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Posts posted by Deji

  1. I have a big problem with the title of this episode...

    ... The title is too damn long to fit on the sidebar of my website. :lolbounce:

    No, I'm not homophobic, unlike some... And I'm guessing that is what you expected while reading the title :P

    It seems obvious some don't like the idea of the character maybe being gay or something... I don't have a problem as long as there are no disturbing cutscenes, lol. And I'm sure this episode will bring us the classic weapon from San Andreas, a dildo... Because that'd just make GTA IV sooo much better xD The abillity to slap someone miles away with a simple flick of the dildo thanks to the ragdoll physics :P

    So, um... To make this topic of more use (just in case people are inclined to complain) what do you think of the title and what do you think it will actually mean? Will it mean a very "gay" game? Will the walking animations be replaced with skipping (I hope so)? And the ultimate question I really want answered... Will there be dildo's? - Ehem, there is nothing wrong with that question!!!

  2. I'm estatic with joy and proud to announce my new found abillity to make a texture mod without fking up really badly!! :lolbounce:

    Ehem, I've never made a successful texture mod before (the whole wrapping thing confuses me) and have always dreamed of being able to mod the txd and dff files... Now, I can!

    And I think I did okay for my first go!


    Linkatous, Downloadatus (Eng(GB): Download Link / Eng(US): Download Link)

    Sorry, I'm in a bit of a hyper mood (It's 04:53 AM).

    Tell me what you think. I'm planning on changing the texture of the Blade to make it more shiny and sharp looking n such...

  3. You could use my Ultimate CLEO Trainer. You will be able to scroll through all the cars in the game without spawning them (you can spawn them if you want, though) and you can even drive them before you spawn them... Although don't press "Page Down" whilst driving or you die :P

    Just press Ctrl+Backspace > Car Settings > Vehicle Spawner.

    If it crashes, it's most likely not the trainer, but one of the car installations is corrupt ;)

  4. You can replace unused peds in the game and spawn them with either the data settings (hard) or CLEO (easy... if you know how). I like to do this with the original mission characters from San Andreas and put them in the background of my Machinima's to confuse people :P

  5. Deji, it's a nice mod but REL is a complete work. Since your current work is BETA it's still Work in Progress... You may want to edit that to WIP.

    Fine, fine... Picky, eh? :P

    I've made a few (really minor) updates to this and the main page... I'm working on the 0.9 but I have decided to spend a little longer on it than I originally planned, this does mean that the next update will be better and more glitch-free though ;)

    I might be able to fix the direction in the player movement keys :)

    EDIT: I would edit the title but for some reason I'm not allowed? :)

    EDIT2: Yay, edited it... :P

  6. I used to think Destiny's Child was pretty good.

    Then she went solo. It was ok. Now she's just pumping out singles after singles and it's all just mainstream pop shit. Beh.

    She should have sticked to her thing instead of trying to cash in from like 80% of all music lovers.

    And she isn't even hot anymore :o

    Probably the reason all her latest videos are in black n white :P

  7. That's going to take some getting used to..

    Looks sexy though. Just that one thing.. the width. Like, even on 1024 x 768, wouldn't it look a little.. well, narrow?

    On the other hand, clicking away that new topics thing (very nice feature btw, and smooth animation, but with a professional look to it.) makes it look just right.

    Perhaps a little darker shade. Just a tiny bit darker..

    Nope. I'm on 1024x768 and it nearly fills the screen... Which is one thing I don't like about this forum, the whole thing is too wide >.<

    Can't wait to see how good it is... I might upgrade my forum :P

  8. You've probably corrupted the CLEO installation somehow. You must reinstall and make sure vorbis.dll is modified and vorbishooked.dll is in the folder, which is required along with cleo.asi to make CLEO work.

    vorbishooked.dll is in the folder,

    theres 2 vorbis.dll out of the CELO folder.

    vobis.dll and vorbisfile.dll

    Now how do you "mod" vorbis.dll?

