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Posts posted by Butters!

  1. This is a new game where you have to say a way to Insult someone, an see how long it takes us to get 1000 ways


    1. Follow the forums rules (eg: No Racism)

    2.You have to let at least one person post before you post again (Like if you have post 5, you cant have post 6, you have to let someone else do 6)

    3. No repeating ones people have said

    4. Insults cannot be directed at another member

    5. Please put whatever number insult you are doing so we can keep track of how many we have down



    1. Your Lowlife Scum and you will never amount to any thing

  2. Yea I dont like how they view all teens the same.. Just because there are a load of idiots out there they think it about everyone. Where I live your not allowed to hang in a group of 3 or above because some guys mugged one person...

    Its the same here to, once we went to the shop (me and a group of 4 other friends) and brought a bottle of Coke each, abd when we left this old woman started ranting at us about how in her day Children would be arrested for stealing things, and how it was so dishonerable and the shop keepers worked hard to make a living (ect..) and then makes us go back t the shop with her, so she could ask the shop keeper if we had brought them. Its not really Adults, there pretty alright, its old people and those Dam Comunity Support officers...

    Also on Halloween, any person beween the ages 11-17 that are not acompined by an adult have to be at home by 9:00pm. Todelers have more freedom thaan us!

  3. For Gods Sake!!!! Do NOT use ultimate editor. I mean DO NOT USE IT!!!!!! It will muck your game up big time. I used it once, and I couldnt get in a plane, take a girl on a date, or go to a mod garage without the game crashing. Really STOP!!!!!!!!! If its car Mods Use The San Andreas Mod Installer (SAMI)

  4. You need water to live...how could it kill you???

    Because if you drink to much, then you will feel very bloated, and after drinking such large amounts at the same time, when you go for a pee, you wil have a lot of presure on your kidneys, and other organs that are to do with water, and they will eventually just give way (I think, im not sure how they organ dies but the pressue of water has somthing to do with it)

    I imagen Syrup is heaviest drinkable liqiud

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