First screenshots of The Lost and Damned released

By Chris | 20th Nov 2008 at 17:49 GMT in GTA IV | 33 Comments

Rockstar have officially announced the downloadable content now by way of a press release. The press release gives a few more details in addition to what had been disclosed to USA Today earlier.

The Lost and Damned features a new main character and plot that intersects with the storyline of Grand Theft Auto IV; new missions that offer an entirely fresh way to explore Liberty City with new multiplayer modes, weapons and vehicles; and a diverse soundtrack with additional music - all with the incredible production values that are the trademarks of Grand Theft Auto.

Not your typical run of the mill DLC here, seems like R* are packing quite a lot of stuff into this. The press release also confirms a 17th February release date, and states pricing information and more details will be announced "soon".

Rockstar released alongside this the first screenshots of episode 1 of the downloadable content, The Lost and Damned. Of course it's running on the same game engine so no improved graphics or anything to look at. Also released was the logo for the episode, click that thumbnail for a stupidly high resolution version.

GTA_Ep1_wht_CMYK.jpg the-lost-and-damned-01.jpg the-lost-and-damned-02.jpg

the-lost-and-damned-03.jpg the-lost-and-damned-04.jpg


GTA IV DLC screenshots

Artur's photo
Artur 21st November, 2008 @ 06:35 - Permalink

Wow no replies in over 12 hours? Haha but yeah great to see some screen shots. It'll be cool to ride along with a biker gang around the city killing the innocent :P All the new features sound great for a DLC, more like an expansion actually. Wondering what the price will be like, hopefully not too much but I have a feeling it'll be worth it.

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 21st November, 2008 @ 06:49 - Permalink

Nice expansion pack... Will it be released for the PC version?

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 21st November, 2008 @ 08:38 - Permalink

Nope. I'm pretty sure it's exclusive to the 360, even though MS do own GFW.

Wezqu's photo
Wezqu 21st November, 2008 @ 13:19 - Permalink
Nope. I'm pretty sure it's exclusive to the 360, even though MS do own GFW.

Well I would not say that it would never come to PC, but it might take more time. As they now also sell the game through Steam so in reality releasing them as just download versions could be possible and if that happens they might release those "episode packs" in one release including them all in some later date. If the first episode pack sells good I would think they might consider porting it and other packs to other platforms.

Earthbound's photo
Earthbound 21st November, 2008 @ 21:32 - Permalink
Nope. I'm pretty sure it's exclusive to the 360, even though MS do own GFW.

Well I would not say that it would never come to PC, but it might take more time. As they now also sell the game through Steam so in reality releasing them as just download versions could be possible and if that happens they might release those "episode packs" in one release including them all in some later date. If the first episode pack sells good I would think they might consider porting it and other packs to other platforms.

I'd hope so... Fingers crossed.

Chris, good on you for keeping everyone so frequently posted on the world of GTA4 - Good stuff! :)

Husky's photo
Husky 21st November, 2008 @ 22:14 - Permalink

F***ing awsome! I myself is a GTA Fanboy but damn!! I love IV realy much that I beat IV 6 times. Now today I'm on Pegorino's Pride. But damn, I dont know what the hell you said Chris but I thought this was just for the PC. Is this another Grand Theft Auto Game or is this just a download shit? Man I just seen the shots but I want this game bad now since i seen it lol. Is this for the PS3?

Blur's photo
Blur 21st November, 2008 @ 22:23 - Permalink

This looks sweet.

If its not for the PC or PS3. Then I'm getting a 360 for Christmas. : )

And yeah Chris, hats up to you for being real informative on IV.

Earthbound's photo
Earthbound 21st November, 2008 @ 22:28 - Permalink
F***ing awsome! I myself is a GTA Fanboy but damn!! I love IV realy much that I beat IV 6 times. Now today I'm on Pegorino's Pride. But damn, I dont know what the hell you said Chris but I thought this was just for the PC. Is this another Grand Theft Auto Game or is this just a download shit? Man I just seen the shots but I want this game bad now since i seen it lol. Is this for the PS3?

As Chris said, for the time being, we only know that it will be released on XBOX 360. It is downloaded content, not a new game.

Husky's photo
Husky 21st November, 2008 @ 23:38 - Permalink
F***ing awsome! I myself is a GTA Fanboy but damn!! I love IV realy much that I beat IV 6 times. Now today I'm on Pegorino's Pride. But damn, I dont know what the hell you said Chris but I thought this was just for the PC. Is this another Grand Theft Auto Game or is this just a download shit? Man I just seen the shots but I want this game bad now since i seen it lol. Is this for the PS3?

As Chris said, for the time being, we only know that it will be released on XBOX 360. It is downloaded content, not a new game.

Ok okay. Im crossing my fingers for a download on PS3. ><. If it aint im getting an '360 just for that.

Earthbound's photo
Earthbound 21st November, 2008 @ 23:41 - Permalink
F***ing awsome! I myself is a GTA Fanboy but damn!! I love IV realy much that I beat IV 6 times. Now today I'm on Pegorino's Pride. But damn, I dont know what the hell you said Chris but I thought this was just for the PC. Is this another Grand Theft Auto Game or is this just a download shit? Man I just seen the shots but I want this game bad now since i seen it lol. Is this for the PS3?

As Chris said, for the time being, we only know that it will be released on XBOX 360. It is downloaded content, not a new game.

Ok okay. Im crossing my fingers for a download on PS3. ><. If it aint im getting an '360 just for that.

Haha, I'm with you there mate! :D

Victor_Vance's photo
Victor_Vance 22nd November, 2008 @ 00:36 - Permalink

I knew it the DLC had to do something with either Johnny or I thought that i was going to be Niko again but getting revenge on Mr. Bulgarin..

