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Posts posted by _Ray

  1. ok so i wanna get a computer just to be able to play gta 4 (no joke) without having to deal with lag and even the slightest lag movments . what would you recommend? from video card , to ram , to speed and anything that can make that game run under perfect condition.

    Well, I'm assuming your money isn't unlimited, so I'll go with this:

    Core i5 750 (~$200)

    6GB DDR3 RAM (~$100)

    2x Kingston 40GB SSD in RAID 0 (~$200)

    EVGA GTX 275 (~$220)

    Gigabyte P55 UD4P Motherboard (~$200)

    DVD Burner (~$20)

    650W PSU(~$100)

  2. OK, your specs look good, except maybe the RAM may be causing it. (but most likely not -_-)

    Try disabling as many background programs as possible....

    EDIT: You are using a legal copy of GTA IV correct?

    And honestly, beyond what I already posted, I really don't know what the problem may be until I try to take some time to figure it out. As for you, try google-ing the error code and/or problem.

    Try this.

  3. Try downloading and installing this package.

    And in addition to that, download this too if your OS is 64-bit

    I have Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 3. I think its 32-bit, im not sure.

    I have that already, but I installed it again anyways.

    Still doesn't work.

    EDIT: I was installing an 86-bit.. I'm installing the 64-bit now, lets see if it works lol.

    EDIT2: Nope, it won't let me install it.

    Read my modified post and install all 3 32-bit packages. Also try running Windows Update.

    What are your system specs?

  4. I had something like that happen to me before when I bailed from a car, Only it was on fire so I jumped out and the car hit a tree and explodes. That explosion is what killed me since I flew right into it.

    Lol, but I think mine was more from the impact of hitting the ground unfortunately.....

  5. Ok guys, I need to know if the following computer can run GTA IV. Now I know it's low end, hell, it's trash these days. Usually though I can play games by turning pretty much everything down to the lowest settings.

    If I turn everything, and I mean every single setting down to their lowest possible, even if cars looked like boxes and trees looked like paper bags, can this run the game:

    AMD Athlon 64 3800+ @ 2.4GHz

    1GB DDR2 RAM

    ATI Radeon X1300 128mb

    Windows XP SP3

    Bad I know... but I've managed to get games like Crysis to work decently well by making the game look quite horrid... is this possible? Would I be able to achieve, I dunno, 10-15fps on the lowest possible?


    Yeah, sorry. The Video card, RAM, CPU, everything is trash. You need a dual-core AT THE LEAST. Also, 2GB RAM and 256MB VRAM. But if you've already got the game, hell, bypass memory restrictions and try it.

  6. Why has her dad...

    1) Not killed the father of the child?

    Why has she...

    1) Fucked someone aged 10 (or 11)?

    2) Ruined her life?

    With the exception of the one I took out, these are the exact questions that entered my mind when I read this.:unsure:

    We had a girl who had an abortion at 12 in our school.

    At least she doesn't needs to suffer, right?

    That's screwed up.

  7. I wish you got weaker and when you get punched again, you die :awesome:

    No offence man :)

    I wish the person who will corrupt my wish will be corrupted from the corruption of corruptionness of this corrupt a wish topic to be corrupted again with more corruption about corrupting a wish

    Granted, but you abruptly fell into a hole (and promptly died) upon finishing your last post.

    I wish that The GTA Place would go back to the old version of the IP Board.

  8. Hellow members of TGTAP. How's everything been going ever since I've been inactive? Just so you guys know that I'm enrolled in a Boarding school in Canada, which means less GTA and more outside :/ So anyway now I'm home and ready to socialize with a well known Grand Theft Auto community.


    (If this topic seems like spam, its because I've gotten like 5 hours of sleep in the 3 days of traveling).

    Hey! Damn dude, we gotta play IV online more often! And perhaps resurrect Harwood Butcher's clan? :hurrhurr:

    Yeah it is. Because you can get halfway across the country in that time. In America you could still be in the same state!

    I'm most likely going to London very soon. That's going to be approx 2.5 hour train journey, and to make things worse there will be 2 changes. I'm dreading that.

    Yup, it takes around ~4 hours just to get across Nebraska

    • Like 1
  9. My biggest wishes:

    1) Bigger map would be insane. At least twice the size of IV, and with two or three airports. (San Andreas!)

    2) Retain the HD

    3) More realistic even though some think it's too realistic

    4) Planes that actually take off/land at the airport, not just fly over and taxi around. Multiple airlines and aircraft types

    5) Planes you can fly!

    6) An interior to the airport and you can actually board a flight from Las Venturas to San Fierro or whatever the cities will be. Adds on to the public transport thing.

    7) Rockstar, be cooler about modding! Have official modding contests, make it easier to do, multiplayer sectioned out into modded and non-modded, etc.

    8) Smarter Traffic

    9) Downloadable Content for the PS3 and PC aswell.

    10) Cars with fuel, and you fuel up at the gas stations!

    Oh yeah, and Chris should definetly forward this list to Rockstar! :coolthumbup:

    Oh and I just came up with this idea: Instead of a bigger City, how about the same LC from IV, plus a redone VC. The only way to travel between the two is by a passenger jet that you board.

  10. Well to be perfectly honest I don't think staying in LC will be good. I still want Vice City. I'm hoping what we're actually looking at in that small tear is actually palm trees on a Miami beach.... if you look at it a certain way... it kinda looks it :P

    A remake of Vice City or San Andreas would be absolutely awesome. HD, and a way bigger map like what they did with IV over III/LCS.

    I honestly think that they will definetly go with either San Andreas or Vice City for GTA V.

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