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Posts posted by _Ray

  1. If necessary I could just partition my old PC and dual boot Ubuntu Server/XP but that would involve creating a Web Server out of a PC running with 448mb RAM, a slow single-core AMD Processor, and already relatively slow internet (1 Mbit Uplink) which would entail suckishness of the highest order.

  2. Hey,

    My Mom is interested in setting up a website for her business. I would like to have my PC be the domain host/server and pay $0.89 for a .info, but I don't know if that is possible, which brings me to my next question. Is it possible to run a server OS (such as Ubuntu 10.04 Server LTS 32-bit) within Windows Vista x64 and Virtual PC 2007 64-bit?

    I'm not gonna pay $700 for Windows Server 2008 and I don't wanna have to partition my HDD and do a dual boot or any of that stuff, so the only logical option for me seems to be Virtual PC if possible. I do have a static IP as well as someone to help me build the site and set everything up.

    If it's not gonna work then I'll just pay to have GoDaddy.com or someone else host it, but I would like it to be within my PC if possible.

  3. Just an update:

    While I get an average of 30-45 FPS in GTA IV, I recently bought the D2D EFLC version, and for some reason I get a steady 18-25 FPS. Not too good. That's even when downing the Texture Quality to medium, rather than high.

    Also, I bought the Dirt 2 game, and it's not different from the demo.

    Without VSync, according to FRAPS, I got 59 Minimum, 90 Max, and 73 FPS average. With VSync on, I got 58 min, 62 max, and 59.9 average, a.k.a. perfectly smooth.

    So for anyone looking to upgrade for GTA IV or Dirt 2, a GTX 275 or even GTX 260 will be plenty. That's about equivalent to an ATI 4870, 4890, 5770, or 5830.

  4. About a month after I got my PC, Vista wouldn't connect to the Internet.

    The Networking section showed local connections only. Nothing would access the internet, not even Firefox, but Vista didn't have the 'No Internet Connection' Red X Thing in the system tray. I swapped cables, reconfigured the internet, bought a PCI Ethernet card, reinstalled apps, called microsoft, did the Upgrade function and fix my PC function with the vista, EVERYTHING I could think of tons of times, and nothing ever fixed it.

    In the end I had to reinstall the OS. Something got corrupted internally, and nothing I nor Microsoft could do would fix it.

    And I knew that my internet was functional since I was able to connect with Ubuntu. Happily, it's worked fine for the last 8 months.

    Perhaps the same is happening to you . . .

  5. KK, my OC'd GTX 275 performs very well in Dirt 2, so you'll be fine. These results are at the highest settings and 1080p, with vertical sync on (60 FPS Limited) and my CPU loaded to 100% converting video, but set to a lower priority. Again keep in mind that this is the demo.

    At Morocco (lots of scenery)

    Frames Time (ms) Min Max Avg 3551 60000 53 62 59.183

    At Baja (lots of effects and scenery)

    Frames Time (ms) Min Max Avg

    3518 60000 50 63 58.633

  6. Was heading for 1920x1080 at 1080p so... SWEET. IMO Dirt 2 and Crysis are about equal, balanced out by the fact Dirt is just a bit more fast paced. Also lolno i don't play FSX.

    P.S., the numbers I posted with Dirt 2 are based on my experience in Dirt 2 with my GTX 275.

    That being said, it's also the demo version, and that may differ a bit from the real game.

    This would be a more reliable source.

    They show a GTX 260 at 1080p with all settings Maxed scoring nearly 50 FPS, and with AA.

    This would be a better source.

  7. Out of curiosity, what sort of res / settings combo could i get out of a 1gb GTX285 on modern games?

    Well, with a memory hack you could run GTA IV with every setting to the absolute MAX and get a steady >45 FPS at 1080p.

    For Dirt 2, it would also run everything all the way to the top and more than likely get >60 FPS steady, with good frames even at 2560x1600.

    For Crysis, I have no clue.

    For FSX (which I doubt you play) it really depends on the CPU, but you should pull at least 30 FPS steady with most of the settings at the top, in every environment.

  8. So, if I were to post this binary code:

    087 097 115 117 112 044 032 116 104 105 115 032 105 115 032 082 097 121 098 111 098 032 112 111 115 116 105 110 103 032 099 114 097 112 032 105 110 032 066 105 110 097 114 121 032 116 111 032 115 101 101 032 105 102 032 121 111 117 032 099 097 110 032 114 101 097 100 032 105 116 033 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000

    Would anybody be able to tell me what it says? (Hint: It's just text) :hurrhurr:

    It's Decimal 1-byte at a time.

    • Like 1
  9. You could buy a second 4850 and go for Crossfire if your mobo can do it, that would give your greatest improvement for the money.

