Trailer 3 Released - Move Up, Ladies

By Chris | 6th Dec 2007 at 20:03 GMT in GTA IV | 77 Comments

Rockstar Games have just released the third official trailer for Grand Theft Auto IV. Check out the 2 minute long trailer over at the official site or GameTrailers, or in standard definition embedded below. If you want to download the HD version then click here for the 124mb .zip file.

Two screenshots were also added by Rockstar to the official site, see those beneath the trailer.

You may also be interested in an article IGN have just posted up - an informative Q&A about the new trailer. For example it mentions the artist and song used in the trailer which the vast majority of us will never have even heard of. The song is called King Ring 2 Kaiser (King Ring Remix) by Russian rap artist Serjoga Seryoga.

018.jpg 019.jpg

Leave your comments in the topic to let everyone know what you thought of the trailer and how excited you now are.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 6th December, 2007 @ 20:03 - Permalink

Mines still loading now, but I seen the first bit looks good.

STL67's photo
STL67 6th December, 2007 @ 20:05 - Permalink

yo, this trailer is awesome, shows some new clothing, roman different guns fights, SHITZU on the nrg so much,, no release month/date tho :( WELCOME TO AMERICA

Connor's photo
Connor 6th December, 2007 @ 20:06 - Permalink

Wow, brilliant graphics...

I can't believe how good it is!

niko bellend's photo
niko bellend 6th December, 2007 @ 20:08 - Permalink

best bit was when he said 'Welcome to America' in his blood splattered clothes :)

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 6th December, 2007 @ 20:08 - Permalink

Unbelievable, I haven't finished watching it yet, but I'm blown away by those graphics!

EDIT; Now I have, and there's more than enough there to analyse, yet again. I just can't break it down yet, I have to see it a few more times. :D

LDoubleU's photo
LDoubleU 6th December, 2007 @ 20:08 - Permalink

nice one chris it looks amazing!

cant wait to get it now!

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 6th December, 2007 @ 20:09 - Permalink

That trailer was AMAZING!!! I love how the buildings catch on fire, very realistic, my brother (firefighter) will be impressed.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 6th December, 2007 @ 20:09 - Permalink

I ghaven't finished watching it yet but thise graphuics like bossman said are immense, the shooting is good too.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 6th December, 2007 @ 20:11 - Permalink

Last bit of the trailer was good. I even like how Niko takes control of everything. Amazing. :)

Red_91's photo
Red_91 6th December, 2007 @ 20:13 - Permalink

Yeah the end bit was amazing, Im over awed by the trailer just everythig, the water looks beautiful and so does the blood stains, graphics will be immense.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 6th December, 2007 @ 20:22 - Permalink

When Niko enters the bar, that guy says "Hey Niko, Move Up, Ladies". Something I found out about now.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 6th December, 2007 @ 20:23 - Permalink

Trailer 3 now loading ... I haven't seen a bit from it but I'm waiting to complete the loading and after that I'm gonna watch it :D see you guys later

TM™'s photo
TM™ 6th December, 2007 @ 20:26 - Permalink

If you guys can't get onto Rockstars Site or any others, It looks like they've uploaded it on youtube:

Gycu's photo
Gycu 6th December, 2007 @ 20:28 - Permalink

Any ideas from where I could download the trailer in HD ? :|

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 6th December, 2007 @ 20:30 - Permalink
If you guys can't get onto Rockstars Site or any others, It looks like they've uploaded it on youtube:

Do you have the Youtube link? I can't find it there yet.

d0gz1lla's photo
d0gz1lla 6th December, 2007 @ 20:30 - Permalink

Cool video!!! Did you seen that high kick Niko made, guess there might be some new styles of MA to learn (it could be all from karate to boxing, who knows)

Liked the end, "well since you put it that way...." :)

Cool graphics and area around, even AK has a new sound, i like it :)

The rap song raps about money, as i understood it.

At the beggining When he say "niko my cousin, welcome to america" Niko responded: "Zdravo, bracaru" meaning " hello brother.

just tought ill give some info, hope you appriciate it :)

Gycu's photo
Gycu 6th December, 2007 @ 20:34 - Permalink

I've watched the trailer and it is simply amazing ...

