New GTAIV Info in GamesMaster

By Chris | 9th Feb 2008 at 00:15 GMT in GTA IV | 14 Comments

gamesmastermarch08.jpgUK magazine Games Master has a new preview of GTA IV in their latest issue, in it is a fair bit of new information, summarised below:

  • Cars no longer explode when flipped over.
  • Grenades can be thrown from cars.
  • You can push pedestrians out of the way using the B button on the Xbox 360 (presumably Circle on the PS3).
  • Police AI has been improved and they won't shoot unless you've committed a serious offence, running from them will cause them to open fire.
  • Different melee attacks can be preformed by holding down the right trigger and pressing Y, X or B.
  • The cover system is similar to that in Gears of War, you can also blind fire.
  • You'll notice characters breathing when it's cold.
  • Some of the gangs in Liberty City are the Mafia, Jamaicans, Triads and Irish.
  • Some in-game bridges have tolls.
  • Spinners (on wheels) have been implemented due to the community's requests.
  • Niko has an e-mail account and also uses RSS feeds. These can be accessed at any TW@ Internet café
  • Radio stations will often report on events you've caused (e.g. completing missions, killing mob bosses)
  • After running over a pedestrian blood spatter appears on the bumper and windshield of the car.

Thanks to cmacca4 for the scans.

Ivan's photo
Ivan 9th February, 2008 @ 00:17 - Permalink

Awwww, cars don't explode when flipped over, that sucks.

The rest is cool.

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 9th February, 2008 @ 00:19 - Permalink
Awwww, cars don't explode when flipped over, that sucks.

More like, "Finally!" At least, for me.

Who asked for spinners? Those are the stupidest things ever.

Chris's photo
Chris 9th February, 2008 @ 00:22 - Permalink

I dunno, it's more realistic. Not sure if it's any better or worse for gameplay. We'll see soon enough.

Who asked for spinners? Those are the stupidest things ever.

I totally agree. I guess the "Vanilla Ice's" of the community thought it would be 'dope' ... or whatever...

Dirty Harry's photo
Dirty Harry 9th February, 2008 @ 00:22 - Permalink

No, this can't be happening... cars HAVE TO EXPLODDE ONCE FLIPPED!! Meh could be worst...

Cover system is going to be awesome... Blind fire FTW!

Hansui's photo
Hansui 9th February, 2008 @ 00:34 - Permalink

then what will happen to the car after it flipped? that one really sucks but most of the infos are good

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 9th February, 2008 @ 00:41 - Permalink
gamesmastermarch08.jpgUK magazine Games Master has a new preview of GTA IV in their latest issue, in it is a fair bit of new information, summarised below:

  • Cars no longer explode when flipped over.
  • Grenades can be thrown from cars.
  • You can push pedestrians out of the way using the B button on the Xbox 360 (presumably Circle on the PS3).
  • Police AI has been improved and they won't shoot unless you've committed a serious offence, running from them will cause them to open fire.
  • Different melee attacks can be preformed by holding down the right trigger and pressing Y, X or B.
  • The cover system is similar to that in Gears of War, you can also blind fire.
  • You'll notice characters breathing when it's cold.
  • Some of the gangs in Liberty City are the Mafia, Jamaicans, Triads and Irish.
  • Some in-game bridges have tolls.
  • Spinners (on wheels) have been implemented due to the community's requests.
  • Niko has an e-mail account and also uses RSS feeds. These can be accessed at any TW@ Internet café
  • Radio stations will often report on events you've caused (e.g. completing missions, killing mob bosses)
  • After running over a pedestrian blood spatter appears on the bumper and windshield of the car.

Thanks to cmacca4 for the scans.

As for the email and RSS feeds, does that mean that having your console connected would enhance gameplay? And, in real life, cars don't explode when flipped over, except in some cases.

chris82's photo
chris82 9th February, 2008 @ 00:52 - Permalink
gamesmastermarch08.jpgUK magazine Games Master has a new preview of GTA IV in their latest issue, in it is a fair bit of new information, summarised below:

  • Cars no longer explode when flipped over.
  • Grenades can be thrown from cars.
  • You can push pedestrians out of the way using the B button on the Xbox 360 (presumably Circle on the PS3).
  • Police AI has been improved and they won't shoot unless you've committed a serious offence, running from them will cause them to open fire.
  • Different melee attacks can be preformed by holding down the right trigger and pressing Y, X or B.
  • The cover system is similar to that in Gears of War, you can also blind fire.
  • You'll notice characters breathing when it's cold.
  • Some of the gangs in Liberty City are the Mafia, Jamaicans, Triads and Irish.
  • Some in-game bridges have tolls.
  • Spinners (on wheels) have been implemented due to the community's requests.
  • Niko has an e-mail account and also uses RSS feeds. These can be accessed at any TW@ Internet café
  • Radio stations will often report on events you've caused (e.g. completing missions, killing mob bosses)
  • After running over a pedestrian blood spatter appears on the bumper and windshield of the car.

Thanks to cmacca4 for the scans.

As for the email and RSS feeds, does that mean that having your console connected would enhance gameplay? And, in real life, cars don't explode when flipped over, except in some cases.

In-game e-mail/RSS feeds...

Nice information, also spinners are pretty common nowadays in America. Stupid, agreed, but more realistic.

kobe_inr's photo
kobe_inr 9th February, 2008 @ 01:23 - Permalink

the cover systme is mad, gears of war has one of the best or if so the best cover system in game!!! cant wait

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 9th February, 2008 @ 08:26 - Permalink

The cars not flipping over and blowing up is actually sort of good. Thanks for the info, Chris.

Spinners kinda suck as well, but they look pimpin'.

The Mafia is back, :w00t:, the Jamaicans are probably the Yardies, hopefully the Triads will have improved their clothes and not run a fish factory.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 9th February, 2008 @ 10:49 - Permalink

The cover system seems nice and a nice touch of realism with hearing breathing when cold. This game is looking real life like.

MarkD1990's photo
MarkD1990 9th February, 2008 @ 12:39 - Permalink

Where can I find this magazine in the UK, because I haven't seen or heard of Games Master Magazine before?

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 10th February, 2008 @ 19:09 - Permalink

^ I don't think it's released in Wales. You could try and import it to Wales, if you go on their official website, wherever that may be. I also don't think it's out yet.

EDIT: I just had a look, and it comes out Wednesday 13th Feb, so 3 days until it's in the shops, or less if you're a subscriber. Nice info though, those who said that it's disappointing the cars won't explode any more are idiots, I welcome the change, it was stupid in the first place. Points 3 and 4 are decent, pushing pedestrians out the way sounds like Assassins Creed - I think you can see that in the 'Vlad' trailer released a few days ago, and the cops shooting at you if you flee from them sounds great as well.

mattyk's photo
mattyk 19th February, 2008 @ 12:40 - Permalink

I'm glad cars don't explode when flipped but what happens when it does cos it will be wrecked anyway.

One good thing is the spinners..... not! Its really tacky niko is from eastern europe not the ghetto. Oh well could be worse.

don't mean to brag and moan at the same time but I have xbox an ps3 and have played saints row and it seems that gta have pinched a few ideas like getting drunk and driving. Eagerly awaiting April 29th which is also my mums birthday useless bit of info but true lol

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 22nd February, 2008 @ 21:32 - Permalink

So, if the cars don't explode you might be able to push them back over onto their wheels (w/ another car, I know it's not

CRACKDOWN). It'd be nice to save a car you like.

Remember in GTA3 when cars would catch fire & explode in water?

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