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Everything posted by rockstarrem

  1. Sorry, no. We cannot distribute files that are copyrighted by Rockstar Games. Please uninstall the game, delete the San Andreas directory and reinstall the game. You should be fine.
  2. LOL you actually moved to New Mexico. That's awesome dude, hope your having fun etc. I got a new phone number so I'll PM you it etc.
  3. LOL. This was a great article. I can feel her pain... wait..
  4. Sounds disgusting having to need the other person pay for the food. You should have a rule be they get to pick what food they get you, which will be whip cream, mayonnaise, and milk.
  5. You guys are dicks. But yeah I drive a train every day to work.
  6. Probably not a good idea. Just saying.
  7. You don't need credits to talk to us. We're that cool.
  8. Those look beautiful. Wish I had an awesome PC.
  9. This picture accurately depicts my outer beauty. And yes, you should feel special - I took it for this topic.
  10. Excellent solution. Locked.
  11. Lulzy? Dude, we caught Gerard watching straight porn :/. Anyway yeah add me: rockstarrem
  12. I took pills and came back from the dead, man! I should of stuck a cucumber up my ass.
  13. LOL. Wow. What did I just read? That's probably the greatest theory I've read, ever. If they put a little more thought into explaining it I might have put a little more thought into the actual subject. Shaking hands is no longer safe. What the fuck was this ladies point? I kind of need more facts than this. Who are these "medical experts"? Get back in the kitchen and stop journaling.
  14. I actually would really benefit from this. Can't wait to see the outcome.
  15. http://www.thegtaplace.com/downloads/f535-10x-draw-distance
  16. LOL Aviators. Sorry dude I fucking hate those because of someone I know that wears them .

  18. I was thinking about this idea and theres still lots of modding going on in the community... a newsletter could possibly bring more attention to the site, or it could do nothing at all. I don't think it would really hurt if we found someone to write one and keep up with it.
  19. I really don't recommend IE but I'm not gonna be a tool and say OMG SWITCH TO FF lol... but yeah OMG SWITCH TO FF
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