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Posts posted by Deji

  1. Or you could play one of the many millions of Skate games that already exist? I myself was anticipating "Tekken Theft Auto" or something. But it's never gonna be done.

    Plus... Skate Theft Auto don't make no damn sense, lol. There's a reason it's called Grand Theft Auto... You can't just go replacing words just because it sounds cool :P

    GTA is about Gangsters, not urban street kids (thank god). And so far it's managed to stick to that theme. So I doubt it will turn down a road of cheesy spin-offs.

  2. DAMN I wanna help with the script. Me "script writing" es buenas. Just felt like a little bad spanglish there... Anyway... I'd be more enthusiastic about this but apparently there's not even a city yet... So, umm... Well... Not really much to get excited about? Unless you could of course assume that Mr Houser is lying. Lol. I wouldn't be suprised if half the story was already thought up and in a few months a surprise release will occur :P

  3. If anyone gets a Wii they MUST get WiiFit Plus. Freakin amazing. Ah, back in my day all they had were PS1's, Megadrives and Dreamcasts. I'm sure others such as my mum can tell a much older "back in my day" story involving those tapes but not all of us have the honor of living in such simpler times, lol. Anyway, it's great and I feel like I've had more exercise in the past week than in my last 3 years... I'd also say WiiPlay is a good game but apparently not many others like it (a lot of people have bad game judgment)...

  4. Apparently it's received very little publicity. I never really cared much for the Guitar Hero thing. And DJ Hero seems pointless to me (I have REAL DJ Decks). I'm sure if I could be bothered, I'd find em pretty fun. The DJ Hero advert looks really rubbish, anyway. The bad mix really makes me wonder what the selling point to the game actually is.

    Anyway, if anyone actually buys this game I'd like to hear if it actually does have some good mixing on. ;)

  5. Mmm... In my experience, I'd guess the "bullies" didn't see it from that perspective. I used to get "picked on" (Though I didn't even care. It was like they'd just say stuff at me and I'd laugh back...) but eventually I just decided that since they are indeed just people, I could manage to get on the other side of them. And I did. I simply stopped caring that much about stuff that didn't matter. I laughed along with it and they kinda became friends. And I guess what they're doing is actually pretty natural. Animals have the same hierarchy thing going and only by wanting to be on top, can you be. Not saying it's right, but hey... Being bullied is hard, bullying is easy. So it's obvious that people would rather do one than the other. Although I guess bullies come worse than what I've seen... I've never seen a bully beat up someone (aside from people who helped start the fight) or steal money. It's just the general name-calling. And watching as one who neither bullies or gets bullied anymore, I feel that although the bullies are wrong... There are things that bullied kids could do to stop it. Unfortunately, no one wants my help, lol. In fact, these bullied kids don't like talking to me even though I've never done anything to em in my life. I think they just don't like my non-seriousness. I'ma jokey person.

  6. Wasn't interested till the lights go out... Can't shut my mo... Wait, what I was saying turned into the trailer music. Twas the song that really got my attention (love it!). Anyway, the trailer looks fun and I just wish I had a PS3 and a big TV like my friend had (HUGE TV + Modern Warfare + PS3 x ONLINE = FUN!). And I really don't give a damn about any of the other Call of Duty's... Since they're all set in the past n stuff. Me like Modern... Anyway, just thought I'd type in between my WiiFit fun, lol.

  7. Wow... What's his Facebook account called? Damn I wanna add him. Guess it won't matter from his jail sentence :P

    Meh, he needs to know more about computers, really... Even if he'd logged out, the history would probably indicate his username. Plus cookies may remain and if really necessary, most authorities have access to everyones Facebook anyway so they could have easily traced him from that.

    I don't like the "1-10 years", though. It should be less... I mean, if he's THAT stupid he's not really as much of a threat than other criminals, lol. That would be a kick in the teeth "You're being let go because you're too stupid to do anything serious, anyway".

  8. Really wish I could test this (I've been working on a police-themed main.scm conversion for a while) but my computer won't run GTA without stalling. It'd be interesting to see how it works. I've wanted to get some knowledge on C++ enough to make .asi mods for San Andreas but I can't really get past the simple stage of making a command prompt screen with input, math and output... Lol. Anyway, if I ever get my PC fixed I'll check it out ;)

  9. Okay, allow me to give a little short-term offer. At the moment I need something to tame my workaholism... My video card drivers mess up my pc, so I can't mod at the moment. And I've still a little more time until I can set up a Paypal account so that I can start working on the websites I've got planned.

    Anyway, I was wondering if someone here had a website they wanted designing or coding for them. At the time being, I'm limited to CSS, XHTML/HTML4.0, basic PHP and some Javascript, although... For this same reason (and since I'm not yet classed as "Professional"), I will be doing any work for free. I've also got knowledge in SEO and a bit of web security.

