Relatively unknown gaming website have managed to procure an exclusive screenshot of GTA IV. The screenshot depicts Niko riding a Sanchez through a subway tunnel, dangerously close to a train.
I have to admit, that picture doesnt look quite right to me.. Something about it that just makes me wonder.Maybe it's because all the other ones have been outside...
I dunno, it just seems different.
It might be because of the colors. If you notice, the Sanchez is a bright red while Niko's helmet is a bright-ish blue. Very different from the darker, more gritty colors we've seen.
i just checked and every single other shot of niko on a bike , he has a black helmet on.
perhaps this is just like san andreas and someone has just made a mode, with nikos skin?
because the graphics is more san andreas like and whats up with the graphiti on the wall? its like split but has the wrong one on the bottom.
i just checked and every single other shot of niko on a bike , he has a black helmet on.perhaps this is just like san andreas and someone has just made a mode, with nikos skin?
because the graphics is more san andreas like and whats up with the graphiti on the wall? its like split but has the wrong one on the bottom.
Thats what got me wondering in the first place..
i just checked and every single other shot of niko on a bike , he has a black helmet on.perhaps this is just like san andreas and someone has just made a mode, with nikos skin?
because the graphics is more san andreas like and whats up with the graphiti on the wall? its like split but has the wrong one on the bottom.
Thats what got me wondering in the first place..
.. add to the fact that its from a "unkown" gaming website says to me that it could be a fake. would be fairly easy to make a fake like that.
previous to the list i gave up there^^.. there are a few other questions that could make it to be gta 4.
1. the train has a window that you can see into which san andreas as far as i'm aware didnt but they do in gta 4.
2. the tred on the tyres of the sanchez is different from the tred in san andreas isnt it? ( although i didnt normally look at the tyres)
3. if it is gta 4 , it would make sense for the below average for gta 4 in terms of resolution or graphics because lets face it, its in a tunnel and the chances if you were even looking to find that exact same grafitti spot would be like 1 in 1000 or something. so why would rockstar put a lot of effort into something thats 95% of the time never seen?
4. the fact that niko is leaning in the other direction while the bike is turning to balance himself.
5. the helmet has a see through visor.
all those like i said could be faked easily but yeah , what do you think?
i just checked and every single other shot of niko on a bike , he has a black helmet on.perhaps this is just like san andreas and someone has just made a mode, with nikos skin?
because the graphics is more san andreas like and whats up with the graphiti on the wall? its like split but has the wrong one on the bottom.
Thats what got me wondering in the first place..
.. add to the fact that its from a "unkown" gaming website says to me that it could be a fake. would be fairly easy to make a fake like that.
previous to the list i gave up there^^.. there are a few other questions that could make it to be gta 4.
1. the train has a window that you can see into which san andreas as far as i'm aware didnt but they do in gta 4.
2. the tred on the tyres of the sanchez is different from the tred in san andreas isnt it? ( although i didnt normally look at the tyres)
3. if it is gta 4 , it would make sense for the below average for gta 4 in terms of resolution or graphics because lets face it, its in a tunnel and the chances if you were even looking to find that exact same grafitti spot would be like 1 in 1000 or something. so why would rockstar put a lot of effort into something thats 95% of the time never seen?
4. the fact that niko is leaning in the other direction while the bike is turning to balance himself.
5. the helmet has a see through visor.
all those like i said could be faked easily but yeah , what do you think?
Looking at, I'd say it was a fake..
I mean, from the overall looks, yeah it COULD Be..
But like.. from playability. Who the hell could get that close to a train in that much space? It would be damn near impossible, gta's always made it a bit harder than that.
Also, I have to admit, looking at the grafietti, it wasnt done well, the graffiti was layered UNDER the lines, look at the top layer. I dont think Rockstar could make either of these mistakes, I 'unno. I think its a fake.
Or it could be a shot from an earlier version (no, I don't know why they'd release an old shot. I'm just pointing out the
If it is a fake, at least it's better than the first ones that had cars from Saint's Row.
Any word on weather or not you can take control of the trains?
Any word on weather or not you can take control of the trains?
GTA 4 had so many previews but I think I've read somewhere that you won't be able to control trains anymore ( they were also telling you that in the game you can see pilots flying planes but again you won't be able to do it. )
The screenshot is pretty ... crappy.
Any word on weather or not you can take control of the trains?GTA 4 had so many previews but I think I've read somewhere that you won't be able to control trains anymore ( they were also telling you that in the game you can see pilots flying planes but again you won't be able to do it. )
The screenshot is pretty ...
well they did say that we can travel by train, so if its like " press *Triangle* to get in train" or something .. then i doubt you'll be able to drive it / be a passanger but who knows. i hope so i loved being able to ram cars and pedestrians and to block roads with trains, or even better to put cars and tanks and 18 wheelers on the tracks and to ram them while in the train. the train was also great having 6* where the cops would drive infront of you but nothing could stop the train. so i hope we can do something similar in this new one, they are making gta 4 more realistic- i hope thats not like code-name for making it rubbish.
im not saying gta 4 will be rubbish , it would possibly be the best game ever, where if new games being released dont meet the same par as this one in terms of level of detail or story line then this could possibly just be the greatest game of all time.
but all i mean is that i hope it doesnt loose the magic of gta, the feeling that you can do what you want when you want no matter how stupid it is. like for instance the fact that niko flies out the windscreen if you go fast enough, well what if i want to go really fast and ram into another car side on or something and see if i can keep going without flying out the window, or likewise if your in a chase and you hit something, you dont want to have to get up run to your car and get back in just to catch up.
its a fine line that rockstar could be crossing, or they could be raising the line n making a truly bigger and better experience.
Why am I the only one who likes it? I think the shot looks okay, it really does not look like a fake at all. TBH the graphics so far haven't exactly blown me away, they're quite low key, but it's the gameplay that counts and I'm sure it'll impress come release date.