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Posts posted by _Ray

  1. Would you guys reccomend a 256MB ATI Radeon 3650, or (FOR AN EXTRA HUNDERED DOLLARS!!!!!!)

    an NVIDIA GeForce 9800GT (512MB)

    Obviously the NVIDIA wins, but Its a debate for me because its an extra hundered bucks and Im not so sure I need the 512. I just want to be able to have a computer that 3 years from now will still be able to run new programs well.

  2. You only posted this 22 minutes ago... this isn't a huge forum, you have to be patient for replies and stuff. Plus a lot of our members are from Europe and it's pretty late there..

    I didnt say I was suprised I hadnt gotten a reply, I just said I dont think a lot of people around here speak French.... :lolbounce:

  3. Je ne crois pas que beaucoup de personnes puissent parler le français

    (I don't think there's very many people around here who can actually speak French....)

  4. This is a forum just for random conversation.... (IN FRENCH)

    P.S., I am an American but find it fun to speak French and have them laugh at me for my lack of French Skill....

    C'est un forum juste pour la conversation au hasard.... (DANS LE FRANÇAIS)

    P.S., je suis un américain, mais trouve l'amusement pour parler le français et les faire rire à moi pour mon manque d'Adresse française....

    This is a forum just for random conversation.... (IN FRENCH)

    P.S., I am an American but find it fun to speak French and have them laugh at me for my lack of French Skill....

    C'est un forum juste pour la conversation au hasard.... (DANS LE FRANÇAIS)

    P.S., je suis un américain, mais trouve l'amusement pour parler le français et les faire rire à moi pour mon manque d'Adresse française....

    Perhaps this should belong in the Serious chat forum....

    Peut-être cela devrait appartenir dans le forum de bavardage Sérieux....

  5. I have an AMD Athlon 64 2800+ Processor (1.8 GHz/ 200 FSB/ Single Core/ 512K Cache)

    My RAM is 448MB @ 200 MHz

    I have a Gigabyte Motherboard that won't let me increase the multiplier or voltage of the CPU or modify frequency/ voltage anything for the RAM.

    My guess is that I can only go up to 2.0GHz or so....

    But what do you guys think?

    P.S., my current temp is 37 C w/o load, 38 or 39 under load, and reaches 44 when I overclock to 2.033 GHz....

    Also, (according to SpeedFan, but I feel it more likely that my sensor is fauty) my power supply is showing slightly low voltages on the +5, -5 and +12 voltages.

    All others seem to be fine.

    And yes, I know my computer sucks, but please no laughing. This is not my primary computer.

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