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Posts posted by Diaz

  1. No impersonation - Impersonating people such as R* employees, or trying to disguise yourself as another member is not allowed.

    this ain't not impersonation.im apllying for the job.

    Well if you are, I think you should improve on your spelling and grammar. Anyways the people who played SA-MP and don't have or want GTA4 will probably just goto MTA:SA.

    My spelling grammer is just fine.I only type like that because this is the internet.Its popular to type

    like that these days.As a matter of fact,I use to write reviews for video games in the past,and I use to

    write short stories.

    MTA:SA is awsome.It's better than SA-MP

  2. Well, since SA-MP (I think) is gone, at least we can HOPE and wait for GTA IV for PC!

    I cant wait :w00t:

    me too.actually i think theres plans for that.

    But you can't 'zap' a PS3 down a phone line, you can trace it to an address, disable their intenet connection, but not damage the hardware.
    oh and by the way,The SA-MP Staff left a side note messege on their site, and said to get rid off the surviving SAMP Software

    that still exist because it's liscense material.

    I don't understand how you think i could have see the first message without seeing that.


    No impersonation - Impersonating people such as R* employees, or trying to disguise yourself as another member is not allowed.

    I'm not impersonating anyone.I'm appllying for the job at Rockstar Games.What,do you think i'm joking.

    When I say im going to do something.I am,and I intimidate alot of people like that.

  3. yeah i know. your speech less


    if they did find a way around the "barrier" im very sure Rockstar will stop them with no problem.

    By which time the damage is done

    San Andreas Multiplayer or should i say Stone Age Multiplayer.

    Hhad it not been for the huge success of third party MP mods, R* might not have made GTAIV playable online.

    Im gonna be working for Rockstar soon.


    Im gonna be working for Rockstar soon.and i m gonna help them stop hackers


    because game developers have more technology than hackers

    Ever heard the story of the guy who got employed by the FBI because they couldn't afford to keep undoing the damage he did hacking into their mainframes?

    Case and Point.

    i'll zap their ps3 threw their phone line

    Assuming the use an ethernet cable, not wireless, in which case, still impossible.

    actually it's not impossible.their are ways to find out. Tracking them down i a source and FBI does all the time!

    oh and by the way,The SA-MP Staff left a side note messege on their site, and said to get rid off the surviving SAMP Software

    that still exist because it's liscense material.

  4. Actually my points or not bollocks or what ever alien language that was

    English, dude.

    SA lived up to it's hype,all it is worth playing is modding weapons and etc.

    This disproves my point how? (FYI... SAMP = Mod)

    And yes The SA-MP Creater came on MY Server and ruined it because he didn't get along with one of my gang members

    How could he have ruined it? You have admin powers on your server, which he doesn't.... He may have created the mod, but that doesn't mean he can alter your server settings. Just like R* can't alter yours if you set one up for IV online.

    Im playing former members of that i use to play SA-MP,and they just said because im taliking to them on my blu tooh mic,and typing on this forum at the same time right now.

    Oh, freaking sweet! You have four arms!

    No <_<

    And fair enough if they don't want to go back to samp, that's their choice.

    and about the GTA 4 Hacking,it's nearly impossible to hack in because Rockstar Games i cracking down on it as we speak

    But once barriers are put up, people find a way around them again.

    I'd like to close by saying:

    yeah i know. your speech less.anyway even if they did find a way around the "barrier" im very sure Rockstar will stop them with no problem.

    and yes my dudes made a smart decision not to come back to San Andreas Multiplayer or should i say Stone Age Multiplayer.The GTA Team

    created the online for ps3 and 360,they're not gonna let a game,that took 1000 hard working game developers to create,and made more profit than san andreas made got to mush.They're gonna stop any 2 bit low life hacker from ruin one their best games ever created. Im gonna be working for Rockstar soonpossibly in 2009,and i m gonna help them stop hackers,why? because game developers have more technology than hackers.thats why.i'll be damned if they try it when im working with R*,i'll zap their ps3 threw their phone line.it can be done,i had it done to my deuchebag neighbors upstair because they were stealing my internet.i don't play that!

  5. That 2nd point is bollocks. Actually, they all are. And you know it. SAMP servers were coded by everyone who could, therefore, if there was an idea there, it could be done. IV online is limited to what the developers put out there.

    I am also very sure that the staff of SAMP would ot have damged your servers intentionally. Neither am i sure GTAIV 'won'... SAMP brought in SA sales, undoubtedly, and, that's more revenue to R*.... it's win / win for all involved.

    I am also quites ure they weren't hacked. 'We give up' is not 'We got hacked' Also, who's to say, that in time, IV online won't be hacked.

    Actually my points or not bollocks or what ever alien language that was,but It might have helped SA Sales,but face it,SA lived up to it's hype,all it is worth playing is modding weapons and etc. And yes The SA-MP Creater came on MY Server and ruined it because he didn't get along with one of my gang members,

    and made my server crash,and it did everytime i tried to go on it.I had to completly remake my server.so wat if GTA 4 Online is limited to modding, besides sooner or later, Rockstar Games is gonna upgrade the GTA IV online and create addon packs for the online.So in conclusion,Rockstar Won.Im playing former members of that i use to play SA-MP,and they just said because im taliking to them on my blu tooh mic,and typing on this forum at the same time right now.They said they're not going back to SA-MP. It's like Jurassic Park compared to GTA 4 Online. and about the GTA 4 Hacking,it's nearly impossible to hack in because Rockstar Games is cracking down on it as we speak,and yes they play GTA 4 online cuz i ran into one of the Housers the other day.trust me they won't let that happen.It's like Fort Knox on GTA IV.

  6. You ever considered that not everyone owns a copy of GTA IV?

    And that GTA IV online is completely different from SA-MP?

    And calling the guys who made it "AHoles" isn't really nice either.

    1. who ever don't have a copy of gta 4,thats their buisness.i have it and i'm enjoying online right now.

    2. GTA 4 online is no different from SA-MP,it basically has the same feature as SA-MP once had.

    3.SA-MP Staff are Ass Holes.me and other people including friends of mine never got along with them,the Staff use to damage our servers for no reason,so they and SA-MP can rott for all i care,cuz GTA 4 won.

    It's time to forget the past,and move on to the future=GTA IV Online.

    but if you want SA-MP to last a little while longer,i suggest someone take over the mod and add an anti-hacking device from preventing Ass hole hackers from entering and ruining your fun.

    Good luck! You'll need it!!! :evil:

  7. it's dead. end of story.live with it. iv'e been waiting for this moment and its finally came.and even if its still operational,it's stiil dead,and will never be as popular as use to.Face it GTA 4 online is here to stay.now bow down to rockstar.

  8. Yeah I just noticed this a few moments ago, that sucks. I remember how fun it was :(. GTA IV is what replaced it.

    Screw SA-MP :thumbsdown: ,The people that ran it were total AHoles,im glad rockstar beat the crap out of them with GTA 4 Online. :thumbsup::worship:

    They actually thought that they could compete against Rockstar's more powerful online engine.Think again,they saw it coming,but they were stubborn.

    they thought they had it in the bag.You can't compete against the creators GTA.Let it rest in darkness and be forgotten. :thumbsdown: God Bless Rockstar :worship:

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