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Everything posted by Samil

  1. 29! Pretty long one! Time for Drake's team to act! Also, Drake and Ace will visit Anubis' tomb. EP. 29 - Buried Memories In the meeting room of a Vectronian ship, Drake and other high ranked Vectron officers were discussing about the recent uranium excavations. *Alien: Commander Drake, you clearly specified that your 'elite' team will lead the excavations! You left three times and came back with an empty hand. *Drake: I said I will do it, and I will... don't... *Alien: Forget this! We're sending in the hives on Earth! While the hives are taking control of the cities, we'll search for uranium in the underground.In a few months, we'll have enough uranium... *Lord: And the Great One, will rise! Glory to Vectron! *Everyone: Glory to Vectron! *Drake: Glory... After the meeting ended, Drake left the room, and walked on the corridor until he reached a door.He went in, and inside was his team. *Johnny: How's stuff? *Drake: Not good... they're sending in the hives. *Senya: Que? But, there are like... *Drake: No worries about that.Here's what you have to do.So we have like five hives in Africa, three in Europe.Also... *Senya: We were at the meeting, amor. *Drake: Heh, right.So, I need you three to sabotage the launches. *Cain: You mean, a sneak attack? *Johnny: No, dumbass! He means we should blow those stuff up! *Drake: Might do it.Since the hives will all launch in the same time, from the same ship, I say we make Ace's job easier. *Johnny: I'll handle it! My invisibility will give me an advantage. *Cain: Haaha! Don't forget, I can walk on walls... *Senya: Hmpf, and I can turn into shadows. *Drake: Listen up! You'll all go there.There are some small bombs in that crate.There are around ten to twenty hives. *Johnny: Alright, alright, but ya think some small bombs will blow some 50ft bunches of liquid, containing millions of other small aliens? *Drake: Johnny you annoy me with your useless comments and yes, it will blow it all up! *Johnny: Yeah, alright then.But the hives are another ship. *Drake: Indeed, but nothing to worry about.You can take my Dark Void, and hey, this time, use it's invisibility feature. *Cain: What about you, eh? *Reploz: Why do you have to ask everything? *Drake: Reploz, now... I will go pay the guys a visit once the hives are launched, or... not. *Senya: And then? *Johnny: One more question: If we blow all the hives in the ship, won't the ship also blow up? *Drake: Who said you'll blow the hives inside the ship you moron? Once it's launched, you detonate them. *Johnny: Alright.Leave this to us then. Cain, Senya and Johnny left the room, and so did Drake, but walked on a different direction.In the hangar, the three sneaked through the ships, and reached Drake's Dark Void.Inside, they turned the ship invisible, and with a button, the gate opened.The ship went quickly through the tunnel, and as it got out, it headed towards another large ship.Johnny pressed another button, and made the gate of this ship open.After going inside, they parked the ship, which was still invisible, and sneaked in the launch room.There, they noticed it was full with hives. *Senya: Whoa... *Cain: Take a look at this... *Johnny: Probably as many as Drake said... no time to waste.Plant the bombs! They started planting bombs on each hive, quietly avoiding the Vectronians guarding the launch pads.But, just when there were only three hives left... *Senya: Three to go, eh... *Cain: About time... *Alien: Did you hear that? *Johnny: Crap! Hide! *Alien2: Hmm, nothing. *Alien: But I swear I... *Alien2: Yeah, just like yesterday when you said you saw Santa Claus.Moron. *Cain: They left... *Johnny: Let's get going! Three to go! *Alien3(Radio): Attention! Hives will be launched in less that 10 seconds! Please clear the room! *Alien2: Oh shit! Get going! *Johnny: Damn! Come on we gotta plant 'em! *Senya: No time ese! Let's just go! *Alien3(Radio): 5... 4... 3... *Senya: There's the exit! Faster, amigos, faster! *Alien3(Radio): 2... *Johnny: Fuck this... let's get out! Johnny teleported right outside the room, and Cain picked up Senya and ran the room.Then, they once again hid from the guards, invisible or in the shadows.After a loud explosion, meaning the hives were launched, Johnny took the detonator, and pushed the button, making some of the hives blow up and be completely destroyed.But three of them were still going towards Earth.Back in the hangar, they got in the Dark Void and left the ship.Outside, they saw the remains of the hives, floating in the space. *Johnny: Well I'll be... them little bombs are actually quite dangerous. *Cain: Let's get back on the ship and tell Drake about the other three hives. Back on the ship, the three split up, and Johnny searched around the ship to find Drake.He found him in his room, while looking at Earth through a large window. *Drake: Hm? Johnny, what's with those three hives that were launched? *Johnny: Yeah, we didn't manage to plant on all of the hives... and three of them are on their way to Earth. *Drake: Damn it! *Johnny: Hey, sorry about it! *Drake: Don't worry about it.Where are those hives heading towards? *Johnny: No idea, but I know that I saw 'Paris' written on one. *Drake: Paris? Hm.. France.I better alert Ace's team. Meanwhile, at the good guys base, Tyson was having fun with his new powers, while Sarah was desperate and tried to stop him. *Sarah: Tyson! Don't put your finger in the outlet and... oh god... *Jet: Looks like he really enjoys it. *Ace: Guess it wasn't bad for him to learn some new stuff... from Drake. *Sam(Radio): Guys, get in the computer room, and quick! *Daemon: Aww... ya know, I'm gettin' fuckin' tired of the nerd usin' the damn radio. *Jet: Shut up and go, dog-ass! In the computer room, everyone was in front of the large screen, on which there was a map of the World, and three red dots. *Sam: Check this out man... it's bad.We got hives down at those places. *Jet: What? *Daemon: No way... *Sarah: No... *Tyson: Damn... but no fear! We're strong now! We can take it out! And this time, Drake won't stop us. *Drake: Indeed I won't. *Jet: Huh?! *Daemon: The hell?! *Ace: How'd ya get in here, Drake? *Drake: I didn't break anything, if that's what you wanna know.Anyway, here's the situation.Vectron tried to launch hives all around the world, but I had my team take care of some.Yet, three hives managed to land on Earth.One's in Paris, France.As for the other two... *Sam: Other two are in Moscow and Rio de Janeiro. *Jet: So your team stopped some hives from hitting Earth? *Drake: Yes. *Daemon: Guess we can fully trust him, now, can't we? *Ace: I guess... so what's your plan, Drake? *Drake: You're strong, but only together.So, while Jet and the others take Sam's ship and head to Paris... *Sarah: Wait, why don't we split up and each take a hive? *Drake: I said, you're strong, but only together! Ahem, now, as I was saying, while you do that, me and Ace will fly to Egypt. *Ace: What for? Didn't you say Osiris was turned into stone? *Drake: I'll tell you once we're there. *Ace: But what if Vectron sees us? *Drake: My ship can fly while invisible.Don't worry about it. *Sarah: Yet, what if you're leading Ace into a trap? *Jet: And have the rest of us handle the hives while you destroy him? *Daemon: Guess we can't fully trust ya, nigga. *Drake: Sigh... just go... trust me or not, we have to go to Egypt. *Ace: Guys, just do it. *Sam: Ace, don't forget you're still recovering. *Ace: I'm alright, Sam.No worries.Well, Drake, let's fly. *Jet: And so, let's go Team Jet! *Sarah: Wait a minute, who died and made you boss? *Jet: I'm the oldest in the team, so shut up! *Sarah: Well I'm the girl, so I have priority. *Jet: Yeah well... *Tyson: Wow... here we go again... *Daemon: A'ight, let's just go now, yo! Fuck sake! Sam, yo, get the ship ready! Jet's team left with Sam's ship, while Ace and Drake went on the Dark Void, and headed to Egypt.Once there, it was already nighttime.They landed next to a large dune. *Ace: So what are we doing here? *Tyrobali: And, in the middle of the night. *Drake: Wait. Using his dark power, Drake created an orb in his hand, and hit the dune, creating a sandstorm.After the sandstorm ended, the dune disappeared and they found a statue, which was buried under the sand. *Ace: This is... Osiris? *Drake: Indeed.Now, touch the statue. *Ace: What for? *Drake: Is this a moment to ask questions? *Ace: It is. *Drake: Then don't ask anything. *Ace: Alright... Ace touched the statue of Osiris, and suddenly had different visions.Suddenly, he was in Osiris' body, fighting Vectronians, alongside others, who were apparently Anubis and the other heroes.Then, he found himself face to face with Set, with a large and bright light orb in his hands.And just when the both hero and villain were about to attack, Ace was back to present time. *Ace: Those were... *Drake: Indeed, somehow, Osiris' memories are kept in the statue, and I guess only you can Tyrobali can see them. *Tyrobali: My master... I left him die... *Ace: T.B., why are you crying? *Tyrobali: He died... after that attack I saw at the end. *Drake: That light orb? *Ace: Yeah, so... *Drake: Ace, have you seen any new move or something from the visions? *Ace: Not quite, but only that orb.Hold on... *Drake: Wait, what are you... Ace created a small orb in each hand, and then combined them, making a bigger one.This orb kept getting bigger and bigger, but Ace lost control of his powers, and the skill failed. *Drake: Are you insane?! *Ace: Man... so hard... *Tyrobali: Don't even try to do that, Ace! That's how Osiris ended up... this attack left him without vital energy, and killed him. *Drake: Well, everything's done here, so let's go.Now, we... what the? Ace and Drake found themselves surrounded by some chimeras. *Ace: How did these things get here? *Drake: No idea... *Ace: Never mind though, I'll just finish 'em. Tyrobali turned into a small light orb, and Ace put him in the D-volver.He then used his 'Swiss cheese' skill, and shot every chimera there, making a hole in each, but apparently, the chimeras were still on their feet. *Ace: What?! *Drake: Let me... With his claw surrounded by dark shadows, Drake was prepared to hit the chimeras, but, as soon as they saw Drake's hand, they bowed down. *Ace: How the... *Drake: Hmm... so... I guess this claw can control them. *Ace: How do you know? *Drake: I'm not sure... I gotta investigate. *Ace: What should we do with these things? *Drake: I don't really know... *Ace: Hey, try sending them in the claw, maybe that'll work.Like in movies and stuff. *Drake: Worth a try. As he had risen his hand, the chimeras turned into sand, and were absorbed by the claw. *Drake: Well, it actually worked. *Ace: What now? *Drake: I need to know some more about these creatures.I'll head to Anubis' tomb.You... *Ace: I'll go with ya. *Drake: What? *Ace: The guys are tough enough to take care of themselves. *Drake: Hmm, fine then. *Ace: So where's the tomb? *Drake: Not far from here.Let's walk. Ace followed Drake and after some walk through the desert, they reached an area with a circle of stones. *Ace: Hmm, the stones are making a circle.I guess it means something, right? *Drake: Note the small stone in the middle.I must use my claw on it. Drake touched the stone with his claw, and a hidden passage appeared from beneath the sand.They went down the stairs and reached a room, and in the middle a sarcophagus. *Ace: So this is... *Drake: Yes, Anubis' tomb.Now, I've already read some of the hieroglyphs, and none said anything about the monsters. *Ace: So all you have to do is read about it? *Drake: I know how to decode hieroglyphes, don't you worry, now... ah, here! *Ace: So, what does it say? *Drake: Hmm... appears like it was written by, Anubis himself.He says: 'Victory! Earth's saved! Yet, Osiris sacrificed himself.He died as a hero.We will never forget him.May his soul flow like the Nile's waters.Now, I sense it's my time to go.I told the people that once I die, they will bury me here, and, since my gloves are the weapon I fought with in the battle, I will make it so only these gloves will open and close the hidden stairway to this room.Also, with its power, I will cast a spell over Osiris' statue, and also hide it under the sand.This is for everyone who tries to disturb him.Even after this great victory... I have the feeling it's not the last time Earth will hear of Vectron.' *Ace: That spell must be those guards, right? *Drake: Indeed, here's some more: 'About the spell over the statue, I had my 9 powerful chimeras, 9 out of 10 since one was destroyed, guard it.Anyone who touches it, mortal or immortal, will have to face its guards.And just in case someone reads this, it means they have my claw, and want to save Earth.You who read this, pay attention: You can resurrect the chimeras after 24 hours from one's death.' *Ace: That's it! *Drake: Yeah, and since a lot of time passed, I can resurrect them! But wait... 'For a resurrection, you need to face the moon, raise your hand with the claw, and focus on the darkness of the sky.The moon will send the chimeras through a portal.Also note: As I noticed some time ago, the chimera's weakness is water, so, stay away from water.' *Ace: Hey, let's go out and try to revive your chimera. *Drake: Indeed, also, good tip to stay away from water. Outside, Drake faced the moon, raised his hand, and then, a portal appeared right in front of him.Out of it came a chimera, and right after the portal disappeared.Drake then sent the chimera in his glove. *Drake: All done here.Now we should assist the others. *Ace: Right. Drake hid the stairway to the tomb, and then they went back to the Dark Void, and flew away. No New Characters -VECTRON 101- Will add the V101 a bit later.Enjoy the episode! Keep the Ace up your sleeve! ;]
  2. Playing The Godfather II.This'll keep me in front of the PC for a while.

