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Posts posted by steveplayer

  1. Hmmm...not sure if anyone suggested this, but why don't we just make one big as B-day topic for all birthdays? Make a new one each year or something.

    I did, in Slyde's Happy Birthday to Me topic.

    I don't see why there can't be one huge topic either. No one has to be neurotic about it and constantly rearrange posts so that if God forbid someone posts a happy bday to someone two days late and someone else is currently getting some love.

    On this other forum I'm a member of there is one huge ass bday topic and it works fine. When it's your bday, you check to see if people have posted about it, if not, you post a sarcastic sad post like "Happy Birthday to Me :(".

    You don't need to have it perfect where every member mentioned in the topic is mentioned in order of their birthday. That seems ridiculous. You don't need one for each year either, people just need to check the birthdays at the bottom of the forum and the topic every now and then. It isn't really hard.

  2. Why would a mod/admin need to update the topic? It is just a regular topic which has been pinned for any and all to post in. People drop in on birthdays and give there best wishes or rant about not getting what they wanted :P

    When I said universal topic, I meant just ONE topic for birthdays. You go into "The official Birthday topic" and post.

  3. Husky, your level of fail is reaching raybob proportions, I feel I need to stop you.

    Chris' first post in this topic which is what you used to start all this has NOTHING that says Vista itself sucks. He says that quite often, it is the people who tried a BETA of Vista who have this belief that the full OS is shit. He said the BETA sucked, most BETA's do. They are used to test and find out the bugs, lack of features etc.

    There is nothing in this post which says Vista sucks. Please go over it and find where you believe he said Vista sucks.

    Yeah it doesn't. People who say it does are either just sheep following a crowd, or quite often they happened to try a beta version of it (those did suck, lacked drivers etc.) and believe the final build is exactly like that, which it isn't.

    A common complaint is the fact is that it uses more resources, memory/space etc., than XP. Which is kind of a given though, it has more stuff so of course it will. If you have a low end system then yes, XP is probably a better option, it doesn't mean Vista sucks, it just means you need better hardware to run it properly.

    All operating systems have legitimate reasons why they "suck", Vista just got more stick because 1. It's by Microsoft, and 2. It was rushed and it could've been a better product.

  4. The earth constantly goes through stages of cooling and warming. Everybody nowadays are all complaining about the amount of CO2 humans have created. Yes, we should cut down but in NO WAY are we the cause of climate change. When the dinosaurs were roaming the earth the level of CO2 was something like 3 times what it is now (can't remember if that is what it was, can't remember where I read it). That is WAY more than what Al Gore and the rest are bitching about and that is in a COMPLETELY natural world free from human intervention, and they lived for hundreds of millions of years.

    It had something to do with the amount of volcanoes constantly spewing toxins I think the article I read said.

  5. I found the graphics of LCS and VCS poor in contrast to III and VC. I put it down to being a port like Urban. It was a GTA game and that was enough for me, I enjoyed playing it. If the graphics were better I would probably play it more often. The main reason I liked it is it gave me a chance to return to VC but gave me new stuff to do. Didn't hurt that it was cheap too :P

  6. Ahhh it sucks. The girl you have liked for years, is an awesome friend, you feel that there could be something there and it never comes about. This girl I really liked, her bf cheated on her, treated her like crap, so I try to comfort her (not wanting anything from it, just trying to make her feel better) and she ends up back with him.

    I hope she realized what she did, after the crap she went through.

  7. I never once said Atheists were perfect, they're just people who don't believe in religion/gawd so, they don't follow anything obviously, which means they have nothing to tell them to do things, which means if you're a good person, and an Atheist, you'd be without flaws.

    Whether you're a good person or not you still have flaws. You keep saying, if you're an Atheist, you’d have no flaws. So if I was an equally good person as said Atheist and did everything exactly the same, except I’m a Christian, I automatically have flaws?

    You still don’t understand. If something is without flaws, flawless if you will, it is considered perfect. Atheism is far from perfect yet you keep saying being an Atheist means you have no flaws, making you flawless or perfect.

    I never once said Atheists were perfect
    I'm just saying that Atheists have no flaws...

    No flaws = flawless = PERFECT :/

    You continually contradict yourself.

    Stop trying to find every little things wrong with my posts, just accept that I DO NOT think I'm better than you, without flaws, nor do I think you're better than me, anything like that..

    I'm not trying to find little things wrong with your posts, they are sticking right out for me to see. The fact you don’t know enough about the issues sticks out like dogs balls. Simply putting complex, sensitive problems within the middle east and around the world down to 'a confusing book'. Comparing two things and saying one is flawless and the other is flawed, you are saying one is better than the other. Neither is better, there is only the one which is best FOR YOU.

