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Posts posted by Deji

  1. Not tried Windows 7, but XP is the one that I favour :) It's just so simple and the themes are suttle. Vista looks crap :P

    Don't like Ubuntu/Linux (can't even figure out how to install the damn thing, but I've used it when it was on someone elses PC) and I would get Mac, but nothing works on it xP

    I've got 3 copies of XP on my PC (All professioal) and one is broken (slow as hell), one I use for my website and a few other things and the other I use for just about anything else...

  2. I NEVER replace any handling.dat lines or weapon.dat lines when changing the vehicles. I like how they act already.

    The reason for the handling change is probably to do with the .dff of the vehicle. Since it's a different shape, it will move differently. I'd suggest changing the values yourself (if you feel you can). You could read the handling.dat file that the readme gives you and edit the ones that matter. As for me, I like to keep the vehicle speed in most occasions. Otherwise I may find myself banned from SAMP :P

  3. Furnm Mod

    Made a few updates and wanted to re-release it instead of bumping mega-old topics :)

    Download here (with information and screens)

    The Furnm mod gives you the abillity to buy and place stuff in your house. The items are bought from 24-7 (accessible via safehouse) and then you can browse, buy and place your items. These are deletable and these will save when you save the game. Please note that I also reccommend saving to a different slot ;)

    may i have a short video? i dont want to waste a download y'know!

    Pretty pointless. There are screens on the download page and I can't make a Youtube video as my fuckin internet is too slow... Especially on upload.

    If wasting a megabyte of downloads (which probably only matters to me since I have PAYG internet) and installing an easily uninstallable mod is too much, then I don't think I have any more options for yeh.

  4. Well, as a virus it sums up what Sherman said. It's a keylogger that logs your keystrokes to spawn vehicles, etc etc. Also, if you don't want Avira to do these annoying beeps, go to Settings and disable em. :P

    I can't Disable and i deleted my antivirus lol.

    Hmm... Not the safest of options. Unless you aren't planning on connecting to the internet... Ever... :P

    I'd download AVG Free. With that you can stop it from scanning certain files, folders extensions etc. And you can turn the whole thing off and on as you please :)

  5. Argghhh!

    I need the name of the classical music song thingy that I want for my pretty funny San Andreas vid.

    And I have no idea how to explain in text what is going through my head.

    Everyone knows it though... I don't know whether people know the name of it, but hopefully someone does xO

    Here goes...

    Dum, dum, dum, dee, deeeee!

    Dum dum... Dum Dum...

    Dum, dum, dum, dee, deeee!

    Dum dum... Dum Dum...

    Dum, dum, dum, dee, deee...

    Dee, dee, deeeee!

    Dum, dum, dum, dum...


    Dum, dum, dum-dum-dum... Dum, dum.

    Umm, besides from that all I know is it's used in ice skating or ballet kinda stuff sometimes and it was playing during Lemmings 2: The Tribes space level xO


    <-- 34 seconds.




    Gimme name nao!! :)

  6. I don't think so...

    Auto aim can be enabled with the mouse. And you simply right click. Mouse Look aint involved.

    Can't be for moving the camera inside the car, because you just move the mouse for that...

    So, umm. Any other ideas? :P Will this mystery ever be solved?

    EDIT: Ahh, figured it out. It's to be used with the "Steer with mouse" option in the PC only version of San Andreas. While having this feature on, you can only look around while pressing "Mouse Look". :D I finally know what it duz!! - It's still absolutely useless though :P

  7. It seems to be some sort of self-installing script. It modifies the config files automaticaly.

    Here is the information in it:

    (Overwrite the line in your vehicles.ide file)

    521,	fcr900,		fcr900,		bike,		FCR900,		FCR900,	bikes,	motorbike,	6,	0,	3f341210,	-1,	0.68,	0.68,		-1

    (Overwrite the line in your handling.cfg file)

    FCR900		1200.0 	1400.0 	4.0 	0.0 	0.05 	-0.09 	103 	2.0 	0.9 	0.48 	5 	15000.0 	80.0 	50.0 	R 	P 	15.0 	0.50 	0 	35.0 	1.2 	0.15 	0.0 	0.15 	-0.16 	0.5 	0.0 	0.0 	0.11 	10000 	1000008 	C 	1 	1 	4

    Don't know how to "use" the gsi file though.

