GTA Chinatown Wars Cheats for iPhone - Part 1

By Chris | 23rd Jan 2010 at 13:25 GMT in Chinatown Wars | 0 Comments

Rockstar have released the first part in what they promise will be a series of cheat reveals for the iPhone / iPod touch version of Chinatown Wars. The cheats revealed today are all for weapons.

Cheats are entered on your Mission Replay Board which can be accessed by visiting any Safe House (you can find the Board on the far right side of the Safe House). The Mission Replay Board has a jumbled set of magnetized letters that can be used to arrange all kinds of words - spell out the letters below to input the following cheats:

Weapon cheat 1 - LOADOA

Grants: grenade, nightstick, pistol, minigun, assault, micro smg, stubby shotgun

Weapon cheat 2 - LOADOB

Grants: molotov, teaser, dual pistols, flamethrower, carbine, smg, dual-barrel

Weapon cheat 3 - LOADOC

Grants: mine, chainsaw, revolver, flamethrower, carbine, smg, dual-barrel

Weapon cheat 4 - LOADOD

Grants: flashbang, bat, pistol, rpg, carbine, micro smg, stubby shotgun

Source: Rockstar Newswire

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