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Posts posted by YellowJacket

  1. Having third period lunch, again. Add that with a broken computer so lunches have to be taken manually and the assload of freshman enrolled this year, and I'm damned pissed.

    I had third period lunch and then a spare when I was in HS.

    I usually went home and never came back :P

  2. Wee! Let's get drunk! :drunks:
    Great job Gerard!!

    It's cool to go to school with people you know. It's better than being the lone new face.

    Not really, from my experience people who are lone get to know more people than those who already have friends there since those who already know people stick to them while the newbies have to search for friends.

    When I was in college, pretty much everyone in my classes just hung out with the people they knew. One of my friends from high school was there the same time as I was but we went for different courses so I only saw her on the way to school and on any breaks we had at the same time.

  3. It's basically part of a male's genetics. Visuals stimulate the male's brain. It's almost like they need to see these things because it's natural. If they don't, the brain kinda longs for it.

    A lot of men stop doing it, or at least cut down, as they get older. They get bored of looking at other women when they get settled into a relationship. My husband used to look all the time but he hasn't in ages. It gets less important when you have the real thing.

  4. Females are more about guys who can take care of them, love them, make them feel good, have good personalities and are basically good husband/father material. We're more on the emotional side of things.

    Males are more about looking at females. That's why pretty much any guy you meet looks at women on the internet or magazines, even if they have a GF/wife. It doesn't mean they love their GF/wife any less, it's just a thing guys do. Looking at girls on the net means no strings attached. He can get his visual without having to cheat. I'd rather have my man look at a woman on the net he has no chance with than have him out on the prowl for people he can easily get with if he wanted to

  5. The question most people ask is "how do I get a guy/girl to like me?" and the simple answer is; you can't.

    You can't force a person to have feelings for you. People can't control who they fall in love with and you can be the nicest person ever to them, buy them wonderful things, whatever it is you want to do, but they can't be forced to like you. It can be hard on people who really like someone but there is someone for everyone. If that person doesn't love you back, you weren't meant to be. Don't give up, there is someone out there for you. I used to thinkteh same way but patience paid off big time.

  6. Some of you guys probably don't know the Bond books but of all the actors, Craig is the Bond that actually is the best portrayal of the book Bond. The book Bond was rugged and serious. The actor Bonds, besides Craig, had more of a sarcastic, easy-going, witty side. Craig's Bond had it too but he was more rough.

    He was excellent as Bond and I don't get why people don't like him. He almost exactly how Bond is in the books, minus the haircolour, but people get stupid about him being blond. So what? It's not the haircolour that makes the character better. It's the guy who's acting.

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