  3. I'd give an arm only to see this place active again.

  4. Me... Wants... Active... Members! T.T

  5. New Ep.!! Right so, back to training for Tyson, this time with a new 'coach'... EP. 28 - Training time again? 8:35 PM at the base, Jet, Flazz and Tyrobali were watching TV in the living room, while Sam was watching animes in his lab.Ace was in his room, sitting on his bed and looking at a photo of his family. *Ace: I can't forget that day... I couldn't do anything to protect you.There's not a single moment in which I wouldn't want to die in your place.Yet, faith had a different decision.I've met them, my friends, new friends.Together, I had my revenge.Even so, I can't forget you two, and everyone else that died.I promised myself I won't let anyone die, without me at least trying not to let that happen.If it is for us to die, at least I will know I will die alongside my friends.I'm no lucky man, but I'm lucky because I know you two watch over me.Now, I ask you to keep watching over me, because, it's up to us, to save the world... we'll need all the luck we can have. After he was done, he put the photo in his inner pocket of the trench coat, along with a drawing which, apparently, was made by a child.Meanwhile, on their way home, Sarah, with her new red muscle car, a Shelby GT500, along with Tyson and Daemon, were driving on a road, back from shopping. *Tyson: I really like this car! Good idea sis! *Sarah: I know, I'm so smart! Hehe! *Daemon: Yo, come on! Keep up! Looks like there's a storm coming. *Sarah: Oh no... Right then, it started to rain, and it was raining hard.Daemon and Sarah speed up to the base, and quickly parked in the hangar, going down to the underground base.Then, they left the garage and while going to the kitchen, they met up with Jet on the hallway. *Jet: Hey, back so soon? *Daemon: Thank god we got a lift, yo! *Jet: How's that? *Tyson: It started raining outside. *Jet: Oh.Hey I'm surprised you don't have like a thousand bags with ya, Sarah! *Tyson: Nah, they're actually in the car's trunk. *Daemon: In both cars. *Jet: What do ya mean? *Sarah: God myself a sexy Shelby GT500! *Jet: Really? Good for you, I guess.Can I drive it? *Sarah: Of course not you drunk idiot! My car isn't for disgusting assholes like you. *Jet: Say what, lass? *Tyson: Whoa, easy! *Ace: Hey guys, what's up? *Sarah: Ace you think Sam can modify my car? *Ace: Your car? *Sarah: Yeah I bought a sexy... *Tyson: She has a muscle car and you can't drive it. *Ace: I don't mind... and yeah, I think he can enforce it.And hey... Right then, the alarm went on. *Sam(Radio): Guys, get in the lab, now! I think we have a message from Drake! *Ace: There goes the neighborhood. *Daemon: Come on! In the lab, as they were all sitting down in front of the large computer, Sam had a serious and yet worried look on his face. *Sam: Alright... so, I got this message like half an hour ago, and it took me twenty minutes to decode it. *Ace: And in the last ten minutes? *Sam: Well had to watch the ending of Dragon Ball... uh, I was at the toilet.Hehe! *Tyson: Right... *Jet: Get to the subject, show us the message. *Sam: Alright... *pushes button* *Computer: Kaameehaamee... *Sam: Whoops, uh... *Daemon: Uh... *Sam: *pushes button* My bad.Now... A message appeared on the computer screen, which said: "Thunder hits the haughty stone, banishing the night's darkness at the time the church's bells ring". *Ace: Uh... 'Thunder hits the haughty stone...' *Tyson: 'Banishing the night's darkness...' *Sam: 'At the time the church's bells ring'.You know what this means, don't you? *Tyson: Judging by the thunder, I think he's referring to me. *Daemon: At the haughty stone part, I think that Drake's speakin' of that large stone some miles away from this spot. *Ace: And... 'the church's bells ring'... 'banishing the night's darkness'... he must be speaking of midnight, 12 AM. *Sam: I can't believe it took me twenty minutes to decode it... and you... *Sarah: So you mean Tyson has to go on that stone at midnight?! *Ace: Alone. *Sarah: Alone?! Never, I can't let him do it! *Tyson: Hey, I'll be alright. *Jet: The kid sure will be alright.I mean... *Daemon: He's stronger than Jet. *Jet: Hey... *Ace: And smarter. *Jet: Hey. *Sam: And he doesn't stink like... *Jet: Hey! Shut the fuck up, will ya?! *Tyson: Alright, I'm already ready to meet up with him. *Sarah: Not yet, hotshot! It's not even 9 PM yet. *Daemon: Yo, I'm getting something to eat. *Sam: Meanwhile, I'll see what I can do to that new car of yours, Sarah. *Sarah: Oh will you do that, Sam? Plea... wait, I didn't even tell you I have a new car. *Sam: I have surveillance cameras all over the base, even in your room, wardrobe, bathroom. *Sarah: Say what?! *Sam: Uh... let's just go to the car, and... *Sarah: *hits* Pervert! *Tyson: Heh, come on, I'm hungry too.Let's go eat before Daemon finishes everything. *Ace: Ah don't worry about it, he only eats dog food lately and... *Daemon(Distance): Oh my god! McDonalds! *Jet: My Happy Meal! After some hours, it was time for Tyson to meet up with Drake.As he was heading for the exit, Ace was standing right next to the lift, and when Tyson came, Ace gave him his aluminum bat.After a smile, Tyson left the base, and ran towards the largest stone in the area.The weather was still rainy, but that didn't stop him.At some meters from the stone, on the top he saw a shadow, looking away.He felt chills down his spine and his heart started beating quickly, and yet, he kept walking.Because of the rain, it was hard to climb, but he still tried to climb the rock.It was hard, since the rock was slippery, but thanks to his charged hands, he warmed the rock enough to be climbable.At the top, Tyson saw Drake, staring into the horizon. *Tyson: Phew... why'd you call me? *Drake: I didn't mention at all that you have to be alone.I admire your courage, kid.Now, look around you.All you see, will disappear if we don't do anything. *Tyson: Get to the subject! What can we do? *Drake: I see you got your bat with you.No need for it today, though. *Tyson: Get to the point already... *Drake: Patience is a virtue.So, first of all, we'll get you stronger.Since you're the only one without a Vectronian, none of the ancient heroes items won't help you. *Tyson: First of all, why me? I mean, why'd you throw me in those substances back in Arizona?! *Drake: When the invasion of Arizona started, I saw you trying to protect your sister.You'd give your life only for her to be safe.I knew that such a young and big heart deserves a powerful weapon within. *Tyson: So, your every movement... was prepared? *Drake: Indeed.Now, watch, and learn, young hero... Drake suddenly transformed into a purple sphere, which flew around Tyson.He then reappeared behind him, surprising him. *Tyson: Wow, that's pretty cool. *Drake: Isn't it? It's also easy.Now you try. *Tyson: Wait, what do I have to do? *Drake: It's quite simple you see... first you have to charge your whole body, send electricity in your veins, and if you do it correctly, you'll transform into pure electricity.You can then go faster than the light of speed, you can go through the high voltage wires of poles, and of course, on impact with someone, or something, blow it up. *Tyson: Sounds easy enough. *Drake: It costs some strength though, so be careful. *Tyson: Alright let me try... *charges* Aaargh! Tyson was all charged, and then, after a small explosion, from the smoke provoked by the explosion flew out a lighting bolt, which went from place to place, hitting some rocks around, and landing back on the top of the mountain. *Drake: Impressive, you've learned it already. *Tyson: Man, that was so cool! But how can I do it since I don't have a Vectronian? *Drake: Not necessary.You just need to canalize your energy.I studied this and, after some researches and some other stuff, looks like Ace and Jet can also do this.You should teach them. *Tyson: And Daemon and Sarah? *Drake: They don't have elemental powers.I will make sure they get stronger too.Now, one last thing for you. *Tyson: Let's see. *Drake: This one is also about focusing.Now, look in the sky, and imagine a thunder storm hitting the ground. *Tyson: What?! *Drake: Trust me, kid! *Tyson: Alright... Tyson looked up at the dark clouds, closed his eyes, and after a bit of focusing, a thunder bolt suddenly hit him, but without hurting him, only scaring him. *Tyson: What the hell?! *Drake: Recharging energy is essential when you're literally out of it. *Tyson: You mean I recharged? No wonder I feel all fired up! *Drake: Indeed.Now, listen carefully.Don't abuse of this.Mother Nature can be a giver but also a taker.If you abuse of this power, nature will have its revenge.Now, I think that's all. *Tyson: Hold on, how did you know all these? I mean, how did you know I recharge like that, and what I have to do? *Drake: It's just what I also do. *Tyson: What? *Drake: When it's night and dark, my powers are at maximum.Ace's powers could be just the opposite, Jet's powers are full when there sun is also powerful and shines on the sky.Basically, Ace and Jet's powers are based on light.Mine are based on darkness.Yours on storms. *Tyson: Aha... so... *Drake: Tyson, listen.We can't waste any more time.I don't want to blow my cover. *Tyson: Uh, alright... *Drake: And, Tyson. *Tyson: Yeah? *Drake: Take care of your friends.You won't find better ones. *Tyson: I'll remember that. Then, Drake transformed into shadow, and disappeared into the night.Tyson then went at the edge of the stone, looking around him. *Tyson: Not gonna allow some no good aliens take over my home! Now... I better go home before I catch a cold.Let's get all shocked! Tyson transformed into thunder, and using the utility poles around the road, made his way home. Vectron 101 *Tyrobali: Hello! Welcome to Vectron 101! Starting today, we will have a small series of episodes in which each character will say some words about themselves.So, please welcome: Jet 'Fire' Garcia! *Jet: Thank you, T.B.! Thank you! *Tyrobali: So Jet, tell us something about yourself. *Jet: Well... about me: all you wanna know is in episode 2 of Ace of Spades.Read it! Later! *Tyrobali: What the... but, Jet! Can't you give us some more details? *Jet(Distance): Sorry, got other stuff to do! *Tyrobali: What stuff... *Tyson(Distance): What the hell?! Close the door, idiot! I'm on the damn toilet! *Tyrobali: Jeez... well, as Jet said... read episode 2 for more... and, uh... stay tuned for more! *Cameraman: Jesus... wasted my time for nothing. *Tyrobali: Shut up... No New Characters I will add the Vectron 101 a bit later.Hope you enjoy the episode! EDIT: Added. Keep the Ace up your sleeve! ;]
  6. I like it.I really do.Also, I totally loved the song, honestly, the song's awesome.It actually calmed me down a bit since I was in a pretty bad mood lately. Pretty good job in my opinion.
  7. I miss the old, active members.

