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Posts posted by YellowJacket

  1. HAHAHA nice show goin on here now this guy iz goin to tell me dat in my pic which i took with my camera im not there lolz common man in 1st pic i am shaved in 2nd i aint thats all da differance

    n whos that Wilmer valderrama. common man wats goin on btw am from Pakistan Name is Ali. (Baron iz my nick)

    Something smells fishy about you.

    Post a picture of yourself with your name written on paper.

  2. Yep, it's black now. Red is awesome but it fades too fast and I haven't seen my natural hair colour for over 10 years so I am trying to grow it back. With black hair, I don't have to keep dying it because it wont turn copper like red.

    Sometimes though, like in the sun, I can see some red too.

  3. No offence but this is stupid and is more of an attention thread. Just pick a name and if you get bored of it, you can change it once a month anyways. You don't need a bunch of threads with polls and suggestions for names.

    You also don't tell us what those names mean.

    You don't know what a Highwire or Afterdark is? A highwire is a High Wire and Afterdark means After Dark (Night Time).

    @YellowJacket: I couldn't choose which one so I want other ppl to choose.

    Actually, my point is, it's YOUR username and you shouldn't have to ask people for an opinion because you obviously like both names, therefore, you can just change it after 30 days.

  4. No offence but this is stupid and is more of an attention thread. Just pick a name and if you get bored of it, you can change it once a month anyways. You don't need a bunch of threads with polls and suggestions for names.

  5. YellowJacket - Fair enough. I don't think it was anyone's intent to be offensive, China just happens to be the location where

    these products are coming from.

    I don't have a problem with people saying it's from China because it is. It's saying "the Chinese". The entire population does not consist of only Chinese people. There are many other nationalities there, just like in Northa America. It's almost as if they are putting emphasis on the Chinese, as if no other nationality could be at fault.

  6. I love how we go about and say THE CHINESE as if every single chinese person wants to poion us. My husband is half chinese from his mom's side and I'm pretty sure neither of them have tried to poison me.

    People here are constantly enforcing that it's the chinese every two seconds. You can just say "these Chinese companies" once and we'll get it. You don't have to repeat "the chinese" every chance you get.

  7. Yes Why isn't anyone joining :down:

    Maybe it's because not many of us are Punjab. Your group is bsically calling out the Punjab community. I personally think you should have chosen a more universal name like the other groups to attract more people.

  8. Young people can be so immature.

    If he keeps being a douchebag and throwing it in your face, tell him "that's nice but me, I'm waiting until I find the right girl that I know is the one I really want to lose it too. Enjoy your one night stands and future AIDS virus" and walk away.

    The "I am in high school and it's SO hard to keep my virginity!!!" thing is SO stupid. NO is such an easy word to say and peer pressure as an excuse fails. You don't need to do anything to fit in. If you don't get with a group of people, who gives a shit? Find another group of people to hang out with and who gives a damn what they think of you.

    Back when I was in high school, my friend had a few "partners" (I'm sorry but going out with guys for a matter of days does not classify them as boyfriends) hit on me and want to do it and I looked them in the eye and said "get your fucking hand off my leg before I break it into pieces" and they got the message. I didn't lose mine until I was 20 to the guy I have been with for the past 5 years.

    Good things come to those who wait. Screwing someone after a month, UGH. I didn't do it until a year later. Is it hard? No, it isn't. I am one who does not like to make mistakes in life. I wanted to be sure he was the one because you only lose it once and you don't want to lose it to some asshole. I waited and now it's 5 years and we're still together. It happens, people just don't have patience and that makes them idiots.

    By the way, you can't love someone "so freakin' much" that you've only been with for a month. You just think you do because it's a new relationship. Come back in 6 months to year and, if you are still with her, you'e love will be nothing like it was in the beginning.

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