    I never accused christians of thinking they're better than anyone else, stop making shit up.
    If I was gay, who the fuck is any christian to tell me that I can't marry someone of the same gender because it's against THEIR religion?

    Right there you are insinuating that Christians think they are better and know better than everyone else. Not every Christian goes around imposing their faith on others. You never hear about the quiet Christians who genuinely keep to themselves and are brought happiness daily by their faith.

    (And I'm starting to get pretty simple with these posts now, because there's just no point reasoning with an ignorant person like you)

    You are getting simple with your answers because you have nothing left to argue with and are resorting to calling me ignorant. You're the one who can't understand his own words. You're the one who doesn't have a proper grasp on the problems going on in the world and simply puts it down to "book confusion". To me, you're the the one who's ignorant of his own ignorance.

    Lets just leave it at this. This isn't helping the topic, truce?

  8. When I said that, I meant it as, ... Atheists have got no flaws compared to christians.

    Are you that conceded? You think because you're Atheist you're better than me? You come into this topic all the time and basically say everyone is equal and no one is better than anyone else.

    @ Spaz: No, it shouldn't be an issue to begin with, just like racism and interracial marriage 50 years ago. But what I meant with it being on the ballot is at least they are trying to do something about it.

    I never once said I was better than you, I'm just saying that Atheists have no flaws compared to christians, being that they do not kill people because a book 'confuses them enough to make them kill people'.

    And of course I don't think everyone is equal, but I don't see myself very high in the list of people who are good, but yeah, I actually never even said that once, you just assumed that because I'm not a gay basher.

    No. Once again you are completely oversimplifying the situation. 'The book doesn't confuse them' into killing people. They don't feel confused, you assume they are confused because they see it differently than you do. They are twisting the words around to fit their own agendas, they aren't confused about it.

    You keep putting your foot in your mouth. You keep implying that you think you're better than me because you are Atheist and I am Christian. For one, it is hardly if ever the Christians warping the words of the Bible so that they feel comfortable going out into a crowded street or cafe and homicide bomb everyone in sight. Whether or not you 'directly' said you are better than me, saying Atheists have no flaws and Christians do is implying you think Atheists are perfect and better than Christians. Something without flaws, is considered perfect. By no means, is Atheism perfect.

    I assume you thought everyone was equal because you come in here saying gays should have the same rights as straight couples to get married. Implying that you feel there is no difference between gay and straight, that they should have equal rights to marry and adopt like straight couples. That is you projecting that you feel they are equal, that the only difference is who they are attracted to.

    For someone who accuses Christians of thinking they are better than everyone else, you are just going to show that no matter what your belief, you always think your own is better than the others.

  9. When I said that, I meant it as, ... Atheists have got no flaws compared to christians.

    Are you that conceded? You think because you're Atheist you're better than me? You come into this topic all the time and basically say everyone is equal and no one is better than anyone else.

    @ Spaz: No, it shouldn't be an issue to begin with, just like racism and interracial marriage 50 years ago. But what I meant with it being on the ballot is at least they are trying to do something about it.

  10. @ Twisted: You said Atheists aren't flawed because a book doesn't tell them to kill :/

    I don't think you can really say Atheists are flawed, they don't kill people because a book tells them to.

    What flaws do Atheists have?

    Anyway, the religious book doesn't tell anyone to kill. It is the persons own warped view of the words. So unless the book actually says, "Kill him now!", that is just your gross oversimplification of the subject.

    I gave you examples of flaws with Atheists. Every one is human, regardless of beliefs, and humans are flawed. Atheists aren't perfect.

    Gerard never said that. He brought up that gay people were being persecuted in Christian countries, then said no one had brought the Quran into it. I posted a list of Islamic countries where they are being persecuted worse than in Christians countries.

    The Quran says being gay is unnatural and this is how they punish it in Islamic countries. You sit here complaining that specifically "Christians" are holding back gays. Atleast we don't behead them in public for showing they love someone.

    @ Spaz: Atleast the topic of homosexuality is on the ballot in your country. Seeing as being gay isn't a choice, imagine being born into a world that wants to behead you for who you are. So America's treatment of gays somewhat pails in comparison to that of some Muslim countries.

    @ Gerard: No I'm not using that as proof of Christian tolerance. I'm saying that around the world, people are being denied their right to life rather than just their right to sharing a last name and benefits. It may not be relevant to the certain situations you've been discussing, but in retrospect, you have more rights than those in other parts of the world.

    I'm all for letting gays do what they want. I have a Religion, and I more than understand I must enjoy life. The Religious people Twisted is constantly referring to are the gung-ho fanatical ones. There are a lot of fanatical people in the world, but NOT all are Religious and NOT all Religious people are fanatical. I myself and hundreds of other people I now who are Religious don't walk around imposing Religion on people. We don't persecute them for who they are, that is incredibly close minded. You seem to be persecuting ALL Religious people for the sole fact that they have Religion. Not everyone who has Religion is the way you picture them.

