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Posts posted by _Ray

  1. Is that DVD's or Blurays you backup?

    or both... lol.

    I can understand why you would, since if the disc get scratched (thats why i stopped buying DVDs) the movie is f**ked.

    DVDs only. They're really easy to copy and BDs are pretty much impossible with Freeware.

  2. Ah right.

    Sorry lol, well here a 2TB is $265 and a 1TB is like $95 I just guessed it'd be near the same there.

    Still didnt say what you need like 3TB for ? lol.

    Home Videos, Backups of my Movies, etc. Plus 10 minutes of FRAPS is like 20GB......

    And I record LOTS of TV.

  3. Also Caviar Green is their lowest model btw, it's marketed as the energy efficient etc. I am not sure if its even 7200rpm. Nor is that Seagate you linked to either. Sure it won't be a huge difference in speed but still...

    And umm 2TB is really poor value, at least here. It seems better to buy 2 x 1TB. You gotta ask yourself do you really need that much space for pr0ns? Haven't you already got 1TB on your PC now? Did you fill it already or what lol. Even with all my movies, tv shows n other crap, i think i'd have less than 500GB.

    Both of my external HDD's are WD Caviar Blue 500GB WD5000AAKS (better than green but not as good as black) One was from the WD MyBook World Edition I had which f**ked up (the NAS part not the HDD), and the other I bought for my Noontec GV3621 media player. Both have worked perfectly since the day I got them so yeah.

    Seagate is good too, I just dont have experience with them. But the barracuda 7200.11 I know had technical faults, I actually came across 2 of those in a RAID. Wow that guy was super cut lol. Both drives basically f**ked.

    To be honest I wouldnt trust people's reviews on Newegg. Look up reviews / benchmarks of both drives and see for yourself the stats.

    <3 text wall.

    I only have 1 HDD Slot/ SATA Slot left.

    Plus, a 2TB Drive is $180 and a 1TB Drive is around $85-95. Not really much difference in value.

  4. Hey guys,

    I'm gonna be buying another Hard Drive (2TB) and I was wondering if I should go with the Seagate Barracuda LP 2TB or the WD Caviar Green 2TB. I was originally gonna go with the WD because it's the manufacturer of my current hard drive and has always been my favorite (Notice the Signature).

    But lately I've been swayed towards the Seagate for 3 reasons:

    1) It's Cheaper; $180 vs. $210

    2) Supposedly it's a little faster in overall I/O Throughput

    3) It has better reviews;

    66% 5-Star reviews and 8% 1-Star reviews for the Seagate

    63% 5-Star reviews and 14% 1-Star reviews for the WD

    So should I stick to my WD loyalty or fall into the clutches of Seagate and buy their HDD?

  5. ^ i know eh lol. pricecut then storage increase and slim...im sorta cut.

    if it had a glossy finish like PS3 has, then i would be really cut.


    add to my previous post: glossy finish like phat PS3 has. oh and gran turismo 6 to be released THE DAY the ps4 comes out. not like 3 years later.

    Lol, Gran Turismo 5 isn't even out yet. And I'm fucking sick of waiting since it's been 4 years since 4 came out.

  6. I'm using my spare keyboard ATM, and it sucks. You can't type fast, and they keys are sticky. The problam is my old keyboard. I had to switch the the spare because my old keyboard was starting to type muliple letters. eg:

    If I typed "S" it would come up as "S/"

    "Y" came up as "uy"

    "T" came up as "rt"

    "A" Closes down Windows live messenger windows

    "," comes up as ",."

    Whats wrong with it, because the spare keyboard sucks ass.

    Rip off all the keys and clean it, because it seems like the keys are sticking to other keys and pulling them down.

  7. Have you put -norestrictions -nomemrestrict 'n the shortcut?

    Yup, which allowed me to put my Viewing Distance on 100%, making it so I can officially say that I play GTA IV with everything on full (EVERYTHING, Shadows, reflections, traffic, all that at 100%) at 50 FPS.

  8. Hey guys, I finally got IV for my PC and after taking an hour and a half to install it and create my gamer-tags, etc., it looks great!!!