    1. Miles Pedro Prower

      Miles Pedro Prower

      I miss all the active members...

    2. Samil


      Why are there so many strangers here, and no old member? T.T

      Pedro, you ain't a stranger btw.

  8. IMO, I would like to use a M4/M203.That would be totally sweet. And about the minigun, well... I agree with Thomas, it's far too unrealistic.Maybe if it was attached to a helicopter, such as a UH-60 BH. Would also love some .50 caliber machineguns mounted on Patriots.[too much Delta Force lately] And just to add some more: Steyr Aug, Barrett M82, M249, and... the dildo!
  9. Hey! Sorry for the late upload, having some trouble with my PC, but stuff's fine now.So new episode, pretty short one, also only dialogue, but pretty important.In this episode, Drake is... EP. 27 - Revealing the Truth *Tyrobali: But, how could I be captured?! I mean, we were victorious, right? *Reploz: Well, in Egypt, once Osiris passed away, I mean... turned into stone, you lost your host.That's when Vectron captured you and brainwashed you, adding some fake memories.In Greece it's even more complicated. *Drake: Indeed... the archives say that, after the invasion failed, Vectron didn't leave Earth, but hid the mother ship between some mountains, and they thought of an evil and deadly plan.One day, as Hercules was returning home with his wife, Deianeira, and reached a river which they had to cross.That's where they met a centaur, Nessus, which was actually a Vectronian, who offered to take them on the other side of the river.First was Hercules, but when the centaur went back for his wife, it tried to abduct her.Angry, Hercules swam to the other side of the river, chased it and shot it with a poisoned arrow.But before he died, Nessus gave Deianeira some of his blood, and told her than if Hercules is unfaithful, his blood will restore his love.Some days later, a woman, also a Vectronian, seduced Hercules.Deianeira, still having the blood of the centaur, poured it on one of Hercules' robes and... *Sarah: The blood was poisoned, wasn't it? *Drake: Indeed.Once Hercules put his robe on, the poisoned blood burnt into his flesh, and killed him.And again, Vectron captured you, brainwashed you, and left Earth.Looks like history is repeating for the third time with Ace here. *Tyson: Whoa... *Ace: Even so, you said you can make us stronger, and all you said didn't quite help us. *Drake: You see... the archives also tell the locations of the warriors' tombs.Also, for being an FBI agent, I arranged some excavations in Egypt, and that's how I found the claw on my hand.This claw, which is surrounded by this purple shadow, was actually Anubis' claw. *Jet: What the?! *Daemon: Holy fuck! *Sarah: Eeew... *Cain: Carrying something dead on your hand.... and they call me crazy! *Drake: That's how I got so powerful so fast.Nonetheless... *Tyrobali: If we find something of one of my old hosts, or any other hero... we can be way more powerful? *Drake: Indeed.Since Reploz didn't betray Vectron since he met me, I decided to randomly choose Anubis' claw.As for you though... with Osiris turned into stone, you can only get Hercules' gauntlets. *Ace: Why gauntlets? *Drake: The gauntlets were the only piece of his armor that didn't melt.Everything else, the robe, sandals, shield and iron sword, melted. *Ace: I understand... but why only Hercules? We can gather other stuff from other heroes as well. *Drake: Not really.You see, Hercules and Osiris were the best of the best.The items they owned and worn were ten times more powerful than anything else in the world. *Ace: Hmm... *Daemon: So, about that Set. *Drake: Oh, right.So, Vectron plans to revive.If they succeed, our chances to win will decrease. *Tyson: How will they revive him anyway? *Drake: They found the catacombs where his body is.But to revive him, they need... *Reploz: Special kind of metals that holds incredible energy within. *Daemon: You mean radioactive metals? *Reploz: That's how you call them. *Drake: Excavations started, and they are looking for Uranium.Once they have enough, they can revive Set.So we mustn't let them get enough Uranium, or... *beep beep beep* Yes? *???(Radio): Commander Drake... where are you? Why can't you answer... what's with the connection? *Drake: I'm in some underground labyrinths, looking for Uranium.I will notify you once I find it. *???(Radio): Roger that, commander.Over. *Drake: Over... Sigh... appears we're running out of time.Now listen, you will all need items from different heroes.I will notify you via coded messages.Sam, you be on the lookout, I will need you to decode my messages. *Sam: Uh... alright, I guess... *Drake: Off we go... *Jet: Hold on... so, Johnny, you ain't on the bad side? *Johnny: Remember the first day in the MC, Jet? We made that promise: 'Brothers in arms, until we run out of gas.' *Jet: Johnny... good to have ya back again, man! *Johnny: Hey, we gotta go, alright? Let's celebrate after our victory. *Cain: And... uh... Tyson... *Tyson: What? *Cain: I... *Drake: Cain! *Cain: Uh... *Drake: Don't... it's not the time. *Tyson: Not the time for what?! *Drake: Nothing important, trust me.Let's go already, before they will suspect us. *Senya: See ya later, alligator! *Daemon: Alligator? Well that was random. *Sam: And so they left. *Tyson: Ya think we can really trust 'em? *Ace: About the objects of the warriors... Sam, as Drake said, be on the lookout. *Sam: Got it, Ace. *Daemon: So what now? *Ace: I say we better get ready for what's next.But, until the time comes, you're free to do whatever you want. *Tyson: Sounds cool but I prefer to stay here with ya guys. *Jet: Kid, go see Lorelei or something. *Sarah: Hey I got an idea.Daemon, can you please take us out in the city? *Daemon: Why not? *Sam: I'll stay here. *Ace: Me too.Jet? *Jet: What? You think I got anything to do? *Daemon: Yo, wanna come too? *Jet: Nah... I'll just get a beer. *Sam: Oh, you know, there's a baseball game starting soon. *Ace: Sounds alright. *Daemon: We're off then! So, Sarah, where to? *Sarah: You'll see... *Tyson: Oh boy... -VECTRON 101- *Tyrobali: Welcome on our second broadcast of Vectron 101! Today's subject: Vectronian food and 'What can I do to get rid of my Vectronian?'.So, please welcome our brain, Sner! *Sner: Thank you Tyrobali! So, hello people! Let's speak about how we eat.Mainly, once a Vectronian takes control of a host, aggressive way, it sucks out his or her vital energy, until the host is dead.Sounds simple right? *Flazz: Simple as hell... *Sner: Shut up! Ahem, so... if the target manages to tame his attacker, the Vectronian can feed with whatever the host is eating.Such as... *Flazz: Such as me eating hot dogs with Jet? *Terrex: You're so disgusting when you do that... *Sner: Reploz, where are you? *Flazz: Oh he's busy, he found this Vectronian girl and... *Chalez: Wow he actually has chances to... *Sner: Shut up, please! So... if the Vectronian takes control of the host, the only way to free the host, is by killing him or her. *Sam: Wow, that's violent... *Sner: Not the host, the Vectronian! Once defeated, it's dead, and the host is free. *Sam: How is it none of the aliens killed so far didn't turn back into humans? *Sner: Argh, god! 'cause no one was there to see them turn back to the original form!Wish you'd stop interfering... maybe this show would finish faster.So, if the host tames the Vectronian, they can separate anytime by simply just deciding it, or, like in Ace's case, losing your vital energy.That's what caused Tyrobali to separate from him. *Tyrobali: Psst... running out of time... episode's almost over... *Sner: Indeed... thank you for your attention and remember... *Everyone: Keep the Ace up your sleeve! *Ace: Funny, haha... keep me in your sleeve, haha! *Reploz: Well... that girl sure wasn't my style.What did I miss? *Ace: I mean... the show's after my name, and my name's after the show's name and... *Sner: Reploz... hit him! And hit him hard! *Reploz: No need to repeat! *hits* *Ace: OUCH! *end of transmission* No New Characters Hope you enjoyed it! :] Nooow, once again sorry for the late upload, and... well, Idk, stay tuned for more. Now for the... Keep the Ace up your sleeve! ;] EDIT!!: Due to the nearly lack of episodes, we will have to post one episode once in 2 weeks.Sorry for this guys, we're working to go way ahead with the episodes, yet we have the problem with the ideas.
  10. I miss the time this forum had active members. T.T

    1. Ivan


      Yeah, I know.

