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Posts posted by Butters!

  1. Yeah, I download music off of the internet, because most albums, averaging at £10 for the disc, contain roughly 15 songs. Then, most albums only have a few decent songs on them, I usually only like a max of 4 on an album, meaning about £7 of the money Im spending is on stuff I dont acctualy want, so I dont really see the point. I don't bother going on Pay Per download Sites either, because most of the time, the song has not only been re-distributed illigaly, its now being re-sold illiegily. Besides, Artist make money from gigs, not CD sales

  2. I am straight but haven't done the deed. I have a question for all who wish to answer, if we found alien life and it was attractive would you consider cross species sex? :huh: Think hard before you answer, they might not be male or female or they could be both or neither... :unsure: Just something hypothetical.

    Well, i guess you would have to make sure it feels the same way...lol :whistle: . We all no that theres nothing worse than trying to have sex with something that is trying to commit geneside on humanity :bashhead:

  3. They point into the air, in hope of recieiving signals from any unidentified crafts (eg UFO), but i reacon if you got to they right position to one, and you talked into a Hand Radio, with a vioce amplifier, they would hear hatever you said, they would probably realise the radio signals where coming from 25m away, but ive always wanted to see what would happen

  4. hmm

    well if its anything like what they had at our school, if any word proxy, bypass, unblock or anything to that extent appears then it gets blocked.

    if u wanna watch pr0n at school why dont you just download it at home, and bring it on a usb flash drive...

    what chris82 suggested might work, but if it were my school, im sure you wouldnt have some required permission or some shit. you wouldnt be able to get around it that easy...evil IT dept lol.

    Lol, can u imagine you in the lab, your on the computer, you turn round and a kid is jacking off in the middle of class

  5. This is somthing I saw on another site, and I thought that it was a good idea to try it out here. It probablly wont get much attention till IV comes out on PC but this is basicly what to do: Someone posts a challenge to complete on GTA IV, eg, A Unique Jump, or reach a hard to reach location that you have to get to ect... (Basicly a Challenge), and someone has to film themself doing the challenge, post the video here, and then set another challenge for another member, so people have some other things to do once they complete the game. Do you think we should do this here. (I wont bother making it untill GTA IV Comes out for PC, and if everyone thinks it a good idea) :blink:

  6. I'm not a youth.....but older people can't help but look down on younger people. It happened to me when I was young and now that I am an adult, I see what they see and when you guys get older, you'll be saying that about younger people.

    There are a hell of a lot of young people who just don't give a shit. They cause trouble for no reason at all. I have seen a number of immature young people making fun of random people. You don't see many adults walking around saying OMG LOOK AT HER FACE LOLOLOLOL or THAT GUY LOOKS SO GAY!! A lot of young kids don't give a crap about education or their parents and, no thanks to laws these days, get away with a lot of garbage because the second a parent even raises their hand to their kid, the kid is dialing 911 on their cell. Lack of discipline. That's the problem.

    When I was growing up, my brothers and I got the belt when we stepped out of line. I could NEVER imagine myself being as much of an ass as some young kids these days. You watch those talk shows and, no matter if they are really fake or not, there really are kids like that out there in this world. 8 year old kids telling their parents to F-off. Wow.

    This isn't to say that ALL young people act like idiots but there are a lot who do. It's sad and it makes the good young people look bad

    Well: 1. Its not fair to place a steriotype on a whole generation, becasue a few people can't help but be pricks

    2. We don't care about education as much, because we learn the same stuff every year. After 9 years at school, I have done 3 topics in history: Tudors, Victorians, and the great fire of london, and they test us so much that it just lose its meaning. Maybee someone should try a new aproach?

    3. The Law. It used to work, but now all the New cops will requisiton a hanging for anyone who speeds 2 mph over the limit, and wont lift a finger to stop a stabbing

    4. Last time I checked I wasnt and 8 year old kid

  7. 070714_mcdonalds.jpg

    Its such a terriblehiding place that no-one would think of looking there. Either that or an Abandoned Warehouse on the waterfront. Its such a good hideout. You have good parking space, so you can steal loads of cars, you can have a speedboat just outside, Its got loads of good stores for weapons, and its easy to hide if the police come for you

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