Blur's photo
Blur 22nd November, 2008 @ 00:45 - Permalink
I knew it the DLC had to do something with either Johnny or I thought that i was going to be Niko again but getting revenge on Mr. Bulgarin..

Same here.

You never found out what happened to Johnny the biker after the diamond bust.

This indeed is looking to shape up quite well with the plot.

Husky's photo
Husky 22nd November, 2008 @ 01:12 - Permalink
I knew it the DLC had to do something with either Johnny or I thought that i was going to be Niko again but getting revenge on Mr. Bulgarin..

Same here.

You never found out what happened to Johnny the biker after the diamond bust.

This indeed is looking to shape up quite well with the plot.

Yeah I bet L&D is just going to show more details about the other characters (Elisabetta , Jacob , The Lost , and probably Ray Boccino ). This version is way cool. Worth downloading it. :)

EDIT: But there's something odd, I never even heard of the "Damned" biker gang in IV. I thought it was just The Lost and Angels of Death.

Sherman's photo
Sherman 22nd November, 2008 @ 04:13 - Permalink

I don't think it literally means "The Damned" as a gang, I'm taking as a more descriptive term. There's going to be a LOT of bike riding, so get ready :awesome:

Husky's photo
Husky 22nd November, 2008 @ 04:19 - Permalink

If you guys zoom into the last picture with Johnny you can see a Colt.45 new wepons yay!

Earthbound's photo
Earthbound 22nd November, 2008 @ 04:22 - Permalink
I don't think it literally means "The Damned" as a gang, I'm taking as a more descriptive term. There's going to be a LOT of bike riding, so get ready :awesome:

CAll me daft, but I honestly hadn't realized that. I'd better brush up on my riding skills then. Eek.

Bulletproofboy's photo
Bulletproofboy 22nd November, 2008 @ 12:42 - Permalink

Microsoft payed million for the DLC to Xbox 360.

I don't think this DLC will come to PC/PS3,

but a diff DLC Episode will come

I read this playstation magazine and it said so.

I like the new DLC

Sherman's photo
Sherman 22nd November, 2008 @ 15:53 - Permalink
Microsoft payed million for the DLC to Xbox 360.

I don't think this DLC will come to PC/PS3,

but a diff DLC Episode will come

I read this playstation magazine and it said so.

I like the new DLC

If I could be arsed to dig up the topic, I'm pretty sure they bought both episodes (For the time being)

fatalgamer's photo
fatalgamer 22nd November, 2008 @ 20:47 - Permalink

Hell YEAH! I'm very excited. I know a lot of you guys were disappointed with GTA IV. You guys getting it? I know I am.

Husky's photo
Husky 22nd November, 2008 @ 20:54 - Permalink

^The trailers made it look bad ass but the game wasn't that all good. I hope L&D is longer than the original version.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 22nd November, 2008 @ 21:18 - Permalink

Even if they don't release it for the PC((which, since MS bought it, I'm sure it will be released)), someone will probably do it eventually. So even if they decide they don't want to do it, maybe you'll end up with a slightly less-quality one fan-made.

claude-5's photo
claude-5 24th November, 2008 @ 23:21 - Permalink

great, bike riding, time to suck-as and over-doing the euphoria physics even more when I keep falling off :lolbounce: but now, its johnny's turn, niko has had enough, but i dont get how its supposed 2 work, they cant just blank your niko progress, and i cant just STOP seeing Kiki, im interested...

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 25th November, 2008 @ 03:46 - Permalink
great, bike riding, time to suck-as and over-doing the euphoria physics even more when I keep falling off :lolbounce: but now, its johnny's turn, niko has had enough, but i dont get how its supposed 2 work, they cant just blank your niko progress, and i cant just STOP seeing Kiki, im interested...

It's an add-on, it doesn't effect your old game at all. You can still play the original.

claude-5's photo
claude-5 25th November, 2008 @ 17:05 - Permalink

but now, i dont understand how ur supposed 2 access it from the game, cuz there is no main menu

Husky's photo
Husky 25th November, 2008 @ 17:06 - Permalink

Cell Phone! Or if thats not going to happen then an educated guess would say um on the pause menu.

Deji's photo
Deji 25th November, 2008 @ 18:17 - Permalink

Dunno what's so good about this Lost and Damned thing... :\

Chris's photo
Chris 25th November, 2008 @ 18:21 - Permalink

It'll definitely be from the cell phone. You access multiplayer that way, so it'd make sense to use it for the new episodes too.

Nate10's photo
Nate10 25th November, 2008 @ 23:20 - Permalink

Looks nice. Wish I could get my hands on it.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 26th November, 2008 @ 02:08 - Permalink
Dunno what's so good about this Lost and Damned thing... :\

You know nothing about it. That's why you don't know what's so good about it.

Earthbound's photo
Earthbound 26th November, 2008 @ 05:27 - Permalink
Dunno what's so good about this Lost and Damned thing... :\

New missions, new characters and of course, wrapping up loose ends. Sounds exciting to me! :)

claude-5's photo
claude-5 26th November, 2008 @ 12:00 - Permalink

any news on the space it will take i only have a 20GB HDD, im sure it will fit, but i dont want too much space taken

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 26th November, 2008 @ 22:25 - Permalink

Considering how alot of textures, animation files, models, and the game engine itself if on the game's original disk, you can rest assured it won't be a full games worth of files.

claude-5's photo
claude-5 26th November, 2008 @ 22:32 - Permalink

so ur saying, only coding files & a few animation files will be in this, believeable, i would say 1-2 GB because of the new voices & cars

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