  11. Wazzup! New episode! So, in the previous one, Ace's team got kicked, as well as Drake's team, now, everything changes.It's time to reveal the truth. Also, pretty much of this episode is just a loooooooooong dialogue. EP. 26 - Legends of Olympus The following day, everything in their life went normal.Daemon and Jet were arguing on the XBox, Sam was locked in his lab, Sarah was watching TV, Tyson just came in through the main door, and Ace was still recovering from his wounds. *Ace: Hey, Tyson, where ya been? *Tyson: Oh, back from a date with Lorelei. *Sarah: Hey how's your relationship with her? *Tyson: It's okay, I mean I just met her and... *Daemon: Yo, fool! Ya played on it for 15 fuckin' minutes, and even lost six lives in the game! Let someone better finish this! *Jet: If I want someone better, I'd call Elvis! Lemme play the fuckin' game already! *Sarah: Oh, boy... *Sam(Radio): 'Morning fellas! *Jet: Yeah, nice wishing us a good morning when it's 1 PM. *Sam(Radio): Jet, I said 'morning' with the simple reason to wake ya up from that game! *Ace: No chance in hell! *Flazz: Oh for fuck sake, now! Just let him play already, Jet! *Jet: Shut up! *Sner: Yeah seriously, let Daemon play.I mean, he'll get a way better high score than you. *Flazz: Hey you saying Jet ain't good?! *Sner: Well, duh! I mean, losing six lives in less than 15 minutes, and he didn't even pass a hundred thousand score points. *Flazz: Oh and I guess you're the 1337 around here, right? *Chalez: Uh... does this happen every day? *Tyrobali: If it's not, there's no fun. *Chalez: Yeah, but they look like they're gonna kill themselves. *Ace: Don't worry about that. *Chalez: You sure? *Ace: Of course I am... nothing bad happens... *Tyrobali: Well Jet did end up in the base's medical room after Flazz actually burnt his hair. *Sarah: When did this happen? *Tyrobali: Well... all I can say is that, Jet lost the hair off his chest after.No further comments, for the sake of everyone. *Sner: Stop playing already! XBox is too advanced for idiots like you! *Jet: Say what, Newton? Why don't you go stick a battery up your alien ass, then come back and play when you're fully 'charged'! *Tyson: Was... that an insult to me? *Sarah: Don't worry about it. *Sam(Radio): If I get to see idiots like these everyday, why the hell we need TV anyway? *Daemon: Yo, we need the TV so we won't hear your brain comin' out of your mouth when you can't shut up, fool! *Sam(Radio): Hey, you know you're standing on an ejector couch, don't make me send ya through a hundred meters of sol.Even more... uh oh, shit! *Ace: What? *Sam(Radio):Holy fuck shit! We got a problem! Get to the surface now! As the alarms started to ring, everyone rushed up to the surface, where they saw Drake and his team in the middle of the runway.As everyone was prepared to strike, the bad guys didn't move at all. *Ace: Got any reason to be here?! *Drake: Hmm... Ace, listen... *Jet: Oh, shut up! *shoots* They started attacking Drake and his team members, but they were only dodging the attacks, and didn't fight back at all. *Drake: Enough! We're not here to fight you! *Daemon: Sure you ain't here to fight, motherfucka! *Jet: Ya came here for Ace?! Ya ain't gonna fuckin' get him in this life! *Johnny: Jet, you stupid! Shut up and listen! *Senya: Holmes, we're ain't here for no lucha. *Cain: But, if you insist... *Drake: Cain... everyone, weapons down. *Tyson: What the... *Drake: Now, will you listen? *Jet: No one has a god damn reason to listen to a villain like you, Morrison! *Johnny: Fuckin' listen already! *Ace: Hold on, Jet... *Jet: What?! *Ace: Let him speak... *Daemon: Yo, what?! *Sarah: Ace! *Tyson: Ya need a shock?! Ya were about to die 'cause of that ass! *Ace: Let him speak, if he does only one mistake... you got the honor. *Drake: Listen, we're here with some urgent stuff. *Ace: What stuff? *Drake: The invasion is getting closer and closer, and I think it's time to reveal my secret... *takes off mask* *Jet: Oh nice, you took off your mask! Why should we care of this?! *Drake: Let me finish! Listen, we're not actually on Vectron's side! *Ace: Eh? *Drake: I'm from the FBI.Here's the badge. *Sarah: Yeah every FBI agent would give his badge so he won't get kicked in the ass! *Drake: Please! So, listen.I am actually undercover to find out what was Vectron actually planning.I met Reploz in a rough part of the city, and as he was trying to take control of me, I tamed him.Then, FBI gave me the mission to go and spy on Vectron.I quickly ranked up due to Reploz's influence, and finally, managed to find out their cause.I also found out of your past and other, and brought key-role characters from it only to make you stronger.Remember when I told you you will once join me? This, is what I was talking about! *Ace: Enough! You come here with this pathetic story and you expect us to believe you?! *Sarah: I dunno, Ace... he has the badge tho. *Tyson: Didn't you say it could be stolen?! *Drake: Listen, you are Earth's hope.Neither I, with my team, cannot defeat them. *Ace: Don't wanna hear about it! You sent Domingo to kill us, and he crushed the skulls of my wife and daughter! *Drake: Consider it a gift to you, you killed your family's killer.I found out he was the brain behind your family's murder, so I recruited him, gave him a Vectronian, and made him think he's stronger than me, when he wasn't even stronger than Jet. *Jet: The fuck?! *Drake: Nonetheless, I sent him here on purpose, to unleash more strength within yourself.As for the skulls, I am sorry, but I didn't know he'll go that far.Now listen to me, I will explain to you some key events in the history. *Ace: What? *Drake: This isn't Vectron's first attempt to conquer Earth.For example, in the Ancient Egypt.The Gods were actually humans like you and me, who tamed their Vectronians and gained super-human powers.The bad guy was Set, the strongest of all Vectronians, which the Egyptians called the God of darkness, storms and chaos.He was made the leader of the Vectronians, those who you might call Set's creatures of Hell.Set was the leader of the Vectronian invasion over Earth, until he was defeated by Osiris with a golden arrow in the heart.He then turned into a stone statue, and was buried by the sand.Vectron was then defeated and forced to forfeit.After this, Osiris, Thoth, Isis and Anubis, the team formed at that time, became Gods after their death several years after. *Ace: Hmpf and... *Drake: Don't interrupt me! *Jet: He wants too many stuff... *Ace: Jet, stay back.Keep on... Drake... *Drake: After these events, and after many years that passed, Vectron tried once again to conquer Earth.This time, it was known in the history books as the events in the Ancient Greece.Even there, the gods were actually Vectronians abusing their superior technology to manipulate humans into worshiping them.But as always, there were heroes that were rising from the sol,with tamed Vectronians by their side.These heroes, with Hercules as their leader, charged at the fake Gods, slaying numerous mythical creatures, which were only controlled by Vectronians.Hercules, alongside Odysseus, Achilles and many other, faced the Gods, and succeeded.They also became Gods after. Ace: And now... *Drake: One thing is for sure! They are trying to revive Set! They also tried it during the Ancient Greece era, and now they are back to try again, with even more forces! *Tyrobali: But how is it I don't know anything?! It's the history of my people! *Reploz: Everything is written in the Vectron archives. *Tyrobali: Damn... my rank wouldn't let me access them... *Reploz: Neither mine, but I did.But more than that, both of us were there! *Everyone: What?! *Reploz: Tyrobali... you were the one tamed by every hero of that time.You were tamed by both Anubis and Hercules. *Tyrobali: But... I don't remember anything! *Reploz: That's because, after each battle, Vectron captured you.They couldn't lose a force like you.After, you were brainwashed. *Tyrobali: What... -VECTRON 101- *Tyrobali: Hello, viewers and welcome to Vectron 101! Today, we, the Vectronians, will teach you everything about a Vectronian! Now... Sner, your turn. *Sner: Oh, what? Oh... ahem so... err... ok well... *Tyrobali: Come on... *Sner: Ahem, so, Vectronians are found in different shapes.The primary shape, used by most of us before we were tamed, is that of a liquid state.This is until you reach the rank of Sergeant Major.Then, you get a shape, whatever shape you want, of whatever element you want. *Chalez: Oh so you mean that if I had a higher rank, I could've transform into a, girl in bikinis? *Tyrobali: What the?! *Reploz: *hits* We're live... *Chalez: Ow, uh, who turned off the light? *Sner: Sigh... as I was saying, besides the primary and secondary shapes, we also have the other categories of Vectronians, as the Elite 6 Squad or Venom Squad, which uses the shapes of scorpions, and have that poisonous sting, which they use to... *Alfor: Poison their opponent? *Reploz: *hits* We... are... live! *Alfor: Ow... *Sner: You don't see Vectronians like Terrex. *Terrex: Oh thank you, I know I'm special! *Reploz: Ahem.. *Terrex: Uh, oh, err... sorry! *Reploz: He said that you're quiet, and you better be! So shut up and keep that microphone balanced, you moron! *Sner: Anyway... once bounded with another life form, which serves as a host, the Vectronian will allow him or her to use special powers, depending on personalities, such as Jet's fireballs or Drake's shadows. *Reploz: Sorry to interfere, but the shadows are the result of the combination of me and his claws. *Sner: Ahem... anyway, after the bond, we get to level up, and depending on the level, gain new abilities and gear. *Tyrobali: Such as my golden armor! Yay! *Sner: Sigh... yes... now, that might be enough for today, see you on the next episode of Ace of Spades, and don't forget... *Flazz: Uh, guys, if you wanna use the toilet, don't, something happened after I sit on it, and now it... stinks.And, you're outta toilet paper too. *Reploz: *hits* We're live! You idiot! *Flazz: Ow... I think I shit on myself... *Sner: Oh god... turn the camera off! Turn it off! *Cameraman: Hey, hey easy! Oh god n... *end of transmission* No New Characters Hope you enjoyed it! Hmm... Vectron 101.Random idea Made it with the purpose of answering some of your questions, questions that maybe confused you or other stuff. Keep the Ace up your sleeve ;]
  12. Pretty good.A bit short, and not so much dialogue and other, but you did a good work.
