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Posts posted by Butters!

  1. Yeah, I was having a chat with my mates, and it occoured to us: What if we are stuck in an infanite Parody, where we do this experiment, but it changes the atmosphere, and wipes out all life, but then recreates it and it is used to the atmosphere, and billions of years later, we do this experiment agin, wipe out all life and do it again ect. We didn't come up with what happens to our buildings and fossils, still some holes in the idea, but still a strange theory?

  2. And I qoute:

    THE biggest-ever experiment to unlock secrets of the Big Bang could cause the end of the world, say scientists trying to get a court to stop the plan.

    Opponents fear the $A9.3 billion Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland, which will smash pieces of atoms together at high speed to generate temperatures of more than a trillion degrees centigrade, may create a mini black hole that could swallow the planet.

    The facility is due to go live on September 10.

    The scientists have lodged a lawsuit at the European Court for Human Rights against 20 countries that fund the scheme.

    But the project's scientists dismissed the fears as "absurd".

    Large particle colliders have been used by scientists to smash atoms together for more than 30 years, but the LHC is the biggest and most powerful ever built.

    It will fire atomic particles around the 27.3km circular tunnel 11,245 times a second before smashing them into each other.

    The result will, for a split second, replicate the conditions that theoretically existed in the moments immediately after the birth of the universe, known as the Big Bang.

    Opponent Otto Rossler says it could instead spawn mini black holes which, within four years, could grow big enough to suck the earth inside out.

    They claim the experiment violates the right to life under the European Convention of Human Rights.

    Professor Rossler, a German chemist, said the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) has admitted its project creates black holes but doesn't consider them to be a risk.

    "My own calculations have shown it is quite plausible that these little black holes survive and will grow exponentially and eat the planet from the inside," he warned.

    "I have been calling for CERN to hold a safety conference to prove my conclusions wrong but they have not been willing."


    There is a high powered scientific device called a Super Collider located on the border between France and Switzerland. it is a ring-shaped tunnel 17 miles long.

    They will "shoot" a subatomic particle down this tunnel and very close to the speed of light. Starting at the other end of the tunnel, they will shoot another particle goiong in the opposite direction.

    When these two particle hit each other, there is a POSSIBILITY that it will produce a black hole.

    Now, here's the secret with black holes -- the smaller they are, the faster the "evaporate". They disappear, leaving only Hawking radiation behind. the smaller they are, the faster they "evaporate".

    The black holes made by this new supercollider are about the size of atoms -- that is, IF it can actually produce one. Black holes this small will disappear in less than a second.

    So there is nothing to fear. IF this produces a black hole, it will be toosmall to do any damage, and it will disappear in less than a second

    22 hours ago

  3. I agree. I don't think it will kill us. But even my Geography Teacher (hes head of the Geographyu department) even said they were reamaking it tommorow. I also heared that the Earth may end in 21st December 2012, because thats when the Myan Calender ened. They were right about strangeres from the east coming, and wiping them all out (the spanish inveders of Mexico), they predicted Jesus (but thats only belief), and if this was right,they must have had some basis for thinking this, so why stop the calelender there, why bother making it go this far, and if I was making it, i woud at least put it to the end of the year. I bet I sound like some crazy Doomsayer now don't I

  4. When you say if we are useless why don't we kill ourself, thats just stupid, because as far as I am concerned wasps are useless, but they don't kill themself. Its because we have a will to live. Its just robots with artificial intelliagence would see us as inferior, for example,

    We die of old age, Robots would probably live more than 5 times as long as us, before they rusted out, and they can easily could be repared.

    Also they wont die as easily as us, because they are mostly armoured all over.

    If you really are scared about it, then carry a big magnet round with you. (Warning, dont buy ny games or use your phone when you have it with you, or you will ruin them)

    When you were saying about the microchips that stop you dieing, that is a good idea upfront, but really doesn't work. Placing somthing in the brain is an EXTREMILY DANGEROUS PROCEDURE. One mistake and you are dead. If you do live that then the earth will become overly populated, and it would soon come to the point where people over the age of 160 (im saying this, as its the age of Futurama) would have to be rounded up and killed, I would much rather die peacfully at abpout 90 years old

  5. I heard that tommorow (10th September 2008 around 8:00pm) scientists will use a particle exelorator to try and recreate the big bang. I heard rumors around the Quad, that a Huge Explosion, Black Hole or Tornado will kill us all. I didn't belive it at first, and still think it will have either Little, or No effect on us. But I looked on the Intenet, and lots of sites are saying it will have a big impact on climate change, and different effects on places in the world: Here is a Map I found Labeling It:


    What do you think?

  6. I used the GTA SA Admin Console, and for some reason it has made it so the game crashes whenever I try to go on a date.

    I know how to add items into shops, but can anyone tell me what I put to make it so a clothing shop sells The Cop Uniform and The Medic Uniform

  7. You need to make the Single frames in Photoshop, but you can find them on Google Images (Search Coca Cola Userbar). They must by 217 by somthing...