Chris's photo
Chris 6th December, 2007 @ 20:35 - Permalink
Any ideas from where I could download the trailer in HD ? :|

Added a link to the first post for the HD version now ;)

Gycu's photo
Gycu 6th December, 2007 @ 20:38 - Permalink
Any ideas from where I could download the trailer in HD ? :|

Added a link to the first post for the HD version now ;)

:thumbsup: Thanks Chris

Any1 notced that on the bike it is written

SHITZU ? :lolbounce::D:P:)

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 6th December, 2007 @ 20:46 - Permalink

This game is gonna be the GREATEST!!!!!!!!

The grapchics are awesome,the gameplays really intense.

Pre-ordered it a few months ago. :lol:

Rashon.'s photo
Rashon. 6th December, 2007 @ 20:51 - Permalink

This trailer was great. The graphics were amazing. The blood sprinkling when fighting looks a little weird but overall the trailer told a lot.

niko bellend's photo
niko bellend 6th December, 2007 @ 21:00 - Permalink

it shows that other characters can change clothes, as roman is wearing a shirt one minute then a tracksuit the next, and it seemed that niko's ak was on single shot, so maybe we get a change from that to automatic or something.

the game also seems that it has 'grown up' as the other gta's seem to be a little bit childish, this one seems to be much more serious, and almost like a movie

Dirty Harry's photo
Dirty Harry 6th December, 2007 @ 21:09 - Permalink

Fucking amazing!!!!!

Welcome to America!

Buttlord's photo
Buttlord 6th December, 2007 @ 21:19 - Permalink

There are actually people on IGN bitching about how bad the graphics are and I quote "Especially for next gen..."

I'm pretty sure these are the same people who thought the graphics on Halo 3 looked great.

d0gz1lla's photo
d0gz1lla 6th December, 2007 @ 21:22 - Permalink

At my personal opinion, i have never rated any game by their graphics. If the story was awsome i didnt mind the graphic. The ones that do rate the game by the graphics, are for me just one of those who got "washed their brains" by the gaiming industry by making games whit sucky story and a good graphics.

Back to GTA 4, graphics are good and if they dont like it, dont play it.


Andrew91's photo
Andrew91 6th December, 2007 @ 21:31 - Permalink

That was probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen...

Sherman's photo
Sherman 6th December, 2007 @ 21:40 - Permalink

R* has convinced me to get a next-gen system. Brilliant.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 6th December, 2007 @ 21:43 - Permalink

I like how many people make signatures and shit as soon as something new comes's like a little race. :D

...I do it too... :P

Andrew91's photo
Andrew91 6th December, 2007 @ 21:49 - Permalink

Lol, yeah. I wanted to be the first one with a "Welcome to America" sig..

gtashaun's photo
gtashaun 6th December, 2007 @ 21:53 - Permalink

Did you all realize that in each of the trailers the graphics keep on depreciating? first 1 waz superb compared to this one. But this one still is the best! ROCKSTAR ROCKS!!!!

MeL's photo
MeL 6th December, 2007 @ 21:58 - Permalink

Lets just hope it plays as good as it looks.

Andrew91's photo
Andrew91 6th December, 2007 @ 21:58 - Permalink
Did you all realize that in each of the trailers the graphics keep on depreciating? first 1 waz superb compared to this one. But this one still is the best! ROCKSTAR ROCKS!!!!

The graphics in this one were far better than the graphics in the 1st one..

Connor's photo
Connor 6th December, 2007 @ 22:00 - Permalink
Did you all realize that in each of the trailers the graphics keep on depreciating? first 1 waz superb compared to this one. But this one still is the best! ROCKSTAR ROCKS!!!!

No, that's just bullshit..

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 6th December, 2007 @ 22:18 - Permalink

Well, that was a nice huge chunk of fucking fwoarsomeness to come home to... Despite the fact the HD trailer took fucking eons to load.

Love the fire pouring out of the building windows.

Fuck upgrading my PC and waiting, I'm buying me a PS3 / 360.

Jared's photo
Jared 6th December, 2007 @ 22:29 - Permalink

After doing some research I found the song is in fact called Seryoga - 2 Kaiser. King Ring is the label and Serjoga was spelt incorrectly (which Chris already picked up on).

Swifty's photo
Swifty 6th December, 2007 @ 22:49 - Permalink

This is gona make me sound like a right sleaze merchant, but I just have to point out, that if you want to see a true testiment to the rag doll physics...look at the way the ropey stripper's boobs flap around as she pole dances. Had to be said.

Slyde's photo
Slyde 6th December, 2007 @ 22:49 - Permalink

Awesome...plain awesome.

smallpancake's photo
smallpancake 6th December, 2007 @ 22:50 - Permalink

It looks AMAZING!