  13. Yo, welcome back! 'bout the feedback, well, since we already started here, we can't stop.And we will upload on other sites as well, but we're busy with... high school. <.< Pain in the ass. Anyway, new episode here. :3 This one is sad, really. Ep. 25 - Don't go into the light... The guys arrived at the nearest clinic, where Jet and Daemon took Ace, and the rest went at the door, which was apparently locked, since the clinic was about to close.Sam looked through the door, and saw the clinic staff getting ready to go home.He shouted and knocked at the door, and a nurse came. *Nurse: Sorry, but we're closing. *Sam: Who cares?! It's an emergency! Open up! *Nurse: I'm sorry, but we're closing! Down the street is a bigger hospital. *Tyson: Hospital on my ass! Open this shit up before the state is outta electricity! *Nurse: Sir, please... *Sarah: Our friend's dying here and you say bullshit! Saying this, Sarah hit the doors, which were sent down the hallway, nearly hitting the nurse.Right after, Jet came in and pointed his shotgun at the nurse. *Jet: Look bitch, I don't have time for this! Your staff is still here! Call a doctor, before you'll going to need one! *Nurse: Okay, please, don't hurt me! *Tyson: Move it! The nurse called a doctor, who was about to leave.They rushed back at the guys. *Doctor: Ahem, we're sorry but... oh, my... *Jet: Nice, eh? And I got way lot o' bullets left in it! *Doctor: Uh, okay, then let's see the patient.My god... we need to take him into operation, now! *Daemon: I love Americans, the way they act when you got an empty gun. *Nurse: What?! *Doctor: Not now! Let's hurry! They took Ace in the operation room, and they all went outside.The nurse came, wanting to discuss with them. *Nurse: Umm, guys, sorry for earlier... I didn't know it was this serious. *Daemon: Forget it now. *Nurse: What happened anyway? *Jet: Nothing... *Nurse: Anyway, I'm really sorry... *Sarah: Yeah, yeah, we'll forgive you if your Dr. Dolittle saves our friend. *Daemon: Don't say that, you're insulting me. Back in the operation room, the doctors were watching worried how Ace's pulse decreases.They were bandaging and treating his wounds, giving him blood perfusion.Suddenly, the monitor stopped beeping, meaning that Ace's heart stopped beating. *Assistant: We lost him, sir... *Doctor: I won't allow that! Let's shock him! In the mean time, Ace wasn't completely unconscious, but neither too awake to talk or open his eyes, even to breathe.But, he could hear everything around him.He then found himself surrounded by nothing but darkness. *Ace: Where am I? *Doctor: Get ready! *Ace: What?! Who's that?! *Doctor: Charge! *shock* *Ace: Aaaargh! Ace then had a vision, of him with his wife at a hospital, with her baby daughter in her arms. *Ace: Maria... Helena... Right then, they got up, and went at a car, which was guarded by two black dressed men, apparently in the gang in which Ace was also. *Goon: Ace, the Don told us to come here and guard you and your wife. *Ace: Hey, nice of him. *Goon2: Yeah, we don't want those cartel bitches mess up with that sweet lookin' baby of yours.What's his name? *Ace: It's a she.And her name's Helena. *Goon: Nice name.If I remember right, your mom's name was Helen, right? *Ace: .Come on let's go, Joey and the others are in the car ahead.Let's take you home. *Goon2: We got some driving to do, since you had chosen this dang hospital a mile away from your house. *Ace: Well... *Doctor: Charge! *shock* The vision changed, and he found himself in a park, having a picnic with his wife and his three year old daughter. *Ace: Nice day for a picnic. *Maria: You always knew how to choose a day for a picnic! *Ace: It's something I call 'the Ace up the sleeve'. *Maria: Heh, come on, your daughter needs your help with that bicycle. *Ace: Heh, and she was doing so fine until the first fall. *Maria: Oh it happens. *Ace: Well I'm going then.Helena come on, let's take a trip through the park.You on the bike, me on... *Doctor: Charge! *shock* After this shock, Ace found himself in his house, playing poker with four other friends, while Maria and Helena were sitting on the couch, watching TV.Then, the door opened and five armed men opened fire at everyone inside.Before the men at the table could even get their weapons, Ace's friends were killed.Ace took out his revolver, overturned the table, and hid behind it.He then looked at her wife and daughter, who were hiding behind the couch.Then, one of the attackers went at them, and Ace, with tears in his eyes, saw as his wife and daughter were shot dead.Thinking they finished everyone, the men left, before the police could arrive. Then, Ace found himself at the backdoor of a warehouse, and went inside.He hid behind some crates, and watched the rival cartel, discussing in the middle of the warehouse, which was guarded by gunmen on the second floor.Ace then saw a gas can, and quietly sneaked out, spreading gas on the doors, crates, explosive barrels and support pillars.He then went back at the door, but before leaving, he took out a sniper rifle, threw a grenade, quickly shot down the cartel leader, and ran away.He then stopped, watching the explosions at the warehouse, and the bodies that were sent flying through the windows.Soon the building collapsed leaving a pile of dirt and ash behind.He then continued walking, trying to hide his tears.Ace got in a car, and left in the night, while the police were arriving. Then, he suddenly found himself in a cemetery, Graceland Cemetery, and was in front of two graves, the ones of his wife and daughter.He once again started crying, but tried to hide his tears.He then turned around, watching the sunrise. *Ace: Maria, Helena... I won't rest until I'll avenge you.I won't let anyone else die the way you did... I'll... *Doctor: One last time... Charge! *shock* *Ace: Aaargh! What's... happening?! Ace found himself in the black hole, but this time, a bright light appeared before him. *Ace: What's happening... the voices are low... the light is... so... wonderful... Then from the light appeared two silhouettes, apparently Ace's wife and daughter.After he saw them, Ace started to cry, and slowly advanced towards them.Back in the operation room, the doctors did all they could, but nothing helped them.The doctor then went outside, to tell the guys the bad news. *Sam: Doc, how is he?! *Doctor: I'm... I'm sorry... we lost him. *Daemon: What... *Jet: What?! *Tyson: What did you say?! After hearing the news, Sam sat down desperately, Sarah started to cry, but Jet, Daemon and Tyson were surrounded by an evil aura.Tyson was charged with purple electricity, Jet was also burning in purple flames, while Daemon grabbed the doctor with his claws, and hanging him in air. *Daemon: Don't fuckin' say our friend's dead! *Jet: You better, or this building will go down with one single fuckin' bullet! *Tyson: There ain't no way! Aargh! Ace! Tyson ran into the operation room, and the doctors were trying to stop him, but were shocked and sent in the walls.Then, he charged his hands when he reached Ace's bed. *Doctor: Wait! That shock will burn him! *Jet: I've seen him fighting aliens, and he survived... a small shock won't hurt him. *Tyson: Come on man, I know you're there! Aaargh... charge!! *shock* Tyson touched Ace's chest, and shocked him.Back in Ace's mind, as he was trying to reach his family, he heard Tyson, and stopped. *Tyson: Ace... Ace! *Ace: That voice... who's... *Sarah: Ace! Don't go, please! *Ace: I hear them, loud... but, the light... is... *Sam: Ace! *Ace: Gah... I... *Maria: Acelius... come on, join us... *Daemon: Ace! *Maria: In Heaven... in peace... *Ace: But... the voices... the light... I'm so confused... *Maria: You have earned your rest, our rest... time to live a new life, of peace... *Ace: Uh... *Jet: Ace! Move your ass back on Earth you shithead! *Ace: Uh... the voices... now I remember! Jet! Guys! *Tyrobali: Come on... Ace... fight... for, both... *Ace: Ty... Tyrobali... friends... aargh! Can't go! I got unfinished business... lots of stuff to do, save the world... I got new friends that love me, I got a... family... a new family, back on Earth... I'm sorry, Maria, Helena, time to go... we'll meet again... *Maria: Acelius... as you wish... He says so... *Helena: Daddy... bye... *Ace: Bye... Back in the operation room, everyone knew there's nothing else to do.They lowered their heads, and started to pray for Ace.They slowly left the room, with Sarah last, and she saw Ace's finger moving. *Sarah: Ace? *Ace: Ugh... cereals... *Sarah: Oh my... Ace!! *Jet: What?! *Daemon: Yo, take a look at that! Everyone went at Ace, and hugged him.Then, he helped him get up, but didn't leave the hospital, since the doctor suggested he should stay a bit more.But, as usual, they didn't listen, so they went outside the hospital, and sat on a bench. *Ace: What happened? *Jet: How should we know? We were fighting those assholes, while you were with Drake. *Sarah: Yeah and, then there was this explosion and... *Tyson: You were falling down... dead... *Tyrobali: Pretty shocking... I nearly died too... *Ace: Yeah, I always thought that this 'save the world' duty... will hurt my friends. *Sam: Hey, you need your friends to hurt the bad guys. *Jet: Haha, yeah, but not you! *Sam: What?! *Jet: Oh come on, you were hiding in the car while we were fightin' the fuck out. *Sarah: Oh shut up, Jet! He can't fight those guys by himself! *Jet: Why doesn't he create a device to give him powers or something like that?! Like Iron Man! *Sam: Hey that... brilliant idea... for an idiot. *Jet: Say what?! Idiot?! *Daemon: Haha! *Ace: Oh, man... should've gotten into the light. *Sarah: *slaps* Don't say that! *Ace: Ow... okay, okay! Haha! *Jet: Alright come on, let's get back to the hole in the ground. *Tyson: Call it home, you idiot! Or you wanna sleep outside with the animals? *Daemon: I said don't insult me! *Ace: Heh... okay, come on. *Sam: And Ace, you died two times in a row, also revived two times in a row.Give it a break, let someone else die! Someone like Jet! *Jet: Yeah! Wait... what?! *Ace: Hehe... and hey, Daemon... happy birthday! *Daemon: Thanks man... but next time when we celebrate... no beach! I mean, if we celebrated at a Burger King or something... *Tyson: Hey... I met that girl... at least that moment of the day was alright... *Sam: For you. *Jet: Yeah well... when you'll get a girlfriend, you'll be half dead! You wouldn't be struttin' that ass! *Sam: Oh, shut up, will ya?! Come on, I wanna see what I can do with your 'Iron Man' idea. *Ace: Heh... just the friends I need to save the world... but, we'll meet again, Maria... and Helena... 'till then... *Jet: What's wrong, Ace?! Having a heart attack?! Ya need a shock or two? *Ace: Man... fuck you! *Everyone: Haha! *Ace: By the way... thanks a lot! *Doctor: You're welcome! *Nurse: Good you're alright! *Ace: I'll repay you someday! *Doctor: Just save Earth! *Ace: Huh... *Jet: Hmm... come on, dude! Then they got in their vehicles, and went back home, where, after a long and hard day, they all went to sleep. No New Characters Well, yet again, hope you enjoyed it! Also, we thought it's better not to do any cosplay of the doctor, nurse or Ace's family.Waste of time. Also, news about that spin-off.I think it's just TOO early to say anything about it, but, it'll be in the past. Keep the Ace up your sleeve! ;]
  14. At a small cabin in Tierra Robada, the one where that serial killer is rumored to live. Pass, no idea what to ask.
  15. Lol Pedro, cheers for the Ace of Spades on Mafia Wars. :P

