GTA IV Map Partially Revealed?

By Chris | 2nd Jan 2008 at 23:58 GMT in GTA IV | 20 Comments

GTAForums member BlueSpot has spotted what could well be the map of Liberty City in a scene in the third trailer. The screenshot (below) shows what we believe to be the map. From the left we can assume this would be Alderney (cut off), Algonquin in the middle, Broker on the right, and Bohan at the top.


Obviously we can't tell for sure due to the lack of detail, but it's an interesting find nonetheless.

DemonDelight's photo
DemonDelight 3rd January, 2008 @ 00:03 - Permalink

that IS a good find. you see, its stuff like that i cant catch when i look at the trailers. if it is the map though, it doesnt show too much.

Swifty's photo
Swifty 3rd January, 2008 @ 01:48 - Permalink

Good find if it is the map, but if it is, it's going to be interesting to see what happens at the points where the landmass reaches the edge of the map, as all the other 3D maps have been surrounded by water.

STL67's photo
STL67 3rd January, 2008 @ 02:02 - Permalink

I doubt thats the map, but whatever it is a good find. I think it looks like a phone, or radio of some sort.

DemonDelight's photo
DemonDelight 3rd January, 2008 @ 04:49 - Permalink
Good find if it is the map, but if it is, it's going to be interesting to see what happens at the points where the landmass reaches the edge of the map, as all the other 3D maps have been surrounded by water.

yea. you just brought that to my attention now. since its supposed to be a remake of NYC, i wonder what R* will do with that...

Whitey's photo
Whitey 3rd January, 2008 @ 05:32 - Permalink

In GTA3 they made the top of Shoreside Vale so steep you couldn't climb up it, and they blocked off the tunnels.

fatalgamer's photo
fatalgamer 3rd January, 2008 @ 07:03 - Permalink

I highly doubt it but, sharp eyes.

K9 Krew's photo
K9 Krew 3rd January, 2008 @ 09:29 - Permalink


White=Water :blink:

That being so this is a really rough map i thought of making(Bored FTW)


Gycu's photo
Gycu 3rd January, 2008 @ 09:44 - Permalink

This is a good find IF it is the real map ... I can't find another game except GTA where the gamers put the screenshots and the trailers at microscope :lol: Also, noticed there is the same "map" on the other side of the red button too, it's a bit smaller but the same ...

hunter88888's photo
hunter88888 3rd January, 2008 @ 13:59 - Permalink

That's cuz these guys are GTA4 info/map junkies... :D

Red_91's photo
Red_91 3rd January, 2008 @ 14:27 - Permalink

Im split on this whether it is the map or not, doubt R* would put something like this in a trailer but anything is possible.

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 3rd January, 2008 @ 18:01 - Permalink

Probably just a detail (for cop car), like the VC maps in SA trashcans.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 3rd January, 2008 @ 18:23 - Permalink

It could be a GPS tracking system and it`s showing all the places like Algonquin and the others,so I guess it could be part of the map,or it could be

TM™'s photo
TM™ 3rd January, 2008 @ 19:15 - Permalink

To be honest, this might not even be a real map. They're not accurately building New York, and if they were to, we'd realize that it's actually a full map of New York. This could possibly be a part of the map, or it could be completely fake. I'm not so sure whether to believe it's a full front end map which is actually what most people think, but it could be part of the inside, or as most of us would call it, the texture's of the interior.

For one, that could be possibly true that it could be fake, especially with it having a texture of the map, but they could just be making this map up just for show. But seeing that it looks partly different to a real map, I'd say it's fake. Also K9, that long black thin part of the land looks like a really thin, but long penis.

Nate10's photo
Nate10 4th January, 2008 @ 04:19 - Permalink


I'm not really leaning on that picture as a map but none the less a cool find. Really cool find actually..seems somewhat similar but I'm still sure it's not a map.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 4th January, 2008 @ 06:32 - Permalink
Good find if it is the map, but if it is, it's going to be interesting to see what happens at the points where the landmass reaches the edge of the map, as all the other 3D maps have been surrounded by water.

yea. you just brought that to my attention now. since its supposed to be a remake of NYC, i wonder what R* will do with that...

Um, Liberty City has always been "New York".... They could still do the same thing they did last time....

Highwire's photo
Highwire 4th January, 2008 @ 07:27 - Permalink
It could be a GPS tracking system and it`s showing all the places like Algonquin and the others,so I guess it could be part of the map,or it could be

It probally is. I looked closely and some of the black kinda looks like a dot like on all the mini-maps in the past GTA games.

I do think this is (part of) the map in IV.

demolition5's photo
demolition5 5th January, 2008 @ 08:04 - Permalink

If u guys still think its not libery City.... then y does the cop boat have the letters LCPD (Liberty City Police Department)..

they prob redid the map... to make it bigger or better, cuz in GTA 3 it wasn't hard tofind your way around the city since there were only like 3 real roads in the game.

Thomas.'s photo
Thomas. 5th January, 2008 @ 09:16 - Permalink
If u guys still think its not libery City.... then y does the cop boat have the letters LCPD (Liberty City Police Department)..

they prob redid the map... to make it bigger or better, cuz in GTA 3 it wasn't hard tofind your way around the city since there were only like 3 real roads in the game.

We all know it's Liberty City.

I don't think it is a map unless it's part of a map. It could a map of one of the districts in Liberty City or a GPS system but I'm not too sure that it is the "real" mp if you know what I mean.

Switch Designs's photo
Switch Designs 5th January, 2008 @ 19:19 - Permalink

I really like this post. very good eye to whoever caught it. I like watching the trailers frame by frame too lol.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 5th January, 2008 @ 21:58 - Permalink

It could be anything.Is it a bird,is it a plane,no it`s ....

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