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 6th December, 2007 @ 23:00 - Permalink

Just watched the "low def" trailer on my ailing N-Vidia 5500 & it looked great. Already have the 360, but prefer PC versions.

R*'s own fault for supporting the open file structure we all love to mod.

I see more of the old cars are returning, recognized the Washington & SA Buccaneer.

smallpancake's photo
smallpancake 6th December, 2007 @ 23:05 - Permalink

I just hope it will be available on PC within a year's time of the debut.

Artur's photo
Artur 6th December, 2007 @ 23:35 - Permalink

Fuckin' awesome. Rewatched it a couple of times to let it sink in. I love the part when Niko says "Welcome to America", and now I'm jeleous of Andrew91's sig :P

Everything else is amazing as well, crazy graphics, story wasn't really revealed much but a lot of new characters popped up. I just can't wait for this, too bad no release date yet.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 7th December, 2007 @ 01:00 - Permalink

Holy shit. That was fucking awesome. It seemed laggy though for some reason.

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 7th December, 2007 @ 01:07 - Permalink

Meh, that comes and goes, depends on your connection strength, connection to thew server, server load, etec, etc, sometimes you'llsget it fine all the way, sometimes it'll be laggy as anything.

*Gets sig ideas*

MishoM's photo
MishoM 7th December, 2007 @ 01:22 - Permalink

"The old country"... Sounds just like a Serb! :)

(You guys have no idea how many times I've heard that!)

kobe_inr's photo
kobe_inr 7th December, 2007 @ 01:53 - Permalink

man that was a nice trailer music really went with it. dam hoping they would have told us wen it will ocme out.

Artur's photo
Artur 7th December, 2007 @ 02:26 - Permalink
"The old country"... Sounds just like a Serb! :)

(You guys have no idea how many times I've heard that!)

Haha you always hear that in like shows where people have European parents and stuff pretty funny :P

Anyways yeah, I'm wondering when they'll give us a definite release date so we can find out when the suffering will stop. No info on the multiplayer yet either. Whatever, all in good time...

Edit: Just noticed something in the trailer, remember that blond girl in the second trailer that said "Please, no more killing."? Well I found that when the guy is spazzing at you at about 1:17, you see pictures of him and that blond girl again which is most likely his wife. Doesn't seem that important but just something I noticed, oh and something funny is the guy with no shirt and that's bold has "Mommy" tattooed right below his stomach :lol: Here's the pic of the blond girl:


rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 7th December, 2007 @ 03:06 - Permalink
Meh, that comes and goes, depends on your connection strength, connection to thew server, server load, etec, etc, sometimes you'llsget it fine all the way, sometimes it'll be laggy as anything.

*Gets sig ideas*

No, I mean the game itself does.

Artur's photo
Artur 7th December, 2007 @ 03:14 - Permalink

Really? When did you notice the laggyness?

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 7th December, 2007 @ 03:17 - Permalink

It's absolutely fine if you download the video.. if it still does it then, buy a new PC.... :P

Highlight: The 3 fight scenes... "We need to fight these people"

kobe_inr's photo
kobe_inr 7th December, 2007 @ 04:54 - Permalink
It's absolutely fine if you download the video.. if it still does it then, buy a new PC.... :P

Highlight: The 3 fight scenes... "We need to fight these people"

just wondering how long will it take to download it?

Artur's photo
Artur 7th December, 2007 @ 05:34 - Permalink

Depends on your computer, connection, etc. Only took me around 3-5 mins though. Just go to the main page here. And then click the link for the HD download. It's a lot better quality, worth downloading.

Chris's photo
Chris 7th December, 2007 @ 12:22 - Permalink
At the beggining When he say "niko my cousin, welcome to america" Niko responded: "Zdravo, bracaru" meaning " hello brother.

just tought ill give some info, hope you appriciate it :)

Cool. Your Slovenian. Is that phrase Slovenian or is it another Slavic language? Is it definitely Slovenian or could it be something else as well. If not then we could be fairly certain which country Niko is from.

After doing some research I found the song is in fact called Seryoga - 2 Kaiser. King Ring is the label and Serjoga was spelt incorrectly (which Chris already picked up on).

You're right actually. But the one used in the trailer appears to be some kind of remix because the album version I've acquired lacks the guitar.

EDIT: Yeah, the trailer one is 2 Kaiser but it's titled King Ring someplaces, guess it's technically, and probably Seryoga - 2 Kaiser (King Ring Remix).. the backing vocals in places sound like they're singing 'King Ring' to me.