  16. I'd wish, F. [T/F] The Leviathan can land on water.
  17. New Episode! Well, nasty thing happens in this one.The good guys were ambushed.Only way for them to escape, is by YOU reading the episode! Also, we thought of a snip-off of the series, more news coming soon. EP. 24 - Birthday Party Our heroes were surrounded by Drake and his partners.Sarah grabbed Sam and threw him away, so he won't get hurt.Then, he left the building. *Senya: Oh, don't you like our birthday party? *Johnny: Happy birthday, motherfucker! *Tyson: Fuckin' son of a bitch... *Drake: So, you passed all my tests so far, but this is the ultimate one... will ya, survive? One way to find out, right? You either fight, or you feign. *Ace: Doubt we will the ones who'll feign... *Drake: Hehe... okay then, Acelius.Time to play the game! Drake quickly ran towards Ace trying to grab him with his hand, but Ace dodged the attack, and managed to hit Drake in the stomach, sending him through the ceiling.He then took his wings out, and went after him.In mid air, both Ace and Drake were staring at each other with anger, respectively calm. *Drake: Well, you sure are better, aren't you? *Ace: You've seen nothing... *Drake: Trust me... I will see everything you can at the invasion... whether you like it or not... your power is strong, enough to beat my team, but you will have problems with me... I know you will fail in trying to defeat me... as I am undefeatable... you bunch of mortals, you and the rest of the humans, will all die... everyone knows it... you can't save Earth... no matter what... *Ace: Lies... you don't know anything! I don't have a good reason to save Earth, after what happened to my family! I started to hate it too.But my little friend here... gave me a reason, the simple reason to try and be a hero. *Drake: Hmm... *Ace: Then... I found out the real killer of my family... and I slayed him... and since he was working for you, the same thing that happened to your friend, will happen to you. *Drake: Question is... will you survive to do that? *Tyrobali: Damn you! You're a nightmare! A disaster! *Drake: Heh... that's what they've always said.So come on, confront me, one on one... *Ace: *loads gun* Show me what you can do, grandma! Meanwhile, the others were also in a fight.Sarah was fighting with Johnny, who kept appearing and reappearing around her, trying to hit her with his knife, but thanks to Sarah's martial arts skills, her reflexes helped her dodge the attacks.But, she soon started to feel dizzy, and Johnny was about to cut her.Frankly, Tyson appeared before him and hit him with his bat, paralyzing him.Johnny fell down on the floor.But from Tyson's right came Senya, who tried to cut his head off, but Sarah was there and stopped her attack.Then as she tried to attack again, Senya's scythe transformed into a shield, but this time the shield broke, and Sarah hit Senya in the face, right in the jaw,dislocating it. *Tyson: Back on back, eh sis? Just like in the good old days on that alleyway! *Sarah: When I told you to stop insulting those bullies? They deserved those hits in the face anyway. *Chalez: Heads up! Chalez saw Cain running towards them with his blades glowing blue again.Senya got up, and formed a tornado, which kept the Murrays in the air, making them clear target for Cain.But before Cain even reached them, he was sent into the opposite wall by a fireball. *Senya: Mierda! You can't do anything good, carnal?! *Cain: Aaah! I nearly had them, haaahaa! Aaargh! *Flazz: Ya better put some ice on that! Meanwhile, Johnny regained his consciousness, but right when he got up, he noticed a large grizzly bear right in front of him.The bear, who was actually Daemon, grabbed him, and bear hugged him with all his force, breaking some of Johnny's bones. *Daemon: Yo, the irony... you break from jail, I break your bones! *Johnny: Argh! All you can do, teddy?! You think that's enough?! Ya weren't in the jail, ya dunno how hard it is there, and it was all Jet's fault! *Jet: Shut up, fucker! Like it's your first time! Johnny then suddenly teleported out of Daemon's bear hug, appearing right behind Jet, trying to stab him in the back with his knife.But Tyson was there, and tried to save Jet, and the knife only scratched Jet's shoulder.Tyson then sent another shock wave into Johnny, burning and shocking him.Meanwhile, Daemon was running towards Sarah, who was surrounded by Cain and Senya.Then, Tyson shouted: *Tyson: Sis! Remember that dance move?! The windmill you taught me! *Sarah: Heh... do the windmill, babe! Sarah dropped on the floor, and did the windmill break-dance move, sending Senya and Cain in opposite directions, only for Daemon to grab Cain while he was in a lion form, and bit him of his arm.Cain tried to grab one of his scimitars, and tried to hit Daemon, but Daemon transformed into a butterfly, and Cain missed the attack.Then, he transformed into a piranha, and bit Cain's hand, making him drop his sword.Then, he turned into a kangaroo, and jumped over Cain's stomach three times, after which he jumped off. In the mean time, Ace and Drake were still fighting, exchanging hits while flying in the sky, covered by dark clouds.Then, a rain started. *Drake: Rain predicts your defeat for today, Acelius... *Ace: Rain prevents a rainbow... the 6 colors of Earth, defeating the 4 dark colors of Vectron. *Drake: Six? With your useless scientist? *Ace: Listen there, Sam ain't useless... the only useless thing here is you! You, a mistake of nature! *Drake: Nature should be no more... until that moment, which by the way... it will be soon enough... show me your power... show if you are worth surviving the attack... prove you aren't worth just dying there on the battlefield... show me the power... of the 2nd level... *Ace: Aaargh... you're asking for it! Aaaaaaaaaaaah! After this battle-cry, Ace's aura turned golden, and once again he had two pair of wings, and a halo above his head.Back in the warehouse, Tyson's cross suddenly started to float, and it flew out, towards the roof, and stopped right in the middle of Ace and Drake.Then, the cross slowly went towards Ace, who grabbed it, and his fist was charged with a holy power.He then placed his gun in the holster, and with Tyrobali next to him, the power in his fist was even stronger.But Drake too, unleashed his powers.His aura was glowing dark, and it appeared he also charged his right fist, which started to burn in purple flames.After three seconds of staring in each others eyes, they charged, only to form a large explosion in the air.The fighting in the warehouse stopped, and everyone watched as, from the large smoke cloud, Ace was falling unconscious, and after the smoke quickly disappeared, Drake was still in the air, apparently, only a bit wounded, as he was holding his right arm, and had a few scatches on his face. *Flazz: Shit! *Sarah: Ace! *Senya: Let's get him! *Jet: Okay, that's it! Jet's fists started to burn in a blue, threatening flames, and he sent three strong fireballs at the bad guys, burning them, and sending them out of the warehouse through a wall, but also leaving holes where each villain went through, which weakened the building's structure.Nonetheless, they stood there, thinking of what they can do. *Tyson: Daemon, don't stand there! *Sner: Come on, Daemon! Let's get him! *Daemon: Yeah! Daemon transformed into a pterodactyl, and flew at Ace, trying to grab him, but as he was exhausted after the fight, and Ace was heavy, they both started to fall.Suddenly, Daemon started to glow, and after a blinding light, Daemon was in an odd form, as he was two animals in one.He has reached level two, and transformed into a bipedal tiger, with large wings.He also had the claws Sam gave him equipped.He then grabbed Ace, and landed next to the vehicles, while the rest were getting out of the building which was collapsing.Everyone was around Ace, while the bad guys were slowly advancing towards them.But suddenly they stopped, as everyone who was guarding Ace turned towards them, with a very angry look on their faces.Tyson once again had the red electricity bolts, Sarah took a large part of the ground in her hands, ready to throw it at them, Jet was burning in blue flames, and Daemon turned into a combination of shark, cheetah and large dragon-like wings.With the fear on their faces, Senya, Johnny and Cain retreated, but Drake appeared before the heroes. *Drake: Congratulations, you passed this test as well... now, you are prepared... remember, do the right choice... *Jet: Get lost... before we carbonize yer miserable life! *Drake: Indeed, in this moment, I also feel the fear in you guys... but, we don't have time, for a real challenge.Au revoir, heroes... As soon as Drake disappeared, Sam came out of the SUV, and Jet and Daemon placed Ace in the SUV, and then speed towards the nearest hospital.Meanwhile, on a near by mountain, Drake was watching the sun set, with his wounded gang behind. *Senya: Is this worth it?! I mean, do we really need them?! *Drake: They can... and they will... but as I said, they need training. *Cain: Ha... we nearly got killed there... *Johnny: Damn it! You're just lucky you busted me out of jail, or else I wouldn't be here with y'all! *Drake: Johnny, guys... shut up.Time to go, rest, and treat your wounds. *Cain: Haahaaa... our wounds?! Appears you are wounded too... *Drake: Hmm... indeed... at that impact, I was stunned of the power Ace had... for a second I saw Death in front of me, but, I sensed as he lost the balance of his powers, and managed to hit him... I was lucky not to kill him... *Johnny: Damn it... but if he kills us, then who'll... *Drake: I know they will join... they have to... let's go! Drake and his gang disappeared, just as the sun fell down the horizon, leaving the dark night take control of time and space.On the road our heroes were driving towards the hospital.All the lights on the poles around the road lit one by one, as soon as the little convoy went pass them.Then, they disappeared in the night, with a bright city in the distance. ... To be continued No New Characters Hope you enjoyed it! Next week I'll give another hint about the spin-off series. 'till then... Keep the Ace up your sleeve ;]
  18. Can you guys lend me some ideas for Ace of Spades? We're kinda running out of ideas. <.<

