GTA V Box Art Reveal Coming Soon

By Chris | 31st Mar 2013 at 10:19 GMT in GTA V | 8 Comments

Rockstar originally told us they would be revealing the box art for Grand Theft Auto V by the end of January, but unfortunately it was pushed back following the announcement that the game would be delayed until September. But judging by this mural being painted up in New York, it's safe to say it'll be revealed fairly soon...






Pictures courtesy of Redditor kotgfyad.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 31st March, 2013 @ 18:10 - Permalink

What's next, the intro screen? They'll reveal that next right?

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 31st March, 2013 @ 21:33 - Permalink

Chris, i can't believe you'd recklessly post GTA news on a GTA fansite like this. Surely you can make something up to stop tuna having an aneurysm.




Hold on.


Oh, it turns out you're not in control of GTa news? Well, that changes everything. As you were, gentlemen.


OT: Helicopter in the top left continues to prevail. I approve.

Blur's photo
Blur 31st March, 2013 @ 21:36 - Permalink

Rockstar has spoken! Digital versions coming soon, and the mural may be finished by tommorow.

MishoM's photo
MishoM 31st March, 2013 @ 23:14 - Permalink

As someone who's been studying graphic design for the past couple years, I can't help but get excited by this kind of stuff. Glad to see they're not ditching the trademark look.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 1st April, 2013 @ 15:32 - Permalink

As someone who's been studying graphic design for the past couple years, I can't help but get excited by this kind of stuff. Glad to see they're not ditching the trademark look.


I doubt graphic design has anything to do with that.

MishoM's photo
MishoM 2nd April, 2013 @ 00:11 - Permalink

You do realize graphic designers and the like are the ones who create such artwork, correct? Packaging and all promotional works in general are handled by their art team, who are illustrators, graphic designers, etc.


You may not be familiar with what a "graphic designer" actually is, which is understandable (in no way meant to come off condcending), but it isn't someone who actually designs the graphics of a video game or anything like that. Just artwork direction, things such as font choice, overall style, etc. etc.

Jezz Torrent's photo
Jezz Torrent 2nd April, 2013 @ 01:03 - Permalink

Yeah, we've heard this before... LIARS!

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 2nd April, 2013 @ 11:11 - Permalink

You do realize graphic designers and the like are the ones who create such artwork, correct? Packaging and all promotional works in general are handled by their art team, who are illustrators, graphic designers, etc.


You may not be familiar with what a "graphic designer" actually is, which is understandable (in no way meant to come off condcending), but it isn't someone who actually designs the graphics of a video game or anything like that. Just artwork direction, things such as font choice, overall style, etc. etc.


No, I meant I don't think that the fact that one studied graphic design has anything to do with one being hyped about this.

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