Differences are: remix is 21 seconds longer, has guitars and backing vocals in places and I think has slightly more rapping. The album version features another rapper called Azad, the remix doesn't.

d0gz1lla's photo
d0gz1lla 7th December, 2007 @ 13:35 - Permalink

Well yes, i am Slovenian. But my father and mother are from Bosnia & part Serbian, so i know the language, can speak, read and write it. Yes i tought it could be Serbian, becouse Serbian use the word "Zdravo" but they dont use word "bracaru" well it is possible, but then again Russia has some words very similar to Slovenian and Serbo-croatian language. They are both ortodox religions, so it could be connection. I think Niko is still Russian, but luckly i understood the words and made an asumption.

Bracaru is in serbian often used as braco or brate. (bracaru could be an word that is used like, for example: Gradnfather - grandpa, to make word more lovely)

well cya around

Sherman's photo
Sherman 7th December, 2007 @ 15:09 - Permalink

I kinda lol'd at the roach on the bottom of the brother's shoe when they got to "the mansion." And the TV falling down generated broken glass. The tag on the sport-looking car where he's shooting by, says "Liberty city" and looks to be like they put a county name below that. Can anyone zoom in on that? It's right before the boat scene.

Chris's photo
Chris 7th December, 2007 @ 15:14 - Permalink
Well yes, i am Slovenian. But my father and mother are from Bosnia & part Serbian, so i know the language, can speak, read and write it. Yes i tought it could be Serbian, becouse Serbian use the word "Zdravo" but they dont use word "bracaru" well it is possible, but then again Russia has some words very similar to Slovenian and Serbo-croatian language. They are both ortodox religions, so it could be connection. I think Niko is still Russian, but luckly i understood the words and made an asumption.

Bracaru is in serbian often used as braco or brate. (bracaru could be an word that is used like, for example: Gradnfather - grandpa, to make word more lovely)

well cya around

Thanks for the insight. I understand the languages are similar which is why I asked in the first place, but basically Niko is most likely a Serb (which was my guess once we found he wasn't Russian :P ) based on the fact that we believe 'Zdravo bracaru' is a Serbian phrase...

hmm... still, it doesn't make any difference whatsoever, it's just nice to know a little more about the protagonist. So maybe he is Serb, well he's probably Serb... but there's still a chance he's not... maybe mixed heritage like yourself and knows a couple of languages and decided to use that one... I digress... :)

Red_91's photo
Red_91 7th December, 2007 @ 15:22 - Permalink

Isn't Niko definetly Russian? One of the guys says to Roman 'Wheres your Russian firend now?' I am positive he is Russian although at first I assumed he was Serbian.

Chris's photo
Chris 7th December, 2007 @ 15:24 - Permalink
Isn't Niko definetly Russian? One of the guys says to Roman 'Wheres your Russian firend now?' I am positive he is Russian although at first I assumed he was Serbian.

Yeah but anyone can have a friend who is Russian. That's basically like me asking you "Where's your French friend now?".

I see how you're interpreting that, but it's not definite if you see what I'm saying. Also if he was talking to Roman you'd guess he'd know they were relatives and said "Where's your cousin now?"

Thinking about it, the sort of person he is, illegally immigrating and all that, he clearly has connections in a few European countries I would have thought.

d0gz1lla's photo
d0gz1lla 7th December, 2007 @ 15:28 - Permalink

1st. i think he is russian, but is niko his full name? its diffrence bettwen Nikolaj or Nikola. well see

Chris's photo
Chris 7th December, 2007 @ 15:32 - Permalink

We haven't been told his full first name, there's so many variations and spelling of Nikolai (Nicholas) that I'm not sure it would actually help us.

But yeah there's a good chance he's Russian, I'm going with Serb for now though.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 7th December, 2007 @ 15:32 - Permalink

I think Niko is his full name, doubt it will be something longer, from what I have seen on the trailers and all that he will definetly be called Niko.

MishoM's photo
MishoM 7th December, 2007 @ 22:07 - Permalink
Well yes, i am Slovenian. But my father and mother are from Bosnia & part Serbian, so i know the language, can speak, read and write it. Yes i tought it could be Serbian, becouse Serbian use the word "Zdravo" but they dont use word "bracaru" well it is possible, but then again Russia has some words very similar to Slovenian and Serbo-croatian language. They are both ortodox religions, so it could be connection. I think Niko is still Russian, but luckly i understood the words and made an asumption.