  19. Mega Drive.Good days when I was addicted to Super Mario or Super Contra.
  20. Ep. 22! This one's name is pretty funny lol, that because it was Vlad's idea. xD EP. 22 - It's raining freaks! Hallelujah! Sarah got in the room, and as soon as she took a step, the doors behind her closed.Ju Wen got up and got out of the ring of candles.Then he welcomed Sarah. *Ju Wen: Welcome, student... in the room of the snake! *Sarah: Thank you, master. *Ju Wen: The snake style is simple, and it consists of whipping, grappling and rattling.Before I add anything else, we... Suddenly, an explosion was provoked at the ceiling, and from the hole came Senya, Johnny and Cain.Sarah and Ju Wen were surprised by their presence, even though they didn't know who they are. *Sarah: Who are you?! *Senya: We're here to have fun, isn't it obvious?! *Cain: Eh... *Senya: Something wrong, Cain? *Cain: Well... *Johnny: Hey, leave it for later, let's do what we're here for! *Sarah: What's your business here anyway?! *Johnny: Kill you! And while we do this, Drake is at your friends... After they heard the explosion, Sam, Fuji, Tai Su and Ba Sho came in the room. *Fuji: What is happening here?! *Sam: I guess you three are Drake's bitches! *Cain: Haaahaa! Watch your tongue, little man... or I'll make sure the cat eats it... *Johnny: Maybe after I put a bullet hole into it... *Senya: Hehe... let's take out everyone here, eh? *Tai Su: Oh no, you won't! *Fuji: Get in positions, fighters! *Tai Su: Crane! *Ba Sho: Leopard! *Ju Wen: Snake! *Sarah: Shopping! *Sam: Eh... *Sarah: What?! *Senya: Get 'em! Senya, Cain and Johnny charged at the masters and Sarah, and a hard fight started.As the good guys were avoiding scythes, swords and bullets, they also counter attacked using each style.In the middle of the fight, Sam got out of the room in a hurry. *Sarah: Sam! Sam! *Senya: Your boyfriend left you here, eh? *Sarah: He's not my boyfriend! *hits* Sam got to the ship, and went off back to California.Meanwhile, back at the base, as the team was having fun, it all ended when the alarm started.Ace went in the security room, and saw Drake outside, right in the middle of the runway.Ace informed everyone, and they went outside, where they confronted Drake. *Drake: Well, well... the welcoming committee... *Ace: I prefer to give ya a kick in the ass good-bye. *Drake: Maybe you want to know that... as I am here, wasting your time... your friends, Sarah and Sam, are fighting for their lives. *Ace: What?! *Tyson: Sarah! You piece of... *Jet: Easy kid... *Drake: My friends are testing her powers... but she can be killed anytime.You can stay here and fight me... or you can go save her... and by the way... change the laser.I think Domingo made too much... damage... *Ace: You... *Drake: Ace... it's your choice... fight me, or save your friends... *Jet: How can we get to Tibet anyway?! *Drake: Why asking me that? *Ace: Damn it! *Sam(Radio): Ace! The temple's attacked! *Ace: We know, Sam! Where are ya?! *Sam(Radio): Close to the base! You need to help Sarah! *Ace: We will... over! *Drake: I guess you have chosen to be heroes, and not warriors. *Ace: Shut up... we'll get you one day... *Jet: I got a better idea, Ace... you go, and I'll take care of this asshole! *Drake: I would love to fight you all... in fact I can kill you all right here... but as I said, the offer of an alliance is still available. *Daemon: Yo, shut up! I'm sick and tired of your talking! *takes claws* *Jet: Right said, man! *takes shotgun* *Tyson: *charges arms* Let's take care of him 'till Sam gets here, what do you say? *Ace: Meh... *Drake: It can be your biggest mistake ever... looks like your friend is here, I'll be gone.Au revoir! *Ace: Damn... *Sam: Come on, guys! Let's hurry up! *Jet: Load it up! Let's fight! The team got in the ship, and went back in Tibet.Meanwhile, Sarah found herself surrounded by Senya, Cain and Johnny, while the other masters were lying down, defeated. *Senya: Look what happened... all lonely now, eh? *Cain: Haaahaaa! Lemme cut her head off! *Johnny: Easy, man... you ain't no gentleman here... *Sarah: Damn it... Sam... *Senya: Your boyfriend ain't here, chica.Say good-bye... As Senya was about to cut Sarah with her scythe, she was shot in the hand by Ace.Then, the bad guys found themselves surrounded by Ace's team. *Senya: Backup is here, eh... *Tyson: Big mistake hurtin' my sister, idiots! *Daemon: Big mistake you actually thought of doing that! *Jet: Johnny... before we finish you off, all I can say is... fuck you, asshole! *Johnny: You piece of shit! Another fight started, but this one was rather one sided, as Ace's team had the number of members as an advantage.Daemon turned into a rhino and charged at Johnny with fool speed,with Jet sitting comfortably on his back.Johnny tried to dodge the attack, but ace grabbed his right arm, and threw him into the wall, also burning the skin on that arm.Cain was running on the walls of the room,and suddenly jumped at Ace, who, at the time, was in mid-air, charging his revolver with energy.Cain's swords turned blue, and he used them to freeze Ace's wings.Senya tried to take Ace's head while he was falling to the ground, but Sarah caught him right before he hit ground, also kicking Senya, who managed to block the powerful hit by turning the scythe into a shield.Right as she was about to counter-attack, Tyson came from behind and electrocuted her with a simple touch on the shoulder.Johnny got up from the floor, only to be hit again by Jet's fireballs, which now were stronger than ever.Ace finally managed to charge his revolver, and shot Cain, who fell on the ground, unable to move.After minutes of fighting, the bad guys were taken out, and fell down defeated. *Tyson: Now,how's that for teamwork? *Jet: Let's finish 'em! *Daemon: Yo, I'm down with that! *Senya: Ah... pendejos! *Cain: Haah... ouch... you're gonna pay for this someday... *Ace: Here's a dollar... that's how expensive your life is. *Drake: Well... I guess they lost this time... *Ace: Drake! It's time to finish you this time! *Drake: As I said, Ace... I am too busy... let's go! Drake and his team disappeared, and Ace's team checked how the masters are feeling.After an hour from the incident, Sarah was once again ready to train again.The next two days she kept training, and she officially became the master of the dragon style.But as she could not stay there, as the world needed her, the team left the temple, but not before Sarah went through a small shop in the city. Back at the base, Ace reminded of what Drake said, and asked Sam to replace the security system from the airstrip.As this was done, the rest of the day was theirs to waste it. ... To be continued Hope you liked it! Keep the Ace up your sleeve! ;] EDIT: EP. 23! This one's a bit long lol, but hope you'll enjoy it.Name's a reference to San Andreas' mission 'Life's a Beach'. ;] And in this episode, we welcome a new character, which is... heh, you'll see. xD Also, happy birthday to someone! EP. 23 - Life's a Beach 17th June, 8:27 AM.At the base, everyone was doing their normal routine, waking up and having breakfast, but this time only, Sam and Ace came in the kitchen with a huge birthday cake in their hands. *Jet: What the... *Tyson: Cake! *Ace: Damn, this shit's heavy... *Sam: Happy birthday, Daemon! *Daemon: Hey man, how'd ya find out? I wanted to tell you later. *Sam: You guys aren't the only ones with super powers! I'm telepathic, I have read your mind, and the stars that were up on the sky last night and then the wind whispered and... *Ace: You're tele-pathetic.The FBI told us. *Sam: Whatever, FBI is windy.You know what I mean? *Tyson: Errr... nope? *Sam: Whatever, eat the cake! *Tyson: Okay! *bites* *Jet: Whoa, easy kid! What the fuck?! *Ace: Sarah, control your beast... *Sarah: Eh... he has this kinda... weakness, to cakes and other sweet stuff... *Ace: Morale of this story: never leave the lights on in a candy shop. *Jet: So how you wanna celebrate, man? *Daemon: Something we never did before! Like... going to the beach, yeah! *Ace: Hmpf... *Jet: Oh yeah, that sounds great! *Tyson: Oh yeah! I'm gonna change! *Sarah: Tyson... *Tyson: Yeah, sis? *Sarah: Sorry but... as your elder sister I... *Ace: She's right, we can't let you in the water.You can kill us all if you go out of control. *Sarah: That's not what I wanted to say! *Ace: Then what? *Sarah: That I wanna put my swimsuit first! *Ace: *facepalm* Jesus Christ... Everyone got in their swimsuits, except Ace.Daemon went at him and asked: *Daemon: Yo, why ain't you changing? *Ace: Don't like the beach... *Daemon: Why not man? C'mon, we gonn` have, sun, girls, sand in our ass! It'll be perfect! *Ace: Shit no... *Daemon: Alright then... Jet! *Jet: Ace, move yo ass in and change in ya swimsuit! *Ace: What, you think you're scaring me, you half-minded biker? *Jet: You... damn I can't reply to that, he's good.Err... Sarah! *Sarah: Ace... *Ace: Sarah? *Sarah: Can you please change? So we can go to the beach? *Ace: Hmmm... no. *Sarah: Fuckin' change now before I break something! *Ace: Ah crap! Okay! *Jet: Damn, how's she doin' it? *Daemon: Who knows... Ace got changed, and went outside where everyone was waiting for him to change.They were all amazed by Ace's body, who was full of tattoos and scars. *Ace: This is why I don't like at the beach *Sarah: Eh... come on! You look great in that swimsuit! *Ace: Eh... *Jet: Who gives a damn crap about how you look, man? *Tyson: Yeah, I mean... look at Jet, he's hairy and disgusting! *Jet: Say what you little punk?! *Tyson: Hahaha! *Ace: Heh, alright let's go. They took Daemon's SUV and Hexer and went on the Los Angeles coast.There, they reached Santa Monica beach, and Ace, Sam and Jet were lying back on some deckchairs, while the rest were getting ready to go in the water.Sarah and Daemon went first, then Tyson, but before he could go in the water, something drew his attention.Running down the shore was a young girl about the same age as Tyson, and they both looked in each others eyes.The girl smiled at him, and continued her run.Tyson stood there, and then Daemon sprayed him with water, and as he blinked, he looked after the girl, but she disappeared in the crowd.Tyson jumped in the water, and after an hour, Ace had a worried look on his face. *Jet: What's with that look, man? *Ace: Having a bad feeling... *Jet: Oh just shut up, will ya? *Sam: Heheh... *Jet: Hey, nerdy! Ya were lookin' through those binoculars for an hour, what are ye lookin' at anyway. *Sam: Does it matter to you? *Jet: Nah, I'm just making fun of you.Stop spying Sarah. *Ace: Still, Jet... I got this bad feeling that... *Woman: Aaaaaah! Shark! *Jet: You just can't keep your mouth shut, can't ya?! *Daemon: Damn! *Ace: You guys stay here, I'm gonna help them! *Jet: Wait! Why stay here for?! *Sam: And what can you do in the water, Mr. 