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Posts posted by Deji
i only like oldschool stuff like eazy e nwa tupac and stuff like that. New School is freakin' homo
Explain your statement. Don't think homo is a describing word... :/
Unforunatley, Rockstar made the Hotrings (hotrina, hotrinb, hotrinc in modding terms) un-moddable. The game will crash with ANY car in place of the hotrings.
There are two ways you could do this. The simple one is to edit the main.scm file so that it uses a different car... But this involves starting a whole new game.
You should be able to simply change the name of a cars dff and txd file (such as the cheetah) to the name of the hotring racer and the hotring racer to the cheetah... Meaning that instead of hotring racers you have cheetahs... And instead of cheetahs you have hotring racers. Which can be annoying anyway...
Also, if you wanted the handling changed you'd have to swap the values in the data files too.
Either way is annoying though...
I Cant stand the new mainstream rap. Its all Money, Cars and Hoes. What happened to the ghetto or hanging out with your homies? Oh yeah you guys have no homies cause you were never in the ghetto!
Hey, they're the three things people talk about all the time in real life anyway, right? Especially guys. What's wrong with rapping about it?
Also, a homie is someone you grew up with or that is close to you... Doesn't mean you have to be in the ghetto
You telling me you never talk about your car or other peoples cars and you don't talk about money issues or finding a good girlfriend ever? I find that hard to believe.
Yeah, but then again, who the fuck cares about the ghetto? What makes you so cool for living in the ghetto?It's not about it being cool, it's about the fact it's difficult living there. It's something that people who live in the ghetto can usually get more than people who haven't. It's nothing cool, it's the complete opposite which is why they rap about it. If you listen to most of the lyrics they always say how fucked up it is growing up there. You would care about the Ghetto if you lived there.
Oh, so this isn't another way to say he got an STI?
Really? What does she keep up there? Lol.
Okay... Jokes over
Hip Hop isn't declining in quality or going "dead" it's just going underground. I can still get absolutely great tracks but it takes a little searching around the music stores. You can even get oldskool still being made on Myspace, but it's rare these days when it comes to commercial.
Nice to hear the story is gonna be great, this is like what I'm trying to do with my Vigilante mod
I'm into making storylines and following good ones so this should be interesting
If they say that this is gonna be as big as GTA, it certainly is. They've known how to please us with GTA for years and they have never actually said a single GTA game was going to have a big impact before. So if they did all that without believing how good it was gonna be, I'm sure they can make something 10x better when they say it is gonna be good.
Might have to set up a website for this, eh?
GTA London can be downloaded for free. Click here.
Don't you mean GTA London 1961 can be DL'ed for free? BTW, where can I find GTA London 1969 to buy for the PC?
gta london is sucks
gta iv is
Isn't there a rule against "morons" posting? Or at least the old "If you aint got nothin good to say, say nothin."...?
I wish GTA London 1969 was available free... I don't get why not really since GTA 2 is. I had it on PS1 and it was really fun. I just wanted the abillity to make missions for it
Are you gonna go right up to the end mission where you have to drive away from CJ and Sweet in a firetruck?
That'd be pretty cool and fun to remake.
Hi. PLease help me I do like you said in instruction, but when i go in game and take a New game ( mod installed) its loads and than when loaded just crashes. please help i really like this mod.
Make sure you have CLEO Library installed and you have a 1.0 version of the game
Note to everyone: This mod is back on track and being worked on once again! I'll be releasing some footage soon...
EDIT/UPDATE: I've made the first post alot more brief and added a description of the storyline to make it more exciting
Ok are you actually listening to us? This isn't about which company has more money or what value their products are that. The deal with Microsoft and Rockstar was that the Xbox360 recieved two exclusive DLC packages. THATS IT. We don't need to see the contract because that's what the deal was. Were saying that if Rockstar chose to make any more DLC then it could come out on whatever consoles they want but it's unlikely that they would release more because they would want to get started on their next GTA game.
Exactly what I'm trying to say with the exception that I figure Rockstar might want to spend some time researching and speculating the market and new technology before they jump straight in with another project. I reckon it won't come immediately, just like what's happened with all the rest of the GTA's so far... There's always been at least a few months wait. I could imagine how they'd feel if they figured out something that would make the game great after they'd already finished it half way
So I reckon, whatever the answer is, it's a matter of time to find out.
Anyway, as I posted earlier... Rockstar ARE making exclusives for the PS3. That doesn't neccessarily mean DLC's for GTA IV. I think this rumor occured from that fact and how eager PS3 owners are to have their share of exclusives from Rockstar. Like it matters anyway. Having both consoles is the only way to win. Also, if Agent is as good as Rockstar says it's gonna be and I heard they're saying it'll top GTA as their new frenchise... I don't think we should worry about Rockstar making the next GTA instead of making some PS3 DLC's... Since they already have their hands full if they wanna make this game great. It's pretty exciting to me tbh...
Someone should make a topic on Agent but I'm too tired atm since it's 10:28 AM and I didn't sleep...
I feel Mpilk hit the nail on the head. Any more DLC, which could take months to make, wouldn't be worth it if it gets in the way of development for the next GTA. You know, I haven't played GTA4 in like 4 months now, so it doesn't really bother me. And, the $50 million is a good selling point to remain exclusive for Microsoft. They probably wouldn't get as much cash from Sony.
