GTA IV Preview in Games Aktuell

By Chris | 21st Jul 2007 at 12:49 GMT in GTA IV | 24 Comments

gamesaktuell_aug07.jpgGerman magazine Games Aktuell (on sale from today) has a new preview on GTA IV, which also includes 20 new screenshots. There were a few tidbits of information flying around the other day, supposedly from this magazine - there were some very sketchy details in it, specifically regarding K9 Units - it turns out these were fabricated by another GameFAQs user. This info below however, is real information from the magazine, translated into English.

  • The girl in the artwork (sucking the lollipop) is called Lola
  • Taxi drivers play a very important role in Liberty City - With just a push of a button, Niko can get a ride from "A to B" straight away.
  • Additionally, the taxi driver will fulfil some of Niko's requests, for example if Niko is hungry, the cab will drive him to the nearest fast food restaurant. If hurt, then he'll drive to the hospital - places are accessible very quickly this way.
  • The only time you can't get a cab ride is when the cops are after you
  • On that note, cops appear on your map as dots (while they're searching for you)
  • The preview Games Aktuell were shown lasted 45 minutes - it was played twice
  • Similar to Saints Row, your radar will display a yellow line guiding you to your destination
  • It takes Niko roughly 3 seconds to hot-wire a vehicle.
  • The targeting system is improved and there are different hit zones
  • Niko uses his mobile phone and the Internet regularly
  • The editors reported seeing vehicles including Ferraris, Porsche Carrera (Comet), Volkswagen Jetta, BMWs, Mustangs, SUVs, delivery vans and garbage trucks.
  • Rockstar demonstrated the game to Games Aktuell on a 60" plasma screen, which didn't have Full HD capability - "this didn't matter because all Rockstar games are programmed "only" in 720p, with 1280x720 pixels" - this is an interesting quote as a lot of people have wondered whether they'll get to play the game in full 1080i/p resolution, seems like it will just be 720p for now, at least on the Xbox 360. It's not known whether the PS3 version will be able to take advantage of the higher resolution. Of course, both consoles can always upscale the game.

Thanks to for the scans (now removed) and for the info.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 21st July, 2007 @ 12:52 - Permalink

Oh glad to hear that some of the info in the GTAIV was wrong, The taxi's sound good and I like the cops idea, havnig them as dots can make you hide quickly.

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 21st July, 2007 @ 12:58 - Permalink

I'm glad it's not just as simple as jumping into a car any more, it's more realistic now that we have to hot-wire it.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 21st July, 2007 @ 13:02 - Permalink

Yeah hot-wiring sounds good and it won't be annoying, before people were assuming it could take a long time and be anoyying but 3 seconds is about the right amount of time to hot-wire a car.

Dark Lord's photo
Dark Lord 21st July, 2007 @ 13:02 - Permalink

The Taxi idea seems sweet.Either ways Taxis were the ones that were most visible in the first Trailer.

I cant wait for knowing about the role of internet in the game.

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 21st July, 2007 @ 13:04 - Permalink

Eh, three seconds for hotwiring a car ain't bad. Just have to make sure that the cops aren't breathing down my neck when I need a ride.

Chris's photo
Chris 21st July, 2007 @ 13:05 - Permalink

If anyone reading this is a good German speaker please let me know. There's a detail about the game being in 720p resolution, however I can't work out whether it means the final game, or simply just the preview Games Aktuell saw.

"Zwar kein Full-HD-Gerät, aber das ist nicht schlimm, denn vorerst werden alle Rockstar-Spiele "nur" in 720p, also mit 1280x720 Pixeln programmiert."


There's no Full HD capability, but that is not all bad, because all Rockstar games are programmed (at the moment) "only" in 720p, with 1280x720 pixels.

If that's right, please say so in this topic.

Ok I've added in information about 720p and 1080i/p resolutions... looks like it will only be playable in 720p... not sure about the PS3 version yet though.

chris82's photo
chris82 21st July, 2007 @ 16:58 - Permalink

The Xbox 360 should upscale it to 1080i/p.

The PS3 probably can too.

It says "if Niko is hungry," which confirms eating.

Charger's photo
Charger 21st July, 2007 @ 18:15 - Permalink






Here are some scans I found.

Chris's photo
Chris 21st July, 2007 @ 18:20 - Permalink

That's just the images, took the scans down after a while...

7.62mm's photo
7.62mm 21st July, 2007 @ 20:30 - Permalink

20 new pics? I saw zero new pics. :huh:

surrealistic ArtSweet's photo
surrealistic ArtSweet 22nd July, 2007 @ 05:17 - Permalink

good news, good news :) , now that the taxi driver feature is in, i don't have to drive when i'm bored :lol:

it's too bad that the mag scans is in germany, i can't read the whole thing :P

Gycu's photo
Gycu 22nd July, 2007 @ 11:30 - Permalink

Thanks for the scans Charger ... I like the new pics, in one of them there are two corpses laying on the ground ... Looking good :)

scarfaceps3's photo
scarfaceps3 22nd July, 2007 @ 11:44 - Permalink
The Xbox 360 should upscale it to 1080i/p.

The PS3 probably can too.

It says "if Niko is hungry," which confirms eating.

I think that xbox 360 can upscale the game to 1080p but not sure, but ps3 can deffinitly upscale the game to 1080 someone disagre?

Chris's photo
Chris 22nd July, 2007 @ 15:10 - Permalink

Yes, both consoles can upscale.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 22nd July, 2007 @ 15:34 - Permalink

Both consoles can upscale but the only question is will it be upscaleable for the PS3?

7.62mm's photo
7.62mm 23rd July, 2007 @ 05:40 - Permalink

I just cant wait to play on my grandmas T.V which covers like a whole entire wall and its plasma!! :D

tilly's photo
tilly 23rd July, 2007 @ 10:38 - Permalink

hd? 1080p?

i like everything here but the yellow lines sound a little wierd. i dunno, hope they dont overuse it. im posting this at 3 40 am.

7.62mm's photo
7.62mm 23rd July, 2007 @ 18:52 - Permalink

I dont get all of this hi definition stuff!! :nope:

Highwire's photo
Highwire 23rd July, 2007 @ 19:52 - Permalink

Awesome I like the Idea of the taxi cab and for the cops I could hide before they come around the corner.

7.62mm's photo
7.62mm 23rd July, 2007 @ 20:37 - Permalink

I hope when you kill a person you automattically get two stars. That way it'd be more real :)

fatalgamer's photo
fatalgamer 23rd July, 2007 @ 22:50 - Permalink

I wonder if Lolla is gonna play a big role in the game or if she is just another fox in the box art. As we all know it's been that way since the begining, chick on the box but no role in the game, so.

Oh and, what if you kill them and no one sees you? That would suck to atomatically get 2 stars for killin someone in a back alley some where.

Also, as for the new screens. Are they not officially released or something. I can't find them. I've seen the scans but that's not what I'm lookin for.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 24th July, 2007 @ 14:35 - Permalink

Well Lola will most likely not play a role in a game, sh is probably just for the boxart, thats it.

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 26th July, 2007 @ 12:24 - Permalink

I can't wait for this. I haven't been able to get on the net because a thunderstorm fucked up my modem, so I'm attempting to catch up now :D I'd like to see how the hotwiring develops over time, if it takes longer to hotwire a larger vehicle or the same amount of time.

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