'I feel hot'?! *Jet: Damn... you're right... Ace ran through the scared crowd and reached the water, where he saw his team fighting some mutant sharks.Ace took his wings and flew over the water, shooting the sharks, but his bullets were stopped by the water. *Ace: What the fuck, man?! *Tyson: Damn it! *hits* Haven't you ever watched 'Mythbusters'?! *Ace: Shit... guys! You're the only ones who can fight them! *Tyson: Correction! They are! I can't use my thunder here! *Ace: Hang on I'll get you outta there! Daemon, Sarah, stop those things! *Daemon: Don't worry 'bout it, yo! Daemon turned into a crocodile and bit the incoming sharks.Meanwhile, Sarah hit the sharks around her.She grabbed one of his tail, and threw him towards some other.Suddenly, she was bit on her leg.Tyson saw what happened, and he got angry.He started sending out red electricity bolts, and Ace knew this isn't good. *Ace: Shit! Daemon get outta there! Daemon transformed into a dolphin, and swam fast to the shore, while Ace grabbed Sarah, and took her on shore.There, they saw the wound in Sarah's leg, which was pretty big.Angry, Tyson got in the water, and with his hands in the water, he sent thunders all over, provoking huge explosions at the contact with the sharks.After everything ended, Sam took care of Sarah's leg, and the civilians who ran away from the shark, surrounded the team.Some reporters quickly arrived and asked the team some questions. *Reporter: Excuse me, can you tell us what happened? *Reporter2: How did this all happen? *Reporter3: How did you stop those sharks? *Reporter4: Are you single? *Jet: Well... yes I am, pretty girl... and... *Ace: *hits* Shut up... nothing happened, okay? You people did not see anything! *Man: Oh yes, we saw! And you are heroes! *Woman: Hooray to our saviors! There still are heroes existing! *Man2: There are miracles on this world! *Ace: Eh... *Sam: Oh well... people, we are your heroes! Obey us and you will be safe! *Ace: Shut up you pathetic bunch of low-life shit! *hits* *Sam: Ow! Ouch! Damn, that hurt, Ace! *Ace: You're welcome, geek! Now people, please, leave! Nothing happened, go back to your tanning, okay? *Man: We won't forget you, heroes! *Ace: Guys, we better go. *Sarah: Ah... ouch, I can' swim anymore with this wound... *Tyson: Hey sis, hope you're... whoa, whoa... *Sarah: I'm what? *Tyson: Whoa! Tyson saw the same girl from earlier today, standing right in front of him.As they were looking into each others eyes again, the rest of the guys slowly backed off, leaving them alone on the shore. *Tyson: Eh, eh... uh, hey... *Girl: Hi! *Tyson: Heh... err... how, are you? *Girl: Hehe, I'm fine, you? *Tyson: Oh, I sure am more than fine right now... *Girl: Haha! My name is Lorelei! Lorelei Corbett. *Tyson: Tyson Murray... *Lorelei: Saw you fighting earlier, you're pretty tough, aren't you? *Tyson: I may be... *Lorelei: Saw you an hour ago, in this same spot, and... I liked what I saw... *Tyson: Oh, I like what I see too... *Lorelei: *blushes* I like you... we should meet up sometime, when you're free? *Tyson: Sure why not, but... where do you live? *Lorelei: Just in the middle of Santa Monica, where do you live? *Tyson: Eh... somewhere near Death Valley. *Lorelei: Death Valley National Park? *Tyson: Yeah well, we live in some kinda underground base with all kinda crazy and cool stuff like video games, pool, other... *Jet(Whispers): We got a pool? *Sam(Whispers): Of course we do! *Jet(Whispers): What, how is it that I don't know? *Daemon(Whispers): You're an idiot, that's why.Come on shut up and watch this soap. *Lorelei: Wow... that sounds, cool! I might want to visit you sometime! *Tyson: Haha! *Lorelei: Here's my number! Call me! *Tyson: Yeah, will do! *Lorelei: Hehe, later! *Tyson: See ya. Lorelei left the scene, and Tyson was standing still, watching as she disappears again in the crowd.He couldn't hear the others calling his name, so Jet slapped him, making him regain his consciousness. *Tyson: Ou... ouch! You fuckin' moron! *Jet: Congrats, kid! Ya got yourself a bitch! *Sarah: She's pretty nice, isn't she? *Daemon: Yo, gimme a high-five there, homie! *Tyson: Hell yeah! That girl is hot! *Ace: Okay you love dove, let's go.We have some presents to buy for someone. *Daemon: Hooray to me! *Sarah: Means we're going to the mall?! *Ace: No, you and Jet are going back to the base on Hexer, we can't risk letting you leave the government in financial crisis. *Jet: Wait, why do I have to drive her? *Ace: 'cause I say so! *Jet: Fuck you, I don't wanna! I wanna go to the fuckin' mall, eat some unhealthy food, stare at some bitches asses, break some glasses in shops, and buying my friend here, a gift! *Sarah: And I wanna buy, buy and buy again... *Tyson: Ahem. *Sarah: And of course, buy a gift for Daemon. *Daemon: Cheers, guys! *Ace: Alright then... this will be a long, long day... They left the beach, and went to the nearest mall, where they spent three hours.After that, on their way back to Death Valley, as they were driving on the lone, dusty road, they saw a figure in the distant, standing still in the middle of the street, next to a bike.As it was noon, outside was very hot.They stopped to avoid hitting this person, but as they slowly advanced, they notice the person was actually Johnny. *Jet: Johnny! Got yourself a new bike? *Johnny: Jet... we meet again.And yeah... since Hexer is gone... *Jet: Hey, I named my bike Hexer, only in your honor! *Johnny: Some well fuckin' honor, man! *Ace: You wanna fight, ma'am? *Johnny: No... since I have orders... I came here to warn you... *Daemon: About what?! *Johnny: Meteors will fall from the sky, and the humanity will change, and as you will all die, Vectron will arrange, a fate that's so deadly, you can call me Stanley! *Ace: Okay... so? *Johnny: Had to find something to rhyme... alright then, that's all, see ya later... heroes! *Jet: Johnny, wait! Johnny quickly got on his bike, and then disappeared as a strong sandstorm quickly made its presence on the road.On his hurry though, he dropped a communicator.Jet picked it up, and they heard a voice on the other side. *???(Radio): Johnny... this is Drake... let's meet up at the location we arranged. *Jet(Whispers): Shit! *Ace(Whispers): It's Drake! Come on, Jet, change your voince in Johnny's and find out where he is hiding... *Jet(Whispers): Okay... *Drake(Radio): Johnny? *Jet: Ahem, it's me, Johnny.So, where is this location? *Drake(Radio): What do you mean where it is? Darn it, these stupid bikers! *Jet(Whispers): Motherfucker... *Drake(Radio): That abandoned warehouse on Road 10! *Ace(Whispers): Sam, check the GPS! *Sam(Whispers): Road 10 is right south of our base, next to Salton Sea. *Ace(Whispers): Jet, end the conversation. *Jet: Eh, I'm going through a tunnel and... vruuush, vruush, losing signal... vruush! *closes* Shit... *Tyson: Nice vruushing. *Ace: We know their location, let's hit them! They went towards Road 10, and once there, they went on it, until they reached a warehouse which looked abandoned.They got out of their vehicles, and silently got inside the warehouse.They checked the inside and outside, but found nothing.They gathered around in the middle of the garage. *Sarah: Found nothing. *Jet: Same... *Ace: Darn... what if he tricked us? What if he knew this idiot was on the other side? *Drake: Oh, my friends... I knew Jet was on the other side, but... I did not trick you.I gathered you all here for a special reason... test you.Now, you have succeeded with Domingo, he has been killed, exactly as I thought, by you Ace, with your bare hands.Now, it's time to test, my current squad. *Senya: Show time, eses! *Cain: Haaahaaa! Let's cut some throats! *Johnny: You think I'm that dumb to accidentally drop my communicator? Haha! Adios, fellas! *Daemon: Shit, what now? *Ace: What else? We kick ass! ... To be continued New Supporting Character(s): Lorelei Corbett: Alrighty guys hope ya all enjoyed it, stay tuned for more! I'll edit my old posts so you better check on Saturdays! Keep the Ace up your sleeve! ;]
  21. I sooo hate High School, thank god weekend is close.

  22. What thee hell does that mean?! xD [T/F]: There's a pair of NVG near The Big Ear.
  23. I need tips for High-School survival! :L

  24. Horse-cock Harry [ROFLMAO] Complete the sentence: T_y 5 _e_rs! _op_ _l_ay_ __t o_t __sy. Hint: Trial, Cesar, Madd Dogg's Crib
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