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Posts posted by Alkali64

  1. The freedom to do whatever I want, may that be a simple road trip or a balls-to-the-wall shootout.

    I actually asked a few people today at college.

    The main answer that kept popping up was actually Freedom,

    meaning being able to shoot people, steal cars, running down pedestrians without any of the real consequences at all.

    I mean, when i walk outside i don't see psychotic maniacs driving down the road hitting every street light in view,

    destroying the car, stealing a slightly better car and then going back on their murderous rampage, seriously... O.o

  2. Could it be getting into long police chases, base jumping off Mount Chiliad, or spawning rocket launcher's and causing chaos!

    These are the things that make GTA so great, but not really the reason we all come back to it.

    There has to be one defining answer...

    What makes a GTA game? (Yes, i know Rockstar but seriously...)

  3. ^ PC, PS3 and X-BOX 360.

    It looks utter shit though...

    I mean come on, its only been in development since November...

  4. R* fucked up. People are disappointed about the previews, including me. GTAF is full of angry people.

    No Rockstar didn't fuck up.

    Side missions sucked ass. But for the Tanks??? No way, i just wont believe that...

    Parachutes are gone... But meh, id rather see Niko fall to his death than see him safely float to the ground.

    Euphoria physics = Bigger bounce!

  5. Well there's snow in GTA IV...

    I don't think there will be seasons though. And since the game is set in 2008 it won't really make sense...

    Where have you seen snow in GTA IV? If you mean those squibbly dusty lines in the scans, then those are dust, because my scanner is quite dusty.

    But if not just carry on lol :innocent:


    Looks like snow to me...

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