    So yeah... Any one who wants something designed to look good or function well, no matter how serious they are about having a website, feel free to ask for as long as the text "Open" is displayed in green. But note that I will not be running websites for you, only getting you going.


  10. Kinda, but I think it was an hour-long thing... So I don't know if it'll be on Youtube or anything.

    But basically, he didn't show you how he predicted... But how you could predict it (as promised)... And there are 3 ways.

    I think these were them:

    1. Guess.
    2. Come up with some algorithm.
    3. Fix the machine.

    He went through all of them, including how he would fix the machine... "Not that I did that".

  11. Followup: That was the best show I've ever watched! :D Really made me think about a whole load of things. I can't wait to try and win the lottery myself (via method 3, lol). Seriously, I loved his little thing at the end. And it all kinda ties in. He said he was going to make secure systems look useless or w/e...

    Anticipating this "Controlling the nation" thing... Although if it works we may all become slaves to the TV. Unable to move forever unless he decides we can go... Like an episode of Doctor Who or somethin...

    Anyway, nice work Derren. I wanna try out this coin thing now... I think I've listed them all right...

    HHH < THH
    HHT < THT
    HTT < HHT
    TTT < HTT
    TTH < HTH
    THH < TTH

    (Left is the original "bet" and right is the version more likely to appear.)

    Somehow it makes sense to me... I notice how it rules out the chance of 3-in-a-row being the bet. But why can't you just not use TTT or HHH? Maybe there's something else in there that will make the second one more likely than the first one (although it's probably down to look from there on after).

    Yawn... Sleep :)

  12. Why was there no audience? So nobody saw the balls being changed (or whichever method they used).

    There was a second camera, which was not used during the whole thing... I'm guessing it's footage has the answers. Aparently the "no crowd" is due to legal reasons and I can kinda understand that the BBC may be dodgy about him showing the answers before them (for the simple reason that they're the BBC).

    I'm certain that he has not actually "predicted" the results. But still, I'm expecting something more than just a split screen... I can do that, ffs... I'm sure he has more self-respect than to have someone change the balls while the lottery was going on.

  13. People say the balls were changed during filming and that because there's an aparent "7 second delay" then the balls were changed... But I highly doubt that he is going to come on next episode and say:

    "It was all I big camera trick... It has nothing to do with anything intelligent, distraction or mind tricks so I lied in the adverts AND on the show. Goodbye!"

    However he reveals he did it, it's going to be complex... Probably too complex for us to copy... If he was going to give us a foolproof way to win the lottery, the BBC would go mad... As it is, they already banned him from entering the lottery before "The Event" (lol!).

    Also, the BBC have been fighting off endless questions due to this... Basically just to reassure people that the lottery is NOT rigged, lol.

    People say that like his show, "The System" he has simply recorded lot's of footage of different outcomes of the lottery result... Which I don't believe. Imagine that! Millions of possible results = millions of different footage... He'd have to be a billionaire to afford to have a studio record all that, lol... Plus it'd take a few years, not one.

    People also say that the balls are lasered on with the numbers... Again, that'd be dissapointing, so I don't think that he's done that. People are also saying that there was a spit screen between the balls and the TV/Derren... Which is not possible considering the shakiness of the camera. People also say he discovered a "fault" in the Lottery Machine.. Yeah right.

    He admits he's not psychic and he's NOT a magician (He's also turned down a place in the magic circle, lol!). I expect there's some trickery involved, but that's the point! Can't wait to see how he went about doing it. According to someone (who is in the magic circle, I believe) there are 99 ways to predict the lottery... Hows he not rich? I think he just wants us to believe he's better than Derren or something. Where's his show predicting the lottery, eh?

    Lol.. Shot on the 9th of the 9th, 2009? 999/666... He's the devil :P

  14. For those of you who didn't see it:

    Anyway, this was pretty fun to watch... It's obvious that there's some "Trick" behind this (although I take objection to most of the 'theories' that have been made so far) but it's still well done, no matter what the trick is... Can't wait to see him reveal the 'secret'.

  15. I find that Internet Explorer is a good browser... On it's own. Without competition. But compared to Firefox it's crap. If Firefox never existed then people would still like Internet Explorer. I never heard any complaints before Firefox came out...

    But to be honest, I much pefer IE7 than IE8, which is just turning Internet Explorer into some sort of button-filled, ram-crushing, multi-proccessing, crap browser. As opposed to the nice and light (but crap) browser it was before :) I used to use it for browsing sites I trusted because it worked MUCH faster on my machine than Firefox. But I found out how to tweak Firefox now so besides from a few remaining annoyances and things I miss about IE, I'll be loving Firefox.

    Anyway, I used to get this error (with many browsers) from downloading dodgy software from badly designed freesites :P All I had to do was remove the software manually and remove all registry entries :)

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