    A vocal minority gives a bad name to a silent majority. The same way the majority of Muslims aren't and don't want to be thought of as terrorists, the majority of Christians aren't intolerant bigots.

  11. If I was gay, who the fuck is any christian to tell me that I can't marry someone of the same gender because it's against THEIR religion?
    If I was gay, who the fuck is any christian to tell me that I can't marry someone of the same gender because it's against THEIR religion?

    Because we know all. :hurrhurr:

    You know all?

    What the hell does that even mean?

    What makes your ideas better than mine anyway? I could easily do many illusions, write a book about it and then fill the inbetween bits with lies? amirite? As it was all just illusions, Derren Brown fooled a group of people into thinking they were contacting the dead, but they weren't, he was making them think that only through the power of his mind. Just because things that jesus did are written in a book, doesn't mean it was even true. Any christian who reads this, will most likely ignore it, that's just the way their heads are wired, don't like their ideas being challenged.

    For example raybob, just because I think you should get hit by a train doesn't mean it should happen, even if it's what the majority of people think too, that's your decision, hopefully you'll make the right decision. :hurrhurr:

    (No offense man :awesome:)

    Something else, what scientific evidence is there for god existing, and what scientific evidence is there for the big bang existing?

    You have to get it through your head that everything isn't just fucking Christians. Islam is the second biggest religion in the fucking world and they are exactly the fucking same if not more intolerant than Christians in a lot of respects. So why do you immediately go straight to Christians? Don't reply with "Well it has been well documented, the bigotry of Christians" or some shit like that. The bigotry of mankind has been well documented, not everything wrong in this world is because of Christians.

    Atheists are pretty damn flawed in their own rights.

    I don't have to get anything in my head, I know it's fucking muslims too, I'm just using Christianity as an example, because I haven't seen any muslims on here telling me I couldn't marry a guy.

    Not everything wrong with the world is due to christians, but most of it is, equal to any other religion like it.

    I don't think you can really say Atheists are flawed, they don't kill people because a book tells them to.

    Atheists are flawed. Everyone is human, Christian, Muslim and Atheist, and humans are flawed. So, you're saying Atheists don't kill because the don't follow a Religious text? Vladimir Lenin was an Atheist. Lenin was a mass murderer who used concentration camps and "reeducation" to impose his Atheist beliefs on the population.

    Richard Dawkins debated a Rabbi at Oxford. Dawkins was defeated in a vote at the end and now claims the debate never happened. When the Rabbi posted the video of the debate for the whole world to see Dawkins defeated in an argument over Religion vs Science, he wrote an offensive letter to the Rabbi accusing him of speaking like Hitler!

    ...Dawkins attacked me on his website and denied that he and I had ever debated. My office quickly posted the full footage of a two hour debate which took place on October 23, 1996, a debate which Dawkins actually lost after a vote taken by the students as to which side, science or religion, caused more students to change their minds. In my article on the subject responding to his attack I was extremely respectful of Dr. Dawkins and was therefore shocked to receive a letter in return in which he accused me of speaking like Hitler. Had the noted scientist lost his mind? Hitler? Was this for real?

    Couple of flaws there.

    @ Gerard: http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/quran/gay/long.html

    People are actually being put to death in Muslim countries by law. No where in Christian societies are people being put to death by law for their sexual orientation.

    I'm a Catholic and I'm not against gays at all. They can do as they please. I don't care if they adopt, marry, fuck, love, travel, ANYTHING. It has nothing to do with me. Atheism is just as close minded as they claim Religion is if they think all people with a Religion immediately condemn something. The Bible is a set of stories, if you take it literally like a lot of people think ALL Christians seem to do :/, then you might as well believe a wolf is going to imitate your Grandma and try and eat you.

    This is the struggle of our time, just as interracial marriage was the struggle 50 or so years ago. Societies progress, it is only a matter of time.

  12. If I was gay, who the fuck is any christian to tell me that I can't marry someone of the same gender because it's against THEIR religion?
    If I was gay, who the fuck is any christian to tell me that I can't marry someone of the same gender because it's against THEIR religion?

    Because we know all. :hurrhurr:

    You know all?

    What the hell does that even mean?

    What makes your ideas better than mine anyway? I could easily do many illusions, write a book about it and then fill the inbetween bits with lies? amirite? As it was all just illusions, Derren Brown fooled a group of people into thinking they were contacting the dead, but they weren't, he was making them think that only through the power of his mind. Just because things that jesus did are written in a book, doesn't mean it was even true. Any christian who reads this, will most likely ignore it, that's just the way their heads are wired, don't like their ideas being challenged.