Bracaru is in serbian often used as braco or brate. (bracaru could be an word that is used like, for example: Gradnfather - grandpa, to make word more lovely)

well cya around

Thanks for the insight. I understand the languages are similar which is why I asked in the first place, but basically Niko is most likely a Serb (which was my guess once we found he wasn't Russian :P ) based on the fact that we believe 'Zdravo bracaru' is a Serbian phrase...

hmm... still, it doesn't make any difference whatsoever, it's just nice to know a little more about the protagonist. So maybe he is Serb, well he's probably Serb... but there's still a chance he's not... maybe mixed heritage like yourself and knows a couple of languages and decided to use that one... I digress... :)

Yep. "Zravo" means "Hello", "bracaru" means "brother". I honestly didn't even notice that he was speaking Serbian until I read that comment! And as d0gz1lla said, the Serbian and the Russian language is extremely similar. The alphabet is only about 5 or so letters different, but the reason I believe Niko is Serbian is because of his last name, "Belic". That is a Serbian name, I'm almost 100% sure of it. Russian names often end in "ov". Where as just about every Serbian name ends with "ic" (pronounced "E-CH").

I think Niko is his full name, doubt it will be something longer, from what I have seen on the trailers and all that he will definetly be called Niko.

"Niko" is basically the Serbian equivalent to "Nick" I believe. The full name is "Nikola", as in the Serbian inventor, "Nikola Tesla".

fire boy's photo
fire boy 7th December, 2007 @ 23:39 - Permalink

man this trailer is so awesome. all i need to do now is buy a new next gen console and wait for R* to release the game!! i cant wait!!! :D

niko bellend's photo
niko bellend 8th December, 2007 @ 00:02 - Permalink

anybody have the song in the trailer, i can only seem to find the original, as its meant to be a remix

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 8th December, 2007 @ 01:07 - Permalink
It's absolutely fine if you download the video.. if it still does it then, buy a new PC.... :P

Highlight: The 3 fight scenes... "We need to fight these people"

I don't think you understand man, I have a great computer (2 GB RAM, Core 2 Duo, etc) and the game itself seems like it lags on a 360 for some reason. Watch when people are talking, maybe it's just me I don't know.

El Patron's photo
El Patron 9th December, 2007 @ 15:33 - Permalink


I watched this trailer. It's awsome !

But I'd like to know some things.

Roman says to Niko "I told you to be calm, you hotheaded chump".

What does "Hotheaded chump" mean please ?

Thx !

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 9th December, 2007 @ 16:28 - Permalink

Did anyone notice at 52 seconds into the trailer when Niko says "You're being ridiculous", he sort of sounds like Ray Liotta (Tommy Vercetti)? I think he does. I'm not saying Ray Liotta is voicing Niko, because that'd be ridiculous, but I just thought who ever is voicing Niko sounded like Tommy there for a second.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 9th December, 2007 @ 17:15 - Permalink
It's absolutely fine if you download the video.. if it still does it then, buy a new PC.... :P

Highlight: The 3 fight scenes... "We need to fight these people"

I don't think you understand man, I have a great computer (2 GB RAM, Core 2 Duo, etc) and the game itself seems like it lags on a 360 for some reason. Watch when people are talking, maybe it's just me I don't know.

Didn't look laggy to me. Could, y'know, just be the video.


I watched this trailer. It's awsome !

But I'd like to know some things.

Roman says to Niko "I told you to be calm, you hotheaded chump".

What does "Hotheaded chump" mean please ?

Thx !

Well, around here a "hot head" is usually someone who gets angered easily or a lot. Very temperamental. A chump is a gullible person. Usually lacking common sense. Falls for anything.

El Patron's photo
El Patron 9th December, 2007 @ 17:38 - Permalink

Ok, thank you so much !

d0gz1lla's photo
d0gz1lla 10th December, 2007 @ 10:42 - Permalink

Spaz, actualy, i didnt know his last name, belic?

Well it does end whit IC ( but becouse english aphabeth do not have Č and Š letter, it should end like Belič, mine ends Šabič)

if those letters you see are (!"#$%&/&) tell me and ill find another way to show them to you)

cya around

K9 Krew's photo
K9 Krew 10th December, 2007 @ 12:31 - Permalink

I love the amount of detail of the boat going over the waves, it looks so awesome.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 10th December, 2007 @ 12:50 - Permalink
It's absolutely fine if you download the video.. if it still does it then, buy a new PC.... :P

Highlight: The 3 fight scenes... "We need to fight these people"

I don't think you understand man, I have a great computer (2 GB RAM, Core 2 Duo, etc) and the game itself seems like it lags on a 360 for some reason. Watch when people are talking, maybe it's just me I don't know.

