Vice City Stories Coming To PS2?

By Chris | 21st Jan 2007 at 01:51 GMT in Vice City Stories | 29 Comments

It's been all but confirmed by Rockstar themselves now, the question many people have been wondering about has finally been answered. Vice City Stories does indeed look like it's coming to the PS2 after all.

Many people speculated that Rockstar would not bother porting the game to the PS2, seeing as we will see the release of Grand Theft Auto IV this October dwarfing all other GTA games, but a search on the official ESRB website for "Vice City Stories" now lists a PlayStation 2 version of the game too, with the same 'M' rating and descriptors as the PSP version. This means Rockstar must have submitted the game to them.

See for yourselves on the ESRB Search page for "Vice City Stories". We'll hopefully have a press release from Take Two soon, confirming that this is correct. Stay tuned for more VCS and GTA4 updates.

UPDATE: After reading some of the comments here I checked other countries rating sites and was unable to find any other mention of a PS2 version. The BBFC (UK) only has the trailers rated for the UK, PEGI (Europe) only has the PSP version, and while the OFLC (Australia) does have a PS2 version rated, it doesn't have a PSP version there, suggesting the listing is a slight mistake by the webmasters when it was submitted back in September.

Thanks to Neil for the heads up.

Rashon.'s photo
Rashon. 21st January, 2007 @ 01:54 - Permalink

This might look convincing and I saw this posted over at GTAF also but I think nothing's confirmed yet until Rockstar announces it themselves.

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 21st January, 2007 @ 01:54 - Permalink

I hope this isn't correct. It's LCS for PS2 all over again. Oh well, nice job finding out about this, Chris.

Chris's photo
Chris 21st January, 2007 @ 01:58 - Permalink
nothing's confirmed yet until Rockstar announces it themselves.

Yeah that's what I've pointed out in my post, it isn't 100% confirmed yet, but the thing is, for the ESRB to have that listed surely Rockstar must have submitted it? Oh well, I'm sure we'll hear from Rockstar soon once this news gets posted around the interweb.

JOYA's photo
JOYA 21st January, 2007 @ 01:59 - Permalink

It would be fantastic if it came out on PS2! I hope it does, it looks like it would be a good game on PS2.

Wheelman101's photo
Wheelman101 21st January, 2007 @ 03:38 - Permalink


Charger's photo
Charger 21st January, 2007 @ 04:11 - Permalink

Hopefully this time they add some nice Features. I have a feeling they will give us a hint of GTAIV

Jared's photo
Jared 21st January, 2007 @ 04:17 - Permalink

Well, if it's listed on there site chances are it is true and is going to happen. The Australian Game Ratings website doesn't have it, but that isn't anything new :P.

EDIT: Although the ones it does have says Playstation 2, there is no PSP one there:;record=216048.

Rashon.'s photo
Rashon. 21st January, 2007 @ 04:18 - Permalink
Hopefully this time they add some nice Features. I have a feeling they will give us a hint of GTAIV

Well, then what will they add? The most they'll modify is those mysterious 10 drawings all over Vice City in VCS like the "Hello Again" and "You Aren't Supposed To Be Here (I'm not sure if it said that in the PS2 version of LCS)" in LCS. Other than that, it should be the same game.

Dazza's photo
Dazza 21st January, 2007 @ 06:08 - Permalink
Well, if it's listed on there site chances are it is true and is going to happen. The Australian Game Ratings website doesn't have it, but that isn't anything new :P.

EDIT: Although the ones it does have says Playstation 2, there is no PSP one there:;record=216048.

THis is what it says on OFLC:


Classification MA 15+ (Not suitable for people under 15. Under 15s must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian)

Consumer Advice Strong violence, Strong coarse language, Strong drug use, Sexual references

Category Computer Games


Duration variable

Date of Classification 4 September 2006



Production Company NOT SHOWN

Country of Origin UK


File Number T06/3962

Classification Number 5352243A

This must be a mistake or its really coming to ps2, personally i dont care coz all i got is a PSP and that was for LCS when it came out. But for my friends sake i hope it does come out on PS2 for him.

Jared's photo
Jared 21st January, 2007 @ 06:53 - Permalink

Dazza - Yeah, thats what I mean. They made a mistake, it's been classified as Playstation 2 by them since the game was rated by them.

Scott.'s photo
Scott. 21st January, 2007 @ 10:38 - Permalink

I hope it does. I really enjoyed the last Vice City on PS2 but it broke. VCS seems like a great game but I haven't played it yet. I loved the 80's theme in Vice City.


Ghost's photo
Ghost 21st January, 2007 @ 10:51 - Permalink

I hope it does come to ps2, but only if all the annoying glitches are taken out...

TM™'s photo
TM™ 21st January, 2007 @ 10:59 - Permalink

I just hope that as well as it comes out for PS2, it should come out for PC.

But it might be a bit more different.

Jared's photo
Jared 21st January, 2007 @ 11:38 - Permalink
I hope it does come to ps2, but only if all the annoying glitches are taken out...

