San Andreas Out Now on PSN, "The Introduction" Available Online

By Chris | 12th Dec 2012 at 14:21 GMT in San Andreas | 0 Comments

IPB ImageRockstar have now officially announced the availability of GTA: San Andreas in the North American PSN Store as of yesterday, and today it will also become available in European and Asian PSN Stores as they are updated. The game is priced slightly higher than most PS2 Classics, at .99 (£11.99 / €14,99), although given the size and replayability of the game, one could argue this is a fair price point.

Alongside the release, Rockstar have also put "The Introduction" online. This film, created using the San Andreas game engine, was originally only released with the official soundtrack double CD edition and with the special edition of the North American PS2 version of the game. Here's what Rockstar had to say about it.

To help prepare you to go back-back to SA, what better to watch than "The Introduction" - the original 20-minute prologue video that highlights the action in the days before the story in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas begins. The Introduction is told from various characters' viewpoints, which are intertwined together to reveal the network of organized crime forces operating throughout the state of San Andreas. Tension builds as threats are carried out, stakes are raised and communication breaks down. In Los Santos, a drive-by shooting in Grove Street Family's territory ignites a series of events to be further explored in the game.

Watch it on YouTube below.

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