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Posts posted by YellowJacket

  1. Females mature earlier than guys do, that is why most guys can't really sit and have a serious convo with a female. While she wants to talk about kids and marriage, the guy would rather be playing video games or watching sports.

    So you solve a generalization about women with one about men?

    Men don't want to talk about marriage and kids until they are ready for such things and with someone they want to have that with. So men might change the subject to "less mature" because they are uncomfortable talking about kids with some girl they just started dating.

    And there are plenty of mature men out there you just have to find them. Just like there are girls who only want to talk about celebrities and fashion well into their 30's, and others who would rather debate politics in their teens.

    You DID notice that I said "most", right? Oh right, you didn't. You assumed that I was saying ALL (you should probably read the post you are responding to BEFORE you respond :) ).

  2. R.I.P. Heath Ledger

    The new Batman movie would have fully launched his career...

    You were too young to die.

    Er....he already had a fully launched career.....his career was launched after Brokeback Mountain.....not to mention that he was already a star back in Australia, starring in a TV series when he was 16....

  3. This Halloween, I am going to be Baroness from GI Joe. I know it's early now but I am starting on my costume because in previous years, I wanted to be certain characters but didn't get enough time to make the costumes so this year, I am going to be prepared well in advance. I don't know how long it will take but I have my eyes on black boots already and then I have to find black leather pants and a black leather shirt, as well as start making the Cobra symbol and the bullets.

    I already wear glasses so that's out of the way and by October, my hair should be fairly long again.

  4. Men and women have very different ways of thinking. What is very important for a woman probably means next to nothing to a man and vice versa. Both genders worry about different things and want to do the same things but at different stages of life (example: females are ready for kids at a younger age but a guy would prefer to wait until he is older to settle down and have a family). I think that is mostly why men and women can have a hard time sitting down and talking. They look at situations and assess them differently.

  5. Most of the girls you people know are boring as hell, IMO.

    I love intelligent conversations about life and all and I can REALLY get into it but I'd rather talk about video games and sports and X-Men and cartoons and cars. I hate sitting down and talking about make up and clothes and LIKE LOL WHICH ACTOR WOULD YOU MARRY LOLOLOLOL and shit like that. The one thing I love to talk about more than what I just mentioned though is psychology. I love talking to people about why they act and think the way they do and everyone shits bricks when I talk about it because they agree 100%.

    Females mature earlier than guys do, that is why most guys can't really sit and have a serious convo with a female. While she wants to talk about kids and marriage, the guy would rather be playing video games or watching sports.

  6. Welcome sibraa5!

    Welcome to the GTAPlace Toast Boy. I like the name.

    Scottish member eh? Nice!

    Good luck on the 100%!

    Yeah, I'm Scottish, and there doesn't seem to be many other Scots here for some reason.

    Anyway, thanks to everyone for their welcomes. :D

    Sean Connery is the greatest Scot alive!


  7. You Will Be a Cool Parent


    You seem to naturally know a lot about parenting, and you know what kids need.

    You can tell when it's time to let kids off the hook, and when it's time to lay down the law.

    While your parenting is modern and hip, it's not over the top.

    You know that there's nothing cool about a parent who acts like a teenager... or a drill sergeant!

    Obviously :)

  8. Not a fan of either but at least Hitler had an IQ. Bin Laden is just a bitch who has to resort to hiding in a cave while his retarded followers go out and do his dirty work for him.

  9. You can't end animal abuse, sadly. This world is too far up on thinking that animals mean nothing.

    It's a sad case because animals are way better than people. Animals don't discriminate like people do. They don't do anything to harm each other or anyone else, unless necessary. They do what they need to in order to survive, unlike people who go around killing people and such for no reason at all.

    It's so easy to just put an animal to sleep just because they attacked someone but when a person kills another person, you'll see them back out on the streets in a matter of time. You get child molesters as neighbours..... People get out of jail for "good behaviour" but hell, if I knew good behaviour would score me a ticket out of jail, I'd do it too.

    Eating them, well, it can't really be helped. We need nutrition from their meat to live.

    Animals were here on this earth before humans were and we should be respecting them but people are too selfish to do so.

  10. Having sex when you're basically still a kid is so stupid. If two people love each other, they'll wait until they are older and mature enough to do it. Condoms and birth control don't always work like they should and I'd hate to see more kids become friggin parents. You can't handle having a kid at that age and can't support it.

    I wish people would respect each other and just sit down and think before they do stupid things. You don't have to have sex to prove you love each other so there is no rush.

    Exactly, just having sex at a young age is proving that you don't actually love you partner, if you actually loved your partner, you would wait, as you wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them while they're still young.

    LOL, that's not what I meant :/

    Having sex when you're young doesn't mean you love each other any less. It's what happens when sex "goes wrong" that these young people need to think about. Sex is better for older people because you'll most likely have a job, a two income family at that, and you will be able to take care of your kid properly.

    The idea of having a kid is wonderful but these kids don't think about the work involved. Do you think you can sit there all day and play video games when you have a kid or hang out with your friends whenever you want to? You'll have a life to look after, one that depends on you to do everything for it and I'm sure your mom and dad wouldn't want to sit around taking care of your kid all day.

  11. Having sex when you're basically still a kid is so stupid. If two people love each other, they'll wait until they are older and mature enough to do it. Condoms and birth control don't always work like they should and I'd hate to see more kids become friggin parents. You can't handle having a kid at that age and can't support it.

    I wish people would respect each other and just sit down and think before they do stupid things. You don't have to have sex to prove you love each other so there is no rush.

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