    For example raybob, just because I think you should get hit by a train doesn't mean it should happen, even if it's what the majority of people think too, that's your decision, hopefully you'll make the right decision. :hurrhurr:

    (No offense man :awesome:)

    Something else, what scientific evidence is there for god existing, and what scientific evidence is there for the big bang existing?

    You have to get it through your head that everything isn't just fucking Christians. Islam is the second biggest religion in the fucking world and they are exactly the fucking same if not more intolerant than Christians in a lot of respects. So why do you immediately go straight to Christians? Don't reply with "Well it has been well documented, the bigotry of Christians" or some shit like that. The bigotry of mankind has been well documented, not everything wrong in this world is because of Christians.

    Atheists are pretty damn flawed in their own rights.

    If I was gay, who the fuck is any christian to tell me that I can't marry someone of the same gender because it's against THEIR religion?

    Because we know all. :hurrhurr:

    It is people like you who make it hard for others to profess their faith. Instead of defending your faith and why you believe, you say stupid things like this. Furthering the view that all Christians are like you does more harm to Christianity than good. After reading each post of yours I find myself strongly disliking you more and more. If you can't be serious in a serious discussion, keep your stupid remarks to yourself and GTFO.

    I don't want any replies to this. A few things had to be set straight, now lets get back on topic. Anyone who continues this is destroying a topic which was creating a great discussion of the issue. Keep it on topic guys.

  13. At least you acknowledge it that time. Unfortunately, that wasn't sarcasm. Apparently you've never watched Back to the Future.

    Obviously I've seen the BTTF Trilogy at least a dozen times, otherwise I wouldn't have an account on www.bttfhillvalley.co.uk

    Though Doc was not being sarcastic in the movie, as he in 1955 found it hard for a president to be an actor, and also asked if Jane Wyman was first lady, you were being sarcastic to me.

    And, it is my respectful opinion that Bill Clinton was not a good president, and much less a good person, but he does look like a Conservative next to our Socialist President.

    Never start a sentence with the word 'And'!

    Also, (see what I did there) it is my respectful opinion that you don't know what the fuck you're on about. You were born half way through his two terms and still wetting your bed when he was on his way out. The more you throw around the words conservative and socialist the more I feel you have no clue what you're talking about and are just parroting someone else.

    Back on topic. I would have to do some research before I could opine which Leader I felt served you best.

  14. I don't really think the PS3 is outdated, just check out some of its exclusives like MGS4, Uncharted,etc..

    What I find odd is that developers seem to find the PS3 especially hard to produce games for, some games released for the PS3 have a lot of glitches and stuff like that.

    As technology gets better and better, things get harder to code.

    e.g., the PS3 is much harder to code games for than the XBOX 360. :innocent:

    Which is exactly why the 360 has better games, because people actually WANT to code for it((thus, no forced rushed games)) :rolleyes:

    Well, Spaz, that is a matter of opinion, in which my opinion is that I don't enjoy consoles whose games are 100% war related. :whistle:

    Forza 2.

    Sony can be complete dicks sometimes. The way they have the PS Store setup seems stupid to me. Why have a million different regions and every one differs in the content. I know it is very easy to get around but why should you have to? It seems M$ have been getting the upper hand on Sony recently, paying for DLC, demos and such. Sony seem to just sit with there thumbs up there arses and watch 360 owners gloat. They could spend a bit of money, which could easily be made up, to get PS3 owners some DLC for GTAIV, bastards :P

    I love my PS3, but it is more of a media center than just a console.

  15. Thank you, I don't think I could've ever figured that out on my own.

    You gotta be more thorough when you look for the parts.

    Or, if they're too small to see, use a microscope.

    I assume this is suggested from experience?

    Nope. Phoned up your Dad last night and he gave me some advice for you.

    Honestly, is there no end to your faggotry?

    OK, Steve, you're really starting to be a dick to me now. If you cannot stop following me around and replying spam to my posts, you will be reported.

    So what, the crap you posted in here isn't spam? I should report you right now for the sewage you've spewed all over these forums. Constantly making pointless topics and posts to; 1) bump up your post count and 2) clutter the fuck out of the forum.

    Maybe if you obeyed the forum rules you wouldn't need people parenting you on the forums.

  16. Thank you, I don't think I could've ever figured that out on my own.

    You gotta be more thorough when you look for the parts.

    Or, if they're too small to see, use a microscope.

    I assume this is suggested from experience?

    Nope. Phoned up your Dad last night and he gave me some advice for you.

    Honestly, is there no end to your faggotry?

  17. Not a vid, but hey, it's good

    The word at the bottom describes this topic:


    This is getting ridiculous now. First it was the vast amount of topics per day and now it is constant double, triple, and quadruple posting.

    The word on the picture describes you in general. It's not the topics fault your level of fail is so titanic that failure is pretty much a certainty.

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