    Here's my benchmark:


    Average FPS: 53.42

    Duration: 37.12 sec

    CPU Usage: 46%

    System memory usage: 58%

    Video memory usage: 98%

    Graphics Settings

    Video Mode: 1920 x 1080 (59 Hz)

    Texture Quality: High

    Texture Filter Quality: Highest

    View Distance: 21

    Detail Distance: 100


    Microsoft® Windows Vista" Home Premium

    Service Pack 1

    Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 275

    Video Driver version: 190.38

    Audio Adapter: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)

    Intel® Core i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz

  9. sorry ya lost me...

    didnt u mention imgburn in your first post? but that works already? pointless thread much.

    I had thought that imgburn could burn BD Images to discs ONLY, not also convert m2ts files into an image and then burn them.

  10. 014B: $1013 = init_parked_car_generator #PHOENIX -1 -1 0 alarm 0 door_lock 0 0 10000 at -355.746, -521.240, 11.785 angle 90.0

    014C: set_parked_car_generator $1013 cars_to_generate_to 101

    Can somebody tell me what is wrong with that code?

    Sanny Builder tells me 'Not Enough Actual Parameters. Expected 13 params.'

    How do I fix that?

  11. Well I just tried it lags on my netbook as well as my desktop which has 2.5gb of ram. So its the problem of avg I think. Also I am talking about real time scanning, its perfect when two or three files are there in a folder but takes a lot of time to scan 20-25 files. Kaspersky,etc. don't have this problem even on my netbook so its not the netbook.

    Anyways anybody else ever got this problem ?

    Boo-fucking-Hoo. 30-40 seconds? Not a big deal to me.

    And by the way guys, my old PC with 512MB RAM ran AVG 8. (Slow as hell, but it ran it)

  12. I've been doing some googling and can't seem to find anything.....

    Can somebody point me to some freeware that takes my unprotected m2ts home videos and converts them to either BD Format (Then I use IMGBurn) or better yet, do that plus burn them to a BD-R disc in a way readable by a normal BD Player?

  13. Let's make a statement here: If our opinions differ, I am always right.

    I agree. ^_^

    I know for a fact that their included DVI>HDMI Adapter has DVI Pass-through Audio capabilities. And so does the card.

    Whatever. VGA/RCA I go.....

    So this cable could output WIDESCREEN 1080i to my HDTV and it would look just as good as HDMI?

  14. Yeah, Firewire's not necessary. But the PS2 had it.....

    I still think It'll be around 2014. This guy certainly knows it all though.....

    The PS4 will be released in 2013, and the xbox720 in 2012.

    The PS5 will be released in 2020 and the xbox 1440 in 2021.

    The ps6 will be released in 2027, and the xbox 2880 in 2028.

    The ps7 and xbox 5760 will both hit the market in the year 2034.

    Then for about 20 years no new consoles will be released as the world recovers from World War 3, also known as Nuclear War 1.

    In 2054 the ps8 and xbox 11,520 will renew the epic console rivalry

    In 2065 the ps9 will boast 1.8 x 10^185 bit/s of processing power, andwill be so advanced that anyone who plays for more than a day losestheir grip on reality, convinced that the ps9 world is real and thereal world is an illusion. The xbox 23,040 will only be about half asgood. The exploding video-game-rehab industry will prefer the ps9because it sends them more patients, and will invest heavily indevelopment of the ps10. Microsoft chairman Bill Gates Clone #3 willbravely soldier on with development of the xbox 46,080

    but before either console can be developed, Nuclear War 2 (World War 4)will hit, all of the world's oil will finally be exhausted and theworld's coastal cities will finally be flooded by global warming,putting an end to the rivalry for good.

    That's as good a prediction as anybody's. No-one knows if and when thenext generation will be made, or what they will be called.

  15. Granted, but you bumped it because it's yours and you're a noob :o

    I wish my GTAIV ran excellently.

    If that statement made sense then I wouldn't have gotten in trouble for duplicating my own 'Worst PC Topic' 4 months after.

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