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Posts posted by neoswagga

  1. ok im back after a long break from modding, and im looking for a "guide" or a list that shows what each number(s) mean in the code for handling lines.. im not interested in drift codes cause i already have them, my aim is to mod engine sound by ultering the code without using some lame sound mod package.. yes, ive seen the "project cerbera" but that doesnt explain what im looking for, outside of sami i alter all handling lines manually.. heres an example of what im trying to figure out:

    handling line: 1600.0 4166.4 2.0 0.0 0.0 -0.2 70 0.57 0.98 0.54 5 340.0 70.0 2.0 R P 8.17 0.52 1 52.0 1.2 0.15 0.0 0.30 -0.10 0.45 0.25 0.3 0.52 19000 40000000 4 0 0 0

    same handling line: 1600.0 4166.4 2.0 0.0 0.0 -0.2 70 0.57 0.98 0.54 5 (340.0 70.0 2.0 R P = i know this particular part of the code ulters top speed, acceleration, wheel drive, and engine type) 8.17 0.52 1 52.0 1.2 0.15 0.0 0.30 -0.10 0.45 0.25 0.3 0.52 19000 (40000000 4 0 0 0 = i know this part of the code ulters nitro, hydralics, wheel width and hight)

    what i need to know is what part of the code mods engine sound (i think its called engine critieria) and i need to know what numbers to place there to use the sound of the BUFFALO and the BLADE from san andreas..

    please post all you know about handling lines, i think this could benifit everyone in the long run and possibly be a future pinned topic.. thank you

  2. i use sami only, no img tools or nothing cause in my past experiances i found that sami isnt compatable with a few tools.. i say run it alone in install your mods manually script, skin, map, etc.. also i dont use sami for nothing other then installin cars.. :cigar:

  3. i got version 208 in i cant do nothing but make boxes, and theres no tutorials for the version i have so i want version 107, and ive seen the zmodeler topic here already so postin links to that topic want help me cause thats not the actual program so please dont give me the run around.. i need the exe not a disclaimer lol :cigar:

  4. ight, periods.. got cha lol, and by the way that fifth number thing was no good.. i know the code like the back of my hand, i can edit any aspect of it with out crashing the game.. speed, weight, damage etc.. no sweat :cigar:

  5. thanks ranx, in yeah i found out about the drivetrain thing yesterday but your right the hydros are the tricky part lol, im basically modding my own drift code but cant get rid of the hydros in on another note ive uploaded a few hondas that where sadly rear wheel drive, anyway im ma try it in get back to you on that pimpin.. oh in do you got a link to that forum you talkin about? :cigar:

  6. ok so after further investigation ive found that.. with out you guys help lol, jacobs handling editor isnt compatable with sami, and i also uncovered that sami has a handling line editor that you asses could of just told me about before wrecking the game lmao you guys are great.. really! :cigar:

  7. ok i did what i was told in exstacted the contents then ran the program but then got a error message sayin: this application has failed to start because dx8vb.dll was not found.. whats the problem??

  8. i encountered an error in sami so i though i would give you guys a heads up, i used sami to replace the flash with a lancer (worked fine) then changed my handling lines so i could drift (still no problems) untill i tried to uninstall the car i got a error message that stated the handling.cfg has been changed for thr flash so sami will not uninstalled to prevent damage to the game, after that i clicked ok then want in changed the cars handling back to it original state then want back to uninstall the mod but it wasnt on the uninstall list anymore, so after that i played the game i found that same punk ass lancer drivin around lol i dont know what to do now.. anyone?? oh in the moral of the story is if you alter the handling before or after installin cars change :cigar::jumpon::cigar: it back before you try to uninstall velicles..

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