Didn't look laggy to me. Could, y'know, just be the video.

Nah, I think I'm just seeing shit. I re watched it and it looked fine :P. Whenever I see shiny shit it looks laggy for some reason.

Noru's photo
Noru 10th December, 2007 @ 13:24 - Permalink

Well I got to say that was the best one yet but I'm not in a hurry to get this game because as soon as it comes up, it will be sold out within a few hours (Maybe) anyways.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 10th December, 2007 @ 23:58 - Permalink

Pre-order it. That's what I did.

MishoM's photo
MishoM 11th December, 2007 @ 00:10 - Permalink

LOL, games are never sold out. There has never been one occasion where I haven't been able to find a game on day-one. I remember everyone going nuts saying I wouldn't be able to find Halo 3 on September 25th anywhere. I walked into Best Buy, and they had at least 50 of the regular, 10 of the super-special, and probably around 50 of the special edition one.

You'll be able to find this game without much effort as well. However, some places do offer things if you pre-order. I remember I pre-ordered San Andreas and got it slightly early (could have been a fuck up on GameStop's part though).

mark123's photo
mark123 11th December, 2007 @ 12:11 - Permalink
You'll be able to find this game without much effort as well. However, some places do offer things if you pre-order. I remember I pre-ordered San Andreas and got it slightly early (could have been a fuck up on GameStop's part though).

yeah i know what you mean, i pre-ordered mine on amazon. and back in the day when it was on october 18th ( for uk) i think anyway.. it was showing expected delivery date as the 17th. so yeah i think you do get it earlier.. or they deliver to make it bang on the delivery date but depending on how speedy/slow the postman is.. ( we have royal mail and they are bloody useless) you might get it before/on/after release date.

oh and another thing, you sometimes get it cheaper. because amazon have like 10% off i saw it at 20% one day but its back to 10% now. ( you get the price that it stated when you ordered it so if it suddenly jumped back to the original price you'd still get the 10% one) where as if you got it in a store you'd be charged like £49.99(0) and the special edition will be like 100(0) or something. im getting mine for £39.95(). it sucks though cause thats like the same price () as you americans are paying for the special edition. we get ripped off :(

STL67's photo
STL67 12th December, 2007 @ 02:12 - Permalink
You'll be able to find this game without much effort as well. However, some places do offer things if you pre-order. I remember I pre-ordered San Andreas and got it slightly early (could have been a fuck up on GameStop's part though).

yeah i know what you mean, i pre-ordered mine on amazon. and back in the day when it was on october 18th ( for uk) i think anyway.. it was showing expected delivery date as the 17th. so yeah i think you do get it earlier.. or they deliver to make it bang on the delivery date but depending on how speedy/slow the postman is.. ( we have royal mail and they are bloody useless) you might get it before/on/after release date.

oh and another thing, you sometimes get it cheaper. because amazon have like 10% off i saw it at 20% one day but its back to 10% now. ( you get the price that it stated when you ordered it so if it suddenly jumped back to the original price you'd still get the 10% one) where as if you got it in a store you'd be charged like £49.99(0) and the special edition will be like 100(0) or something. im getting mine for £39.95(). it sucks though cause thats like the same price () as you americans are paying for the special edition. we get ripped off :(

yea, most places get them like the day or night before and are told not to sell them but they still do :P

and i find like when i bought halo 3 i had preordered it and the pre order line was moving slower than just regular people lol

also sucks that you guys get ripped off :thumbsdown:

ZEI's photo
ZEI 13th December, 2007 @ 03:44 - Permalink

Did anyone catch the major bugs in texture in the graffiti skins on all the dumsters? after a carefull analysis i found a 3 seperate occasions were the skins were copied onto other dumpsters. Its small things like this that could catch peoples' eyes'. It would have been better without any special tag textures if R* is just going to copy the skins because when you start seing these patterns on every trash can no matter how fast your going the game starts to look less appealing and unreal. 1st img has the original img. the seccond has two of them next to each other. going back i also discover that that one too had a similar dumpster next to it. by the way the 1st tag says "RENA!" the seccond one doesn't have a good enough to identify full but my guess is "AM[followd by one more letter that appears to be a B in another shot]"


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