New TLAD artwork and amazing fan creation

By Chris | 4th Feb 2009 at 11:54 GMT in GTA IV | 11 Comments

Rockstar have sent us over some insanely high res artwork for The Lost and Damned. If you're on a slow connection you might wanna give these a miss, they'll take a while to download. Click the thumbs below for the full size versions:

tlad-biker-chick.jpg tlad-billy-with-bat.jpg

tlad-johnny-on-bike-shotgun.jpg tlad-johnny-shotgun.jpg

Also on the subject of artwork, Patrick Brown, whose name you may recognise for creating some amazing fan artwork for the GTA series has made yet another astounding piece. We've posted about him once or twice before, and felt this latest piece was definitely worth a mention. Check out his DeviantArt page for loads more.


MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 4th February, 2009 @ 12:12 - Permalink

Hey Chris, just heads up that the thumbnaisl aren't loading the full artwork.. any of them... 'the file does not exist'

Might be my crappy netz, but... ¯\(°_o)/¯


Chris's photo
Chris 4th February, 2009 @ 12:17 - Permalink

Actually that's my crappy net. People uploading/downloading here so my upload speed sucks, turns out the last two didn't upload properly. First two should be working fine though, check the others out in a while when they'll have finished uploading again.

Franswurst's photo
Franswurst 4th February, 2009 @ 12:37 - Permalink

Some work for me, some don't.

They look really amazing, also the Patrick Brown stuff. I'm surprised its so Hi Res.

(@Chris: check your PM's ;))

Chris's photo
Chris 4th February, 2009 @ 12:39 - Permalink

Yeah they all work fine now. I know I've got a PM from you to reply to, thanks for reminding me :P

Franswurst's photo
Franswurst 4th February, 2009 @ 12:41 - Permalink
Yeah they all work fine now. I know I've got a PM from you to reply to, thanks for reminding me :P

Lol, ok, you said sometimes you forget to check PM's so that's why :D

Do we know already who that chick is and if she plays any larger role?

Chris's photo
Chris 4th February, 2009 @ 12:50 - Permalink

Not sure, unless I've missed it from recent previews we don't. Original filename was just Biker_Chick_Art_copy.jpg which doesn't give away any information other than the fact she is female and rides a motorbike. Oh and also drinks piss water. :P

Thinking to other female artworks, I guess she could play a role as large as Elizabeta's, or be practically not in the game, like Lola. I guess that's something I might find out in NY.

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 4th February, 2009 @ 13:58 - Permalink
Rockstar have sent us over some insanely high res artwork for The Lost and Damned. If you're on a slow connection you might wanna give these a miss, they'll take a while to download. Click the thumbs below for the full size versions:

tlad-biker-chick.jpg tlad-billy-with-bat.jpg

tlad-johnny-on-bike-shotgun.jpg tlad-johnny-shotgun.jpg

Also on the subject of artwork, Patrick Brown, whose name you may recognise for creating some amazing fan artwork for the GTA series has made yet another astounding piece. We've posted about him once or twice before, and felt this latest piece was definitely worth a mention. Check out his DeviantArt page for loads more.


Beautiful, just beautiful. The TLaD artwork isn't much of a surprise, but Patrick Brown's fan art is quite epic, despite the obvious anachronism involved... :awesome:

Artur's photo
Artur 4th February, 2009 @ 15:47 - Permalink

Gotta love the high res artwork, it's pretty huge. And the only one that didn't work for me was the Billy one but I guess it'll be fixed later. As for Patrick Brown's artwork, that's amazing, all of his artwork always surprises me and is always really accurate. Maybe R* will recognize his artwork one day...

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 4th February, 2009 @ 15:48 - Permalink
Not sure, unless I've missed it from recent previews we don't. Original filename was just Biker_Chick_Art_copy.jpg which doesn't give away any information other than the fact she is female and rides a motorbike. Oh and also drinks piss water. :P

Thinking to other female artworks, I guess she could play a role as large as Elizabeta's, or be practically not in the game, like Lola. I guess that's something I might find out in NY.

Whoa. You're going to NY (yet again)? Awesome, be sure to steal TLAD and take some piccies :hurrhurr:


Franswurst's photo
Franswurst 4th February, 2009 @ 21:35 - Permalink

The second Artwork Pic still isn't working yet, just a heads up.

Chris's photo
Chris 4th February, 2009 @ 22:24 - Permalink

Shit, put .jpg twice in the URL! :P

fixed now, thanks.

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