.

Artur's photo
Artur 22nd April, 2007 @ 00:48 - Permalink

Hehe, nice little find there Chris... I'm pretty sure it's a mistake or a weird pic they took of the logo. Whatever, we'll probably find out sooner or later. :)

Red_91's photo
Red_91 22nd April, 2007 @ 08:58 - Permalink

It is probably a marketing strategy to get peoples attention. It could still be a mistake though.

Dazza's photo
Dazza 23rd April, 2007 @ 04:30 - Permalink

Well, can someone please post some pics when they get it?

Highwire's photo
Highwire 5th June, 2007 @ 03:37 - Permalink
LOL! i thought you mistyped it when i read the thread! lol I would get it if it was text, but even a picture? wow.

Me too. lol how would they even get a pic of GTA VI? And when I saw the pic I thought I missed out on GTA 5 and GTA 6 was coming out a couple years early

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 5th June, 2007 @ 05:25 - Permalink

Hey Rockstar, no pressure...

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