GTA V Trailer 2!

By Chris | 14th Nov 2012 at 16:00 GMT in GTA V | 22 Comments

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if you're having trouble viewing the embed above. We'll have a full summary of the trailer here in a little while. Keep checking back!

UPDATE: I've uploaded 112 screenshots from the second trailer. And for those wondering, the song featured in the trailer is Stevie Wonder's "Skeletons".

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MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 14th November, 2012 @ 16:02 - Permalink

That was pretty bad-ass, it seems like with every piece of media they release a new, entirely different area is unveilied... the scale is mindblowing.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 14th November, 2012 @ 16:34 - Permalink


Sherman's photo
Sherman 14th November, 2012 @ 17:01 - Permalink


This keeps getting better and better, I don't even know what to say. I have to say, this is going to be the best ever. :w00t:

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 14th November, 2012 @ 17:07 - Permalink

I recorded it as the main V page counted down, however, that was flawed by the buffer, Seems to set at highest resolution rather then an auto detect or lower one by default, which would help some people out

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 14th November, 2012 @ 17:08 - Permalink

Computer Generated Imagery.

(aka fake and gay, aka not in-game footage, aka GTA IV v2.0)

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 14th November, 2012 @ 17:11 - Permalink


Yes, because if Rockstar wanted to do CGI they wouldn't put some antialiasing. Max Payne 3 had the same physics, stop having it at GTA.

OT: This was fucking amazing, I'm speechless.

Jezz Torrent's photo
Jezz Torrent 14th November, 2012 @ 17:13 - Permalink

Ok, Loved the cars, the dogs, the running water in the river was cool as opposed to the still water in SA rivers. and the lights on the police car look a lot more realistic than they did in GTA4

So far Rockstar hasn't really impressed me with the screen shots and trailers. i feel like you cant really see a whole lot in the screens theyre giving and this trailer was really cool and showed off awesome graphics never seen in a GTA game, it really mostly showed boring cutscenes. not a whole lot of action. i'd wouldve liked to see some guns or clearer shots of the city/countryside

& i'm not pleased with the music in the game. it better get better. Please dont make the same mistake you made with GTA4

not to say i dont think the game will be great, cuz i do. i just wish theyd show us more of it than they have been

I completely agree with TUN3R

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 14th November, 2012 @ 17:16 - Permalink

Actually CGI would mean the game is built on a computer, ready made for PC release.... D'oh! (assuming it's not based on no PC version immediately available upon release)

Will say, I think Michael's voice actor is pretty good, sounds a LOT like Ray Liotta to these ears, an older, gentler Ray!?? aka Tommy Vercetti

We'll see more of their personalities further, but it's obvious anyone with wife and or kids is trying to walk some line, and Trevor doesn't have that in this game.... What characters from GTA IV and Episodes do you think might be included, BTW???

Speaking of the trailer's newer elements, something I wish was enhanced since GTA IV is tire squeals and burn out effects, with car handling changed, fire looking improved, there is still a lack of elements with the spark showers we've seen, rather anemic looking

Victor_Vance's photo
Victor_Vance 14th November, 2012 @ 17:31 - Permalink

I think Packie Mcreary is going to come out... And damn I didn't expect Michael to look that old and fat but it's all right.... The Franklin character reminds me a lot like CJ...

Jezz Torrent's photo
Jezz Torrent 14th November, 2012 @ 17:33 - Permalink

I think Packie Mcreary is going to come out... And damn I didn't expect Michael to look that old and fat but it's all right.... The Franklin character reminds me a lot like CJ...

Yeah, kind of different from typical GTA characters

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 14th November, 2012 @ 17:35 - Permalink

One thing I was happy to see is more of the characters surrounding the protags, and I'm sure the hands on will certainly be more unexpected then what we presume it will feel or be like.

The major shift of jumping from one to another of the protagonists changes a lot of the play experience from one person to the next, just think about how everyone might get through the objectives with those options alone!

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 14th November, 2012 @ 17:39 - Permalink

Yes cause focusing on cars and guns is so mainstream...

Chris's photo
Chris 14th November, 2012 @ 18:24 - Permalink

I dunno about everyone else but I'm loving the amount of action and just general fun that the latest screens and this trailer are showing off. I think that's what pretty everyone wants back in a GTA game. GTA IV didn't really deliver on that, TBOGT gave us something nice, but GTAV is looking great for it.

Bustago's photo
Bustago 14th November, 2012 @ 18:33 - Permalink

Ohhhh did you see the Aston DB5 lookalike? Or the Jag?

