New Lost and Damned screenshots

By Chris | 11th Dec 2008 at 21:47 GMT in GTA IV | 5 Comments

Microsoft launched a mini-site for Grand Theft Auto IV's downloadable content for the Xbox 360 last night. On it they included three screenshots of The Lost and Damned which we haven't seen before. Unfortunately they aren't high resolution but we'll update them if get some better versions.

the-lost-and-damned-05.jpg the-lost-and-damned-06.jpg the-lost-and-damned-07.jpg

Link: The Lost and Damned screenshots

Source: Microsoft

Credit to }{oT~dEv1L 666 for finding these.

Artur's photo
Artur 12th December, 2008 @ 02:57 - Permalink

Haha gotta love the first pic with Johnny clubing another guy on a bike in the face with a baseball bat. I've always wanted to do that... :hurrhurr: I've started to look forward more and more for this DLC mainly because I've started watchig Sons of Anarchy which I believe inspired this Episode. The bikes look pretty awesome and it looks like they're incorporating a gang system like they had in the previous games with gang members following you on bikes, on foot and so on.

Chris's photo
Chris 12th December, 2008 @ 03:04 - Permalink

Hmm... wonder if that means we can use melee weapons on motorcycles? Might just be a cutscene though.

Artur's photo
Artur 12th December, 2008 @ 03:22 - Permalink

Yeah I was discussing this feature with my friend when we were playing online. Just driving by with 2 people on a bike, smashing people, mail boxes, you know the good stuff.

Edit: Also I believe it would really add on to the 'biker theme' if you could just start riding your bike down a road and you had the option of calling together your gang members and all of sudden they would pull up behind you on their own bike (one by one) and eventually you would have like 5 bad ass bikers driving down the road.

Noru's photo
Noru 12th December, 2008 @ 03:42 - Permalink

It would be awesome if you could use melee weapons on motorcycles. If the feature where other bikers would follow you was added, It would probably be like phoning Dwayne for backup, only with more then two people. They probably could make it so that they use their own motorcycle instead of trying to get on yours.

Blur's photo
Blur 14th December, 2008 @ 02:07 - Permalink
Edit: Also I believe it would really add on to the 'biker theme' if you could just start riding your bike down a road and you had the option of calling together your gang members and all of sudden they would pull up behind you on their own bike (one by one) and eventually you would have like 5 bad ass bikers driving down the road.

That would be sweet. :thumbsup:

Though until I see/hear more this isn't enough for me to go buy a Xbox 360 and a copy of GTA IV. Still this is looking to be aswemoe.

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