Join Kifflom for a chance to be in GTAV

By Chris | 29th Apr 2013 at 20:02 GMT in GTA V | 4 Comments

Rockstar have updated the Epsilon Program website giving you an opportunity to join their enlightment seminar. What this actually is is a casting call where 5 lucky people will get their likeness put into the game! You have from now until the 27th May to enter, and you must be over 18 to do so. A similar opportunity was given to fans for Max Payne 3 last year.


Rockstar Games is holding a “casting call” event giving Grand Theft Auto fans an opportunity to be cast as one of five Epsilon Program members in Grand Theft Auto V. If you are chosen, your features will be used to create one of the five characters in the game.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 29th April, 2013 @ 23:29 - Permalink

Think I'll stick with Philosotology, at least that keeps me out of jail. Litteraly.

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 30th April, 2013 @ 08:07 - Permalink

"kifflom brother, uncle?" that's the most creepy lines for a cult, haha loved san Andreas(gta III era)

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 1st May, 2013 @ 02:47 - Permalink

When Rockstar threw a similar contest for their GTA IV radio, at the end of the day, no one could tell WHO actually won, or what was already in the can, or professionally recorded and submitted. At least, at that time I was at GTAForums, and I brought it up several times, No one seemed to know.

Either way, some people WOULD give their left nut to be in a GTA game, me included! I'm happy Minneapolis got a shout-out of sorts. Minnesota is one fine State of the Union.


Rockstar will need to do a 'tribute' to the Midwest proper before the franchise goes International.


Want to point out that last line in the graphic poster has a typo, strange Rockstar let that one slip past their stealthy quality control eyes! hahaha Also, to point out that there was a contest in Multiplayer, for Max Payne that perhaps Chris is talking about? This was for online MP only, not the actual game itself

Sherman's photo
Sherman 1st May, 2013 @ 15:15 - Permalink

I'm not sure I completely understand. Submit my picture / name and they'll email me (If I get picked / liked / whatever) to do some sort of casting for a scene in-game?

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