GTA2 available for download

By Chris | 22nd Dec 2004 at 12:25 GMT in Classics | 25 Comments

You are probably all aware that quite some time ago Rockstar made the original GTA optimized and downloadable from their website, well now they have done it with GTA2. That's right, more details below.

Yes, GTA2. The 2nd proper installment in the Grand Theft Auto lineage, originally released in 1999. The one that introduced the concept of multiple rival gangs vying for your attention and criminal work-for-hire.

The Yakuza, Scientists, Looneys, Rednecks, Zaibatsu, Russian mob and Hare Krishnas. Gouranga!

This late 20th century top-down classic is now available to you all in the form of a 350MB downloadable .zip, courtesy of Rockstar Games.

So this is your Christmas present from Rockstar Games. Head on over to the Rockstar Classics page and fill in the form and follow the instructions in order to download it, I will be downloading my copy in a minute. Obviously you'll need a broadband connection or faster to download this as it's over 350MB!

person123's photo
person123 22nd December, 2004 @ 16:34 - Permalink

sweet!! im getting it broadband thugging

OG Loc's photo
OG Loc 22nd December, 2004 @ 17:35 - Permalink

I'd get it but i really dislike the old-skool Gta's there pretty crappy if it was GTAIII I'd be donwloading it now.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 22nd December, 2004 @ 18:25 - Permalink

1. The original GTAs are cool.

2. I highly doubt the 3D GTA's will be out for FREE download for a while.

OG Loc's photo
OG Loc 22nd December, 2004 @ 19:07 - Permalink

:)Im buying them both on Monday anyway so it wont matter.

Chris's photo
Chris 22nd December, 2004 @ 20:24 - Permalink

why? when you can just download them

By the way is anyone else having trouble submitting the form to get the download, i just get errors :nope:

OG Loc's photo
OG Loc 22nd December, 2004 @ 21:36 - Permalink

I meant Vice City and GtaIII.

person123's photo
person123 22nd December, 2004 @ 23:05 - Permalink
why? when you can just download them

By the way is anyone else having trouble submitting the form to get the download, i just get errors :nope:

yeah im getting errors too

Chris's photo
Chris 22nd December, 2004 @ 23:32 - Permalink
why? when you can just download them

By the way is anyone else having trouble submitting the form to get the download, i just get errors :nope:

yeah im getting errors too

i'll try again tomorrow morning then, probably server is busy as hell

person123's photo
person123 22nd December, 2004 @ 23:39 - Permalink

yeah maybe theres too much epole downloading it? and sorry about the avatar thing

tommy vercetti guy's photo
tommy vercetti guy 23rd December, 2004 @ 00:39 - Permalink

I dont think they will release then 3D GTAs 4 free, reflections did not even release thier driver 1 and it came out in like 1998!

And shit its not working, oh well, WAREZ WHERE ARE U!? kidding :gappy:

OG Loc's photo
OG Loc 23rd December, 2004 @ 11:53 - Permalink

It worked for me but i played them for about 20 minutes then got bored so i switched it off.

Google Bot's photo
Google Bot 23rd December, 2004 @ 16:48 - Permalink
why? when you can just download them

By the way is anyone else having trouble submitting the form to get the download, i just get errors :nope:

Yes, we are all getting that error. The servers are allways full . I will try again in a few days :cigar:

Chris's photo
Chris 23rd December, 2004 @ 18:11 - Permalink

yeah me too, oh well

Frank-Tenpenny's photo
Frank-Tenpenny 24th December, 2004 @ 17:01 - Permalink

grand theft auto 2 was in my opinion the best of the original 2d gtas

Google Bot's photo
Google Bot 24th December, 2004 @ 18:27 - Permalink

Yes it was, It was great . I loved the gang respect idea :D

person123's photo
person123 24th December, 2004 @ 18:34 - Permalink

does it work now?

Chris's photo
Chris 4th January, 2005 @ 22:12 - Permalink

well i just went to download it again, this time the form actually submits but I get this error

 Thank you Chris, for your interest in the Rockstar Classics Free Download Series.

Unfortunately, we are experiencing a high volume of downloads now and your information has not be collected.

Please try back another time.

Chris's photo
Chris 3rd February, 2005 @ 19:14 - Permalink

just thought I'd let you know that I am currently downloading GTA2 at the time of posting this, so it seems the server isnt so busy now. Those of you who couldnt download it may also want to try again.

Righty's photo
Righty 4th February, 2005 @ 20:38 - Permalink

Soon they will have 3 for free downloadf

mvi's photo
mvi 5th February, 2005 @ 10:28 - Permalink

I doubt it, not for a couple of years

Fuzi0n's photo
Fuzi0n 8th February, 2005 @ 11:55 - Permalink

Hey, i got the GTA2 download, really cool, real fun too, never played it before

MaxPayne's photo
MaxPayne 8th February, 2005 @ 12:17 - Permalink

Yeah GTA2 is cool and proberly one of the best 2d games made

INWA's photo
INWA 20th November, 2005 @ 20:14 - Permalink

im downloading

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 20th November, 2005 @ 20:37 - Permalink

You're also stupid. Look at the date this was posted. This is OLD.

Adriaan's photo
Adriaan 20th November, 2005 @ 22:49 - Permalink

lol it's so funny how people start posting in topics that was last posted in months ago :gappy:

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