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Posts posted by Kayo

  1. It's been worse, I can assure you, I think that's about right actually, it's a nice community and I am pretty contempt with the size. I wouldn't want it any smaller, but at the same time, forums can become crowded and sometimes ruined because of that.

    Yes , I visited GTAP a long time ago before I was a member and I saw major inactivity and I got discouraged to join. Now I can say its quite good. Its not such a big forum , and I like that.

  2. But the Dons have a million, so that might count as a bank, am I right?

    Something like that. Only gangs won't use a special account for they're money. It will be kept by one of they're trusted members. But yeah.. the no stealing thing remains the same (I think)

  3. Erm yeah, all of these new gangs that are sprouting are ruining the gang scene here at TGP. "How?" You may be asking yourself, I'll tell you:

    1.) There are too many gangs, leaving it impossible for there to be a fair amount of members in each gang.

    2.) Most of you didn't even put much thought into the gang. I can tell because so many gangs just sprouted right after the war was done.

    3.) The surplus of gangs will make it difficult to get a hold of weapons for wars, (unless of course Chris stocks the shop up well enough).

    4.) Most of the creators of these gangs don't even know how to follow their previous leaders. How I ask you will they know how to LEAD people? Like I said once before, you first have to learn to be a follower before you can go on to be a leader. You have to walk a mile in the shoes of a servant so that you may be a good master.

    Well my point here folks is that this will only lead to confusion and just a bunch of closed topics that will take up space. That's my two cents. <_<

    This man is right...

    Sure , more gangs can be a good thing becouse there will be more competition. But if every member just leaves his old gang and makes his own faction the forum will bbe filled with tons of gangs , each of them only with 1-2 members. And that sucks.

    Also , if you want to make a gang.. do it properly. Don't make up the story and roster in 10 mins after the war is over. Take your time , don't post your rec topic when your story isn't finished etc..

    I see potential in the ARR , Xero-1 and in the Lowriders gang becouse I saw Geno Jason and sky in action before. QUite frankly the other new gangs don't look so brilliant in my eyes. Mortal Combat.. I mean... come on.

  4. Well guys Firefox is screwing with me again so I can't see your sigs. I'll log in MSN Explorer. Who made them ? Jason ? :)

    edit - I can see them in MSN Explorer , looking good. But the Remy - gang leader text is a bit hard to read.

  5. well in this case can you ask genocide to maake me right hand man

    He can't tell geno to do that. Its completly geno's decision now that he's in charge. Basicly if you want to have a admin position you got to earn it..

    Good luck with this geno , I know you'll make a good leader ^_^

  6. Remember, if we attack eachother BEFORE finishing off KFM, it will just make it that much easier for them to beat us. THIS GOES TO EVERYONE IN BOTH THE DS AND THE CFM.

    We would have to be very stupid to kill ourselves before finishing off KFM

    Also , I would like to tell everyone to aim for the units first , not the buildings. the buildings are not a threat to us , the units are. So its our first priority

    Except for the TINY little problem that the members can't be attacked until the buildings are gone. Or else the war would be easy.

    Lol nevermind what I said then. lol

    Its just that I came online when all building were already destroyed so.. yeah

  7. Remember, if we attack eachother BEFORE finishing off KFM, it will just make it that much easier for them to beat us. THIS GOES TO EVERYONE IN BOTH THE DS AND THE CFM.

    We would have to be very stupid to kill ourselves before finishing off KFM

    Also , I would like to tell everyone to aim for the units first , not the buildings. the buildings are not a threat to us , the units are. So its our first priority

  8. Can anyone tell me what that is in eastern us? Im too lazy to look

    I think USa is GMT - 8 hours.. You do the math.

    What? 5:30 minus 8:00 hours is 9:30 a.m. It is currently 11:51 a.m. :huh:

    Depends where in the USA you live. If your in the east part the time difference decreases. Siht... All I know for sure is that I'm at GMT + 2 hours so for me the war will be at 7.30

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