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Everything posted by Cloud'

  1. Here is the report on Fox news.
  2. I really hope that the driving has been improved in GTA: IV. Before when you were driving if you used your Horn cars wouldn't move out of the way and when you were in a Police Car with the sirens on Cars would drive into other cars and crash into walls to get out of the way. Also if there was a road which was blocked by something cars would wait there for a while then go crazy and start crashing into other cars, all they need to do is drive round. I would also like to lock and turn of the Engine and lights in my car.
  3. Im not too bothered about the whole Hooker thing, I never used to pick them up anyways.
  4. It's possible, Rockstar did say they were going to have a new chapter and everything but with the return of LC this dosen't look true. I don't think the new Character would go to well with Donald Love though, Dosen't look like his type.
  5. Well thats just life, I am a person who does not value a kids life more than an adults. I don't see the difference from an adult dieing and a kid dieing. People seem to have built up this thing about kids being better.
  6. Just finished reading it. It was really good, I only came across one spelling mistake. Can't wait for the next Issue.
  7. Yeah, i'll take a look at it too.
  8. Lol, looks like he only joined to post those screens. I can't believe people posted asking if they were real!, you can tell they wernt as they look nothing like the Trailer.
  9. In a wishlist you just say what you want, here you want that others reply to your thoughts And in the Wishlist Topic people don`t reply to your thoughts?So what`s the difference? Or you were sarcastic...`cuz otherwise it doesn`t make no sense Yes I want petrol in cars but this is a very old idea mentioned often in the Wishlist Topic so... I think it's better this way, makes the Forum look much more active which will make more people want to join. If all of wishes are cramped up in one Topic theres less topics in the GTA: IV section. Also in the Wishlist Topic people talk about everything and not one particular thing. This is about talking about one particular thing. Back on topic - I like that idea Death, would be very handy if you are nowhere near a Petrol station.
  10. Yeah he does. But he will make his fortune in Liberty. Edit - I couldn't emagine him with a suit on...
  11. The next person to add a comment is a Malteser!

  12. Hello, welcome to the Forums! :)

  13. I never heard of the Balkans, Where abouts is that? I also heard a recording of the quote he says in the trailer but by someone with a Russian accent and it doesn't sound the same as in the trailer. Maybe the character in the Trailer was from a different part of Russia where they have a different accent. It is a big place.
  14. A Pokeball, that was my idea! You will probaly's be able to shoot them to disable them.
  15. Lol, the Police would never be off you. By the looks on the Police Cars they look fast. I hope theres a few different types.
  16. Theres a new guess that the Main character may be from the Balkans.
  17. If GTA: IV has a season system like we have been discussing then it most likely will. And hopefully it will lie on the ground then we could get the snow plows out. And everyone knows that NYC looks great in the Snow.
  18. Bogeta, ive heard the place mentioned on the Radio in the past few GTA's.
  19. No i don't get you because you haven't explain it very good. GF's are a waste of time really, the only good thing about them was there rewards like the Police Outfit and Country one.
  20. Lol where deafantly taking this too far!, i really doubt R* would add quees etc. They'll be focusing on better things.
  21. Claude does get a GF when he comes to SA, Catalina.
  22. Lol yeah, good weapon, the Petrol Canister. Be good if you could get lighters and go round setting things on Fire but im getting a bit off-topic now though.
  23. Lol i think where taking it a bit too far now Jace, i don't think that they would be able to fit it all in. Would be good for a mission though, like putting some sugar into it to blow it up.
  24. Yeah thats a good idea for the people who don't want it in the game.
  25. Well R* could supply all planes and helicopters with parachutes and flotation devices for when out at sea.
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