I think there only choice is to fix all the bugs and glitches, PS2 players won't stand for as many glitches as PSP players did. It was a step up in portable gaming, but on PS2 it's below the average line.

I just hope that as well as it comes out for PS2, it should come out for PC.

But it might be a bit more different.

Did LCS come out on PC? Nope. So VCS won't either, I bet my money on that.

Dazza's photo
Dazza 21st January, 2007 @ 11:44 - Permalink
Dazza - Yeah, thats what I mean. They made a mistake, it's been classified as Playstation 2 by them since the game was rated by them.

Well i hope it was rated by them, coz we dont have any other people to rate our games. :innocent: But yeah......if i got a PS2 i would buy VCS for it.

Jared's photo
Jared 21st January, 2007 @ 11:59 - Permalink
Dazza - Yeah, thats what I mean. They made a mistake, it's been classified as Playstation 2 by them since the game was rated by them.

Well i hope it was rated by them, coz we dont have any other people to rate our games. :innocent:

Which is a problem considering they are terrible at rating games. No R rating, and if a game has the smallest touch of gore or sexual references it's gone. Except for some, I was reading today about a game (God Of War I think it was called) that was accepted with an MA+15 rating and has the same or very identical interactive sex scenes San Andreas had, but not hidden in the game. There actually a big part of the games progress. Not to mention the amount of nudity the game has also. And it wasn't banned, nor is anyone around the world hitting the roof about it. Now that people, is bloody radiculas.

Dazza's photo
Dazza 21st January, 2007 @ 12:11 - Permalink
Dazza - Yeah, thats what I mean. They made a mistake, it's been classified as Playstation 2 by them since the game was rated by them.

Well i hope it was rated by them, coz we dont have any other people to rate our games. :innocent:

Which is a problem considering they are terrible at rating games. No R rating, and if a game has the smallest touch of gore or sexual references it's gone. Except for some, I was reading today about a game (God Of War I think it was called) that was accepted with an MA+15 rating and has the same or very identical interactive sex scenes San Andreas had, but not hidden in the game. There actually a big part of the games progress. Not to mention the amount of nudity the game has also. And it wasn't banned, nor is anyone around the world hitting the roof about it. Now that people, is bloody radiculas.

Really??? I need to get that game :innocent: but yeah thats not right, probully coz San Andreas is a GTA game, and GTA is like really big.

But Jared we need to stay on-topic so if you want to talk bout this more make a topic.

Scarface 23's photo
Scarface 23 21st January, 2007 @ 12:59 - Permalink

Most prob will do, LCS did. So this should IMO.

Stojko's photo
Stojko 21st January, 2007 @ 13:03 - Permalink

Would be great for people without a PSP, but it doesn't really concern me because I have a PSP and would probably rather play it on that. :)

Scarface 23's photo
Scarface 23 21st January, 2007 @ 13:34 - Permalink

I had a PSP, but i traded it in not long after LCS was released.

Salvatore's photo
Salvatore 21st January, 2007 @ 20:49 - Permalink

Its :coolthumbup: that GTA VCS is coming to PS2!!!

Stojko's photo
Stojko 21st January, 2007 @ 21:43 - Permalink
I had a PSP, but i traded it in not long after LCS was released.
Can I ask why? :P
Red_91's photo
Red_91 21st January, 2007 @ 21:53 - Permalink

Oh man I have acted like an idiot I bought a PSP just for VCS now it is coming to PS2 :bashhead:

Jared's photo
Jared 21st January, 2007 @ 23:54 - Permalink
Oh man I have acted like an idiot I bought a PSP just for VCS now it is coming to PS2 :bashhead:

I did the same thing with LCS. It's annoying yes, but the graphics are better on PSP. So that stands for something I guess.

Wheelman101's photo
Wheelman101 21st January, 2007 @ 23:59 - Permalink

and i quote my self

SonOfLiberty's photo
SonOfLiberty 22nd January, 2007 @ 00:51 - Permalink

Well that's some good news, but I probably wont get it, as I already have it on PSP.:)

For some reason I enjoyed LCS more on PS2, then PSP?

rav0001's photo
rav0001 22nd January, 2007 @ 11:53 - Permalink
Oh man I have acted like an idiot I bought a PSP just for VCS now it is coming to PS2 :bashhead:

I did the same thing with LCS. It's annoying yes, but the graphics are better on PSP. So that stands for something I guess.

lol about February(2006) i was thinking about getting a psp for lcs(then i dident but,i was thinking of getting it on ps2 insted,but i dident) ... but then a couple of weeks later(or months) i heard/read that VCS was going to come out for the psp.. then i defently got a psp..., DAM now both will be on PS2.. >.<

Red_91's photo
Red_91 22nd January, 2007 @ 18:32 - Permalink

This should tell us advance because we are basically wasting our money on the PSP that we are only going to play 1 game on .

Jared's photo
Jared 23rd January, 2007 @ 05:43 - Permalink

Might be best to lock this now Chris, all discussion can be forwarded to the new news post.

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