I Love this game already!

Oh and 'TUN3R' go away, no one likes you or your trolling.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 14th November, 2012 @ 19:02 - Permalink

0:07 Audi R8 Spyder... duh.

0:22 Several Sabre GT's, and a new Stallion / Ford Mustang / Dodge Challenger based muscle car?

0:27 Tornado / Chevy Bel Air?

0:35 Obvious BMW... Sentinel / Oracle?

0:47 Cheapened / dulled-out Spyker C8?

0:51 MGM lawsuit?

0:51 Also finally re-desgined police car?

0:56 (just barely) SSC Ultimate Aero? And the F620 / Uglified Maserati Granturismo from TBoGT, no doubt with the same crappy model and Super GT shared handling from TBoGT.

1:03 New Sentinel / BMW M3 clear as daylight.

1:08 Blue Lotus Elise in background.

1:16 Jaguar XFR.

1:21 Jeep Wrangler / New Mesa?

1:35 Audi and Wayfarer / Freeway?

And disagreeing with the fanboys =/= trolling.

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 14th November, 2012 @ 23:53 - Permalink

Computer Generated Imagery.

(aka fake and gay, aka not in-game footage, aka GTA IV v2.0)

Cynical. 'Sides, it doesn't matter as to whether it's shooped or not.

Blur's photo
Blur 15th November, 2012 @ 00:27 - Permalink

What a great set of characters. Trevor showed some unexpected humor at the end. Wow so much to take in. Over 100 pictures, great job!

Artur's photo
Artur 15th November, 2012 @ 02:28 - Permalink

I dunno about everyone else but I'm loving the amount of action and just general fun that the latest screens and this trailer are showing off. I think that's what pretty everyone wants back in a GTA game. GTA IV didn't really deliver on that, TBOGT gave us something nice, but GTAV is looking great for it.

I agree, they're pacing it pretty nicely. Game looks great, I got a lot of stuff to catch up on haha.

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 15th November, 2012 @ 11:05 - Permalink

one word

Ok, Loved the cars, the dogs, the running water in the river was cool as opposed to the still water in SA rivers. and the lights on the police car look a lot more realistic than they did in GTA4

So far Rockstar hasn't really impressed me with the screen shots and trailers. i feel like you cant really see a whole lot in the screens theyre giving and this trailer was really cool and showed off awesome graphics never seen in a GTA game, it really mostly showed boring cutscenes. not a whole lot of action. i'd wouldve liked to see some guns or clearer shots of the city/countryside

& i'm not pleased with the music in the game. it better get better. Please dont make the same mistake you made with GTA4

not to say i dont think the game will be great, cuz i do. i just wish theyd show us more of it than they have been

I completely agree with TUN3R

I believe they will make a few more trailers in which you can see all of your queries. They just want to hide the real gameplay footages in order to keep you tuned.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 15th November, 2012 @ 12:57 - Permalink

I believe they will make a few more trailers in which you can see all of your queries. They just want to hide the real gameplay footages in order to keep you tuned.


Computer Generated Imagery.

(aka fake and gay, aka not in-game footage, aka GTA IV v2.0)

Cynical. 'Sides, it doesn't matter as to whether it's shooped or not.

True. Long as it's not gameplay, it doesn't matter.

I honestly don't see the point in game trailers... trailers are for movies, demos are for games. That's the only way you can tell what the game is like before buying it.

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 17th November, 2012 @ 20:00 - Permalink

What's amusing is as pointed out since San An VERSION ONE, Carl Johnson had to go to schools for various vehicles, even after he was able to use them, basically, and there was no pretense that the protag had to know how to drive an 18 wheeler to effectively boost one for illgotten gain

Since San An, it's been part of the enforced Rockstar GTA reality that the protag have some sort of knowledge that would lead them to pilot a heli or tank, it seems. What the articles pointed out as far as I got, is that having three protags and the SWITCHING implementation, which in and of itself defies reality in a way, would cover the lack of experience one protag has over another! hahaha

Speaking on the demo thing, never EVER expect a GTA demo pre-release, ain't ever gonna happen, the problem with the trailer is one that has effected everyone in the last year, a complete media blackout on GTA basically, since last fall, and with all this NEW info, why could it not have been disseminated over that time span in little chunks, even confirming a multiple protagonist aspect early on would not have done any harm as I see it... What remains in question is how long before a man and female protagonist in GTA in hopes to appeal to men and women gamers, eh?!!???

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