    Also note that this will only change how the bike behaves. This will not install the textures for the bike, meaning your bike will look the same.

    If you find out how to use this, tell me. I could probably work out how to use this method for all sorts of self-installing mods...

    EDIT: And then a few minutes later, I crack it!

    This is a GTA San Andreas Ultimate Editor file. Download that and use it to install the mod.

    It is a very compressed file (which explains the small 90kb file size) which auto-installs when used with SA Ultimate Editor ;)

    Have fun!

  8. Note that I will probably not check this topic often, but I will check it! Just hold on! :)

    View information Topic

    Sorry the topic isn't very well layed out. I wrote it all in notepad originally. But I'll work on neatening it up :)

    I redirect every forum to that topic so I don't have to update the information, screens etc on all the topics, which is hassle! Especially due to each one having different BB Codes and emotes. Note that the topic may be updated quite a bit so check back on it every once in a while :)

    Anyway, post here what you would post there, if you can't to post there (confusing sentence, eh?)...

    Note: I won't be updating this post. Although I may add replies with updates ;)

  9. Well, I've been wondering what this seemingly useless control was for. I reckon it's left over from the PS2 version or something... But I have both the PS2 version and the PC version and can't get what is missing...

    So, what the hell does Mouse Look do on PC? It's under the "Vehicle Controls" part of the reconfiguration. And I've pressed it on billions of occasions and it's done nothing. I started just setting it to any random key on my keyboard :P

    I'd like to know what it is, for modding purposes :)

  10. I'm sick of Liberty... Rockstar seem to be proud of Liberty City or something, because I don't think there is a single GTA game (not counting the oldskool ones :)) without at least a reference to how good Liberty is.

    GTA 1 - Liberty City, Vice City, San Andreas

    GTA 2 - Anywhere

    GTA III - Liberty City

    GTA VC - Vice City, Tommy comes from Liberty City.

    GTA SA - San Andreas, Carl comes from Liberty City.

    GTA IV - Liberty City II

    GTA CW - Liberty City II

    However, I do think we may see the return of Vice City or San Andreas... GTA 1 featured all 3 locations, then they played out, in order, in the 3D GTA games. Maybe Rockstar are gonna stick to these places...

    I guess, if it wasn't for San Andreas... GTA IV would be huge. But since it is compared to San Andreas, it's frowned down upon. San Andreas had nearly everything you could want in a game, especially a GTA game. And the most annoying thing to most people is the change... "If it aint broke, don't fix it" - The new game engine means that we may never again get to experience another game quite like the San Andreas we know and love. This goes for GTA 3 and Vice City too... If Rockstar were gonna create them again, it just wouldn't feel right, at least to me.

    GTA is just going up through the generations. Rockstar are a company, wanting to make money. They see the new engine to be a chance to gain buys of the more modern gamers. GTA would be nothing to most people if it had just kept the old GTA 1 engine forever... So they are gonna keep making new engines to stay "fresh" until the GTA frenchise eventually slows down and they pull out the next frenchise (Agent?). It's the way the industry works...

    And yes, 'Agent' has been announced for the PS3. Rockstar themselves said it would be big and lets face it, GTA can't go on forever :cry: - Although, even if GTA does "die"... People like me will cling onto their copies forever and keep modding it and making Total Conversions that get more downloads then Rockstar gets buys, lol :P

    I'm hoping GTA is big enough for there to still be a large amount of people in the GTA community after the frenchise passes... I myself am getting the Vice City and III on PC so I can mod it ;) - Even if it's old, it should still get played.

  11. This topic makes the game look gay. But hell no, what Dominican gangster would be doing walking around the streets fucking people with dildo's? Seriously Rockstar cut out the rest of the sex toys from San Andreas and just left you with a Dildo. So what I'm saying, no.

    Heh? You saying that simply having a comic weapon in game turns the whole game gay?

    The point I was trying to get through is that despite the title, the game will probably not be gay and if it was, so what? As long as there is no gay hot coffee... I'd be fine with playing it :)

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