    When you have all the ones you want, search USERBARMAKER, then click the first result. Now click Animater Userba, Upload the Images, and click create. If you are happy with what has been made, go to Your profile, edit your signature, add an Image, and enter the HTTP:// adress that is showed underneath the userbar creator

  8. I have some WAV Files, that I plan to add in to the game, to see if they sound good, before I upload them here.

    I am Using Alci's SAAT GUI FrontEnd 1.0, so where can I locate the POLICE sirens to replace them?

    (eg. Puking noise is found in SFX/ Pain A)

    EDIT: FOUND IT! Anyone who wants to know it is:



  9. Thanks Again, I am glad someone is playing this and having comments about it (good or bad) means you care. We will pop in and out to check if anyone has found a better way to make something work. For example, I would love a way to make CJ sound like Tenpenny without having to rebuild that whole SPC_PA file. Or maybe you could tell Josh why the cop car is hovering 6 feet off the ground. Also Josh says he uploaded the beta mission to this site it is waiting for approval. One site rejected it for being a beta and not the full version. It's not like he is releasing a hundred betas out there but we won't force it on anyone. After I played it, I told him it is hard just to knock him off his bike and maybe that should be the objective of this mission.

    Great! I am not sure if this is from this mission or not, but when I drove Tenpennys car away after Killing Pendleburry, I heard muffling sounds, possibly coming from his car. Strange...

    His car might be floating, because this is where the cutscene is set, so Unless you kill him at the exact right location, you are move across the game, and when you placed his car down, you may not have put it in the right place accidently setting the spawn hieght to 6), even though I am sure it should drop down anyway. It doesnt matter, as you can get in it, and it drops down. Also for the final version, you could make it so that Hernadez and Pulaski hang out around the Police Station, so youi can easily find them to recruit.

    I havent tried, butdid you make all Islands accesable, so you can go to Las Venturas without typing in Never Wanted?

    I have PMed JABHacksoul with a new mision Idea, so as not to gve it away...

  10. Okay.


    To start off, Make a Rockstar Games folder on your Desktop, you can change the icon if you like, so It has the R* Logo. You should install GTA San Andreas to your desktop if you are using Vista(it only works on desktop, due to Vistas Security Systems). Put it in the R* Games folder. Make the Audio Script files, and Banklkup Audio files Not Read Only. Now replace the sound. Replace the main and script in DATA. Now play.

    Problams which you should work on:

    There is no brief, explaining that you have to kill Pendelberry.

    There is only background noise when Pendleberry is not speaking.

    If you die or fail the mission, you have to start a new game.

    When you kill Pendleberry you end up by ocean docks.

    Hernadez points the gun at Tenpenny.

    Niether gun Flashes when they shoot.

    Your Police Car is floating when you finish the mission.

    When you finish, ther are no More Missions.

    You cannot start the cutscene where CJ comes to San Andreas.

    When you are Injured, tenpenny sounds like CJ.

    Hernandez and Pulaski act as normal cops, and shoot you if you fire in the air.

    The map legend says Pendleberry is a Friend.

    Some lady was punching Pendleberry in the cutscene.

    It shows a headsho of Tenpeny when Pendleberry starts speaking.

    There is no way to become CJ again.

    Besides this, I think you have worked well. I really enjoyed te Mission. You do have to start a new game to play this mission don't you?

    PS>>> I Have had a new Idea, that I will PM to you!!

  11. Okay, I think the audio problam is down to windows Vista. So anyone that has it wil probably get this trouble. I have installed the Audio thingy, and I can open the files, and change the audio to Tenpennys. But when I try to Save it, it says. Error Cannot find C://Users.../audio... and so on. I have tinkered around with the audio scripts a bit, and now it says Error, Failed to replace old audio script (or somthing like this). I am guessing this is due to the audio being a read only. But when I try and change the audio folder to be editable, nothing happens because I don't know how to bypass all this securiy. If I find a sollution I will post it up here!

  12. Lol, I can't get it to change the audio file.. It says cannot replace...

    I have tried Uninstalling and reinstalling the game, moving the Audio ile to desktop, and now it says cannot Find ...

    I have played the misssion without it and it was cool, but there are no subs so I don't know what is supposed to be happening. If you could change your audio folder, and post them up somewhere so I can replace mine, i would appreciate it. I am using Vista

    However you have worked vry well on this, The mission was great 10/10. Please post your GTA SA Audio file with the New Audio Tracks in Please. Thanks.

  13. Thanks Sky! I'll save quite a bit of cash now!

    Turns out that Arcade is basicly the same as the other two, but it has very Little to No memory, if sold with it, and you have to buy your own Harddrive to, so I will get a Standard Edition.

  14. I was thinking of getting an Xbox 360 (From the UK Market Retailers), and found gamestation where selling A 360 Arcade + GTA IV + Mass Effect for £189.00, Or a Xbox 360 Standard + Any one game from the selected list, for £199.00. Obviously the Arcade looks to be better value, but what is the difference between Arcade and and standard?

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