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Posts posted by Butters!

  1. ^ Has changed their sig scince last time i looked

    < Is quite tired now, and has been up for about 48 hours now.Good Night :zZZ::zZZ::zZZ:

    v Can spell Suprcalofrajolisticexbialadotious without looking at how I've just spell it

  2. The bible didn't say God created the big bang, the bible says God made the 'Heaven's and the Earth' in 7 days, and apparently the bible is always right. I'm not trying to disprove the fact that God didn't create the big bang, just that the God Christian's refer to wouldn't have.

    I'm that dense really, yeah.

    I'm 14 as well, yeah. OMG BUT THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT BECAUSE SPAZ THE GREAT SAYS I'M 13! OMG OMG!!111 I'm gonna go crawl into a hole and die.

    The bible isnt always right, its stories and metaphores that help people better themselves, and the world

  3. Anyway... The Big Bang? How can it be confirmed. Humans werent around for ages after they said the big bang happened. So how can they know it even happened. Whos to say the planets where not always there

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