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Posts posted by EvoLuTioN

  1. Seriously, Who reads any of the rules? Well except for newbies who have never posted on a forum who want to show how knowledgeable they are by posting one word post all over the forums, its common sense that you have to respect the mods if you don't want an ass whipping.

    By Hey Fido, Welcome to the forums!

  2. The Gangs here earlier used to be a group of members who used to fight in gang wars which was not really in the games but on the forums. But now the gang wars are getting the boot soon due to various problems in the store and stuff, so now the gangs formed earlier are going to be used as clans in MTA. But the scripting of MTA is not yet done so you'll have to wait till Chris (Admin) announces that it is ready.

    Gangs can be in any city, Check the recruitment topics. If you want to apply for a gang read the recruitment topic, select which gang is best for you and apply through the gang option at the top of your page. And also mention it in the recruitment topic of the related gang.

    Joining a gang is not very useful right now and also you require to gather some respect as a good responsible member on the forums so that the gang leaders will entertain your request.

    And don't spam the forums and say that no one is helping you, You'll just end up being flamed. You've asked a question and Gerred as replied to you in this section, Dont worry some one will eventually get back to you.

    Hope this was useful.

  3. 8ep218dbkb4.gif

    Something like this Red? I could'nt get the revolving logo so I used a normal one, I'll edit it if you can provide me with it (the link you posted does not work).

    I used to use this s/w sometime back but its the first time I'm making a theme for anyone else. Also for some reason my old account is not working anymore.

    If you like the theme then pay Huck i.e if you are going to pay anything or you can wait till he makes one for you. Hey Huck hope you don't mind.

  4. I open my jacket to reveal a wide array of weapons ranging from sawn-off shotguns to huge blades.

    I'm imagining the scene from matrix.

    Overall good story, Just wished that the end should have showed a caring side, like He punched the girl went to bed and weeped and then....

  5. I have a Cross between a mohawk and an afro. Used to have long Wavy hair a month back, Now summer is here and long hair is hard to maintain with all the dust and sweat. Maybe I'll go for a cut today I'm thinking of trying out Kanye west's cut.

    YJ you have remarkable resemblance to Exee E's daughter.

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