    Keep that.Not many people rushed to buy a DX11 card, and i do think nVidia's ones are going to be fucking expensive, so i'd stick with what i have atm.(8800GT)

    For a person with an 8800GT, it would make sense to upgrade.

    If one had a GTX 285, then upgrading to the GF100 would be pretty pointless.

    The 8800GT is about to be 3 generations old.

  10. On Sunday night, PS3 users began experiencing problems with their consoles. They couldn't connect to the PSN and some games wouldn't work offline, either. Thankfully, it seems the issue has resolved itself.


    Yesterday, speculation suggested that the affected older generation PS3s were confused and thought 2010 was a leap year. The problem had occurred when the clocks ticked past midnight on February 28 and for the duration of March 1, PS3 users experienced a myriad of problems.

    These included:

    • The date of the PS3 system being re-set to Jan 1, 2000.
    • When the user tried to sign in to the PlayStation Network, the following
      message appeared on the screen; “An error has occurred. You have been
      signed out of PlayStation Network (8001050F)”.
    • When the user tried to launch a game, the following error message appeared
      on the screen and the trophy data may have disappeared; “Failed to install
      trophies. Please exit your game.”
    • When the user tried to set the time and date of the system via the
      Internet, the following message appeared on the screen; “The current date
      and time could not be obtained. (8001050F)”
    • Users were not able to play back certain rental video downloaded from the
      PlayStation Store before the expiration date.

    PlayStation told us they hoped to have the situation resolved within 24 hours and although everything is working just fine now, it was more a case of waiting out the storm than waiting for a fix. Sony today confirmed that the issue was leap-year related:

    "We are aware that the internal clock functionality in the PS3 units other than the slim model, recognized the year 2010 as a leap year. Having the internal clock date change from February 29 to March 1 (both GMT), we have verified that the symptoms are now resolved and that users are able to use their PS3 normally. If the time displayed on the XMB is still incorrect, users are able to adjust time settings manually or via the Internet."


  11. I was pretty sure that the ATi 5 series are the only DX11. GTX2xx isnt.

    However, if you plan on using DX11 or Eyefinity or any of those extra goodies then I'd say the GTX 260-216 is a better idea.

    im guessing you meant "if you dont plan on using"

    Yes, sorry about that.

    But as I said before, 5770 if he needs the goodies, GTX 260 if he cares about the raw performance, and GTX 470 (DX11!) if he can wait for it and the price is low enough.

    Now, between the 5770 / 4870 / and GTX 260, it also depends on what resolution he is likely to use. For 2560x1600, go for the GTX 260, it's better at that resolution. 1920x1200 is more or less equal between the two, and for the lower resolutions the ATI cards generally pass the GTX 260 by a little.

  12. As topic title says...

    I may be doing a couple of upgrades to my PC in the near future, one of which will be my graphics card and I've no idea what to get. I haven't been keeping up to date with any developments from nVidia or ATi, so I've no idea who is best to go with at the moment.

    Anyone know?

    With my budget, if I went with nVidia I'd probably get a 250 or 260, and with ATi then I'd get a 5770.

    So if anyone has any personal experience with either of those cards, or knows of any good reviews comparing them, please let me know and post here so I can figure out what's best for me to get.

    The 5770 really is a better card, about on par with the 260 Core 216 performance wise, but with more features. Don't get a GTS 250, it's a whole tier below the GTX-2xx series. However, if you plan on using DX11 or Eyefinity or any of those extra goodies then I'd say the GTX 260-216 is a better idea.

    If you can wait a bit, I personally would get a GTX 470 once it comes out. The price of that is anticipated to be around $240 last I heard. (On par with ATI's 5830)

    As for GTA IV, my GTX 275 (one step above the 260) can run GTA IV with every single setting at Very High / Highest / 100% at 1080p and get a steady 35-50 FPS on the street and up to 100 in places like the airport or in buildings. As such, with everything at the top, you can still expect decent performance from the 260.

  13. I just got over two feet a snow and a snow day from school. :P

    As for the cold, Where i live it doesn't even get to 0 during winter, In fact our winters are probably hotter then your summers :P

    Probably not, where I live (Far Northern US, but not Alaska ^_^) it gets down to -15F in the winter sometimes, but normally from 10-25F. In the summer however, it averages 85F and gets up to 95F, but luckily usually not too humid.

    P.S., those temps in Celsius would be -26, -12 to -14, and then 29.5 to 35, respectively.

    And BTW, that two feet I got was not even lake effect snow, it was all that big heavy sludge coming down from the sky. I heard however that my relatives over to the east a bit got a TON of snow of the great lakes.

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