    Put the CLEO vorbis.dll file in the GTA San Andreas folder. And make sure vorbisfile.dll, cleo.asi and vorbishooked.dll are both in the GTA San Andreas folder too...

    Also, make sure you are using either San Andreas v1.0 or 1.1 (preferably 1.0).

  9. You've probably corrupted the CLEO installation somehow. You must reinstall and make sure vorbis.dll is modified and vorbishooked.dll is in the folder, which is required along with cleo.asi to make CLEO work.

  10. Furnm Mod

    Made a few updates and wanted to re-release it instead of bumping mega-old topics :)

    Download here (with information and screens)

    The Furnm mod gives you the abillity to buy and place stuff in your house. The items are bought from 24-7 (accessible via safehouse) and then you can browse, buy and place your items. These are deletable and these will save when you save the game. Please note that I also reccommend saving to a different slot ;)

  11. Dunno what "Lucky Charms" are, sounds like your sayi... Anyway...

    I like anything flavoured/full of sugar :) Hate stuff like Rice Crispies that are just plain, plainyness. I have to add sugar to them to give it a taste. I guess Sugar Puffs are nice or cornflakes or honey cheerios or wheetos... The list goes on. I can't really decide. Cerial is my favourite meal :P

  12. UPDATE: Okay, the Features are actually on the page now... It didn't update last time :P

    I've managed to add nearly every single feature too :)

    Also, I've just implemented Auto-Aim onto the upcoming version with a new, fresher way to enable and disable it B)

    And btw... Post more so I don't have to double post :P

  13. That's something I forgot to mention about UFO's...

    Common mistakes for UFO's are always usually planes. Those lights that blink in the sky are NOT UFO's. They're meant to be planes at a far distance... Much like in real life when you look up at night and you see the flashing of a plane far away. It's basically meant to give the illusion of far away planes in San Andreas and NOT UFO's!

    I even chased one and after about an hour of chasing the same one I got close enough to even fly through it and it is indeed, just a blinking light. I have to admit though, the thing turns alot and goes at insaine speeds for a plane but I don't think Rockstar were expecting us to judge the game on the speed of a flashing light. lol.

  14. The Shark is fake. It cannot be found in San Andreas anywhere. The data files inside gta3.img are left off from Vice City where there was a Shark. The data files are in San Andreas but the Shark will not spawn without a mod.

    Here's a simple guide (well, it was but I write websites alot so I picked up a habbit of blabbering on with detail) to the myths. Want proof on a specific one? Just ask :P

    Aliens = Fake

    Bigfoot = Fake

    Blue Hell = True, not really a myth though. The lack off ceiling in the gym is either a glitch or an easter egg of sorts.

    Bodybags = True. These are found near your Abandoned Airport next to a "Ghost Truck". These are an easter egg which is part of "The introduction" by Rockstar Games where 2 guys are seen burrying someone in the exact spot.

    Epsilom = Some theories are true (external sites and phone numbers) and some are false. Rockstar have never denied this myth unlike the others. It's said that doing something to do with epsilom unlocks a secret place called Puerto Amarilla Valley.

    Ghosts = Fake

    Ghost Cars = Real. They're not really self-driving. It's just an inconviniently placed vehicle that rolls down a hill. Cars are

    found battered and believed to be ghost cars.

    Ghost Grafiti = Aparently Real, although I've never seen it myself. Aparently there is Grafiti in the cemetary that dissapears sometimes. That's it... Not very ghost like but oh well...

    Ghost Planes = Real, planes fall from the sky and "crash land". This is simply a bug in the game that Rockstar thought was cool, so they kept it in (so they say, I reckon they couldn't fix it :P).

    Ghost Town = Real. Just a part of the map that you can access through game errors. Geeze, so many Ghost myths.

    Horses = Fake. These are referenced in a story about Las Barrancas on the Rockstar Website but there is no evidence of horses actually in game.

