Vice City for iOS Updated

By Chris | 17th Dec 2012 at 14:38 GMT in Vice City | 0 Comments

The iOS version of Vice City 10th Anniversary Edition has received an update today. The change log for version 1.1 includes bug fixes and minor new features.

  • Improved stability on the iPod Touch 4th Generation
  • Fixed an issue where a player’s helicopter spins when flying
  • You can now change what song is playing from your custom playlist by shaking your device
  • Fixed issue where some players experienced their device’s keyboard appearing during gameplay
  • Assorted Bug Fixes
  • ***Please Note: "Tap to Shoot" was enabled by default in the latest update. To restore the shoot button, navigate to the Control menu via the Options menu and disable "Tap to Shoot"***

You can download the free update by checking for updates in iTunes or by going to the App Store on your device. If you don't already have the game head on over to the App Store where you can pick it up for .99 / £2.99 / €4,49.

For those of you with the Android version, that also got a very minor update a few days ago - v1.02 mainly provided bug fixes specifically for Samsung Galaxy S2 users.

In other related news, a couple of days ago Rockstar released high definition Vice City artwork that has been used to promote the 10th anniversary of the game, additionally, they've also released all the artwork, wallpapers and avatars created back in 2002 for the original game in high definition too.


Grab 'em from the Rockstar Downloads page in all the popular desktop, social media background and avatar sizes.

Also, we're pleased to now offer the full range of sizes for all the original desktop artworks that were created for the Vice City website back in the day - these are also available from the Rockstar Downloads page as wallpapers, buddy icons and avatars.

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