Seriously? Sony is everywhere. They even sell bateries. You probably have at least 5 things in your house made by sony... The only reason Microsoft makes more is the price they put their products at... Which is not as good in value as sony items. And why does everyone think that this would mean they'd stop making exclusives for the Xbox aswell? Can't they have 2 different exclusives that go to different companies? As I said, it all depends on the contract. If Microsoft said that they couldn't offer other exclusives to other companies than theirs on the contract, fair enough. But besides from that I don't think there is anything stopping Rockstar from doing this.
I doubt it, it just doesn't make much sense for a game like GTA.
Btw what's all the hating on Chinatown wars Deji?
I don't hate it. I've just heard that sales were really low and hardly anyone liked it... Hence "Failed". I've not played it myself to judge. I liked the previous 2D GTA games anyway. I also thought it was strange that they randomly decided to release a GTA on a barely used console in what might as well be 2D after all these years... And yeah, I didn't think the DS would make much sense for a game like GTA either but I was suprised by that turnout too.
Guess that's a good point... Yet I didn't expect a GTA game where you could use a touch-sensitive pen either...
Anyway, with the really exciting 'Agent' frenchise coming up... I get the idea that Rockstar are going to end up releasing something with this new technology.
Everything seems to be taking a new step now... Fully motion sensitive games, the Agent game which plans to exceed how big GTA was and GTA... Well, I'm just wondering whether Rockstar are going to continue GTA...
Yes... 50 mill which they can add more to if they simply do some additional (different) DLC's for the PS3 as well... And I'm sure after the velocity of this game they will be waiting a while for the next GTA. They'd probably want to keep watch of all the other games and consoles being released and new technology being discovered.
EDIT: While researching for TBOGT stuff, I found this:
I'm constantly getting updates from RSS feeds and mailing lists about this type of stuff so I'll post more info if I get it first
For now I'll be posting the title 'Agent' on my website. Really looking forward to this as it sounds really exciting
The title makes sense!!
Btw, it's not a DLC
This'd be pretty cool and I'm more active these days too. Really wanna be a coding "expert" lol.
Hey, I think this is legit. Microsoft payed how ever much to have exclusive content, yes. But who's to say there aint any other exclusive content? Who's to say that this means Sony doesn't get anything either? Who knows? We'd have to see the contract to be completely certain
I've been researching this for my site which has just gone up and I have to say that it looks juicy. It ADDS things to your current game (like expansion packs) instead of just making a new seperate game of it. There's new weapons, 23 additional missions, more music that gets added to your game, achievements, cheats, vehicles ect. Tbh. though... It'd be best to wait for ALL DLC's to come out and then get them all at once. It'd probably be cheaper and it's better to get something big after a while than lot's of little things
Malc is a cool name
Due to the latest release of the motion sensitive Xbox360 controlly thing which I'm sure most of you have heard of (info in my sig if you haven't)... I'm wondering if Rockstar will find this a nice addition to future GTA games...
I could imagine having to punch at the screen to beat your enemies n stuff. I know we speculated this for the Wii but never actually thought much of it but considering their failure with Chinatown wars... A FULLY motion sensitive game would be great! You could shoot people with just literally your fingers and yeah... It would definately make me like GTA again
So... Considering their bond with microsoft and their strange decision of making a GTA on the DS... Will they go for the jackpot and make one of the best, first games for this new creation?
Haven't you seen all the mods for GTA? All the brilliant models, cool extra animations, coding mods and just about anyone can mod the data files. I'm pretty sure if someone knew how to make a game engine (there's actually loads given away for free) then we could build one from scratch... Can't be assed though. Plus, if it was too like GTA then we'd be sued so there's no point really... We should just continue making full conversions if you ask me
My PC's on death row. The video card keeps causing a bluescreen and randomly having a spasm causing it to go on the lowest colour mode and the lowest resolution possible. I have a fan that would help the whole computer loads if it didn't keep hitting something. The CPU fan doesn't always start and was banging against something until I fixed it. It won't let me plug in the DVD drive without failing to boot up properly. I have a very good working hard drive that won't be accepted by the computer and the hard drive I'm using is ticking which usually means it's supposed to stop working yet it's been doing it for months...
It runs San Andreas at about 25fps max... So, do I win?
You can't play SA with modded cars and everything else modded on multiplayer,you can only play with the original cars(files).
You can play with modded cars on multiplayer - I do it all the time on SA:MP. You can't play if you have modded the handling and speed lines of the car though.
TBH, I wouldn't boter getting SA just for the multiplayer now. You might as well jst get GTA IV.
PS: You can get the NYPD / LSPD style cars for mods.
Actually, if you modify the handling lines it doesn't make a difference in SAMP. As with most data files SAMP has it's own preset data that everybody uses which also means cars are handled much differently on it... I know because I put the drift code onto a car and it didn't make any difference in SAMP.
The average price for a PC version of the game was around £40. But, considering it's been around for a while it should be much cheaper. Especially if you get one second hand for about £10.
Meh, to me the DLC's look like they suck...
I liked the Boom Boom Pow. I found it pretty funky
But yeah, put a ring on it and bonkers annoy me.
in GTASA Modding
Posted · Edited by Deji
It's finally here!
Download here (with information) - Updated
New Features:
Spawn Peds + View Model Name/No.
Cutscene Viewing (+ bugfixes)
Plugin Compatibility.
Tons more new abillities.
Machinima Keys (Not working this version)
And much more.
Comments, questions, statements. You know what to do