    Leatherface = Fake

    Nessie = Fake

    Piggsy = Fake

    Suicidal Photographer = True. It's a ped that is taking photos and then walks off into a watery grave. Proberbly a glitch.

    The Birds = This is just a pattern that is on some textures. Similarities between each one are coincidental. They do not point to anything.

    UFO's = Fake, any UFO pictures are either mods or the spinning thing outside lil probe in.

    The UFO Map

    This is real. There's know way of saying that it is definately a UFO map besides from the fact it is in Lil Probe Inn which is filled with UFO pictures and has a spinning UFO outside of it. This map has been accurately pinpointed and their locations have been visited... But nothing was found. There is no evidence whatsoever to say that this map means something and I don't think Rockstar intended it to. Unless they were using it as a teaser, course.

    The Rusty Wheelchair

    This thing drove everyone mad with excitement. It's found at the end of a pier. This thing was believed to reference the Texas Chainsaw Massacre although it is aparently the exact wheelchair found in the Rockstar Game, Manhunt. In Palomino Creek you can hear people talking to each other about the wheelchair:

    "Have you seen this disabled person chair moving?"

    "No, have you?"

    "Neither have I, bye-bye!"

    There are numbers and a "Skip Hire" mesage on the wheels. Although people believe the numbers to be a time that gives a clue of an event in San Andreas, I reckon it is just the texture from the Skip models in San Andreas, with the number being the phone number that is on the Skip.

    The Trenchcoat Guy

    Not much to this either. This is a guy who walks around the Desert towns and he randomly says stuff refering to aliens. If you harrass him too much he will attack you and shout out random things to do with aliens. Aliens do not exist.

    There are many other, not so popular myths that are all usually fake. Such as earthquakes, volcano's, murderers.. Actually that last one might be true considering it's GTA n all.. -_-

    The Chainsaw Sound

    People say they hear the sound of a chainsaw in the woods sometimes (supposed evidence towards Leatherface). Of the stories I've read, though... I personally believe that it is the sound of a Sanchez. Most of their stories say "I got off my dirtbike and heard this chainsaw noise". Hmm... Chainsaw noise = dirtbike? Or maybe the sound of a automatic gun in the distance?

    The Secret Markers

    The not so secret markers are enex markers often found in the sky. Why? Because interiors are in the sky in San Andreas so that they don't use up map space. They can't be below San Andreas as when you go far enough down you are teleported. Hence R* put em in the sky and the markers to get back to the real world are often found there. Also, markers that somehow up there that lead to interiors usually lead to places you can access in game. As well as cutscene locations and unused interiors. The ones that don't do anything are test markers.

    Proof behind these decisions?

    • Out of the thousands of players to search for myths, none have found the ones that are said to be fake.
    • The ones that are fake can be proven since modders can unlock just about every single aspect of the game to see and nothing has been found.
    • The ones that are true, people have actually seen, can do and took real pictures of.
    • The screenshots containing myths are mostly photo edited.
    • The classical "I was flying in my car around Area69 and then I saw a UFO." will simply be either a lie or they have just seen a helicopter or plane. They come after you if you go to Area69, yet cannot get close to you because of the speed of a flying car.
    • Did I mention all the photo-edited pictures?
    • Rockstar have confirmed some of these myths to be false.

    My favourite Myth is Epsilom. There are so many clues of stuff to do with it including Rockstars Epsilom website and the San Andreas trailer. The only doubt about it is that no more clues are being found and there is nothing coded in the game to do anything when the character is on a bridge, at a certain time, with a certain car, with certain clothes, after doing a certain thing and having lead a certain "lifestyle"...

    So tbh... All the true myths are boring anyway. I used to love believing in these though. Kinda broke my heart when I found out that they definately don't exist... All those years, y'know?

  15. Nice, but what sorts of hax can it do, like health, armor and all such stuff?

    Yes. The features are on the download page. It can edit stats and game data including the weather, time and you can even view cutscenes. Basically it does nearly everything you could want it to. :)

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