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Posts posted by Jared

  1. Hmm $349 is a rather big amount of money :(

    *Tries to find 'the thing' that can give you a unlimited trial version*

    edit: Found :evil: I'll try it out later in the evening.

    It's rather cheap when you compare it to other Adobe products, Photoshop and Dreamweaver are 500-1000 dollars depending what you buy them as.

    Also, keep this topic legal please guys. kThanks.

  2. WikiPedia basically explains it. It's not an insult however, so don't take it as that.

    Also, Chris has taken over most of the job at the moment as I have other things in the works as well as school to attend to. I will however be helping out in a few weeks, as well as coding the entire back end for moderation of downloads. Which most you you won't see, so I won't be playing as big a part in this as I was originally. Sadly time is always a problem for me.

  3. If you do make a double post, it will automatically merge it with the last post you made IF its within a short period of time. I will demonstrate this by replying to this post...

    And this is now another post, replying to my previous one.

    For future reference, I believe the short period is about 5-10 minutes.

  4. There are many types of abuse, what Jace said is just one of them. Another would be locking your own topics when someone disagrees with you, or editing your topics title to attract more attention. Or my personal favorite, making a post to irritate a large array of people then removing it and making it look like nothing happened.

  5. Well the reason in not allowing it is to stop people from abusing it's use. Same as why not every member can access the admin panel obviously. Not everyone can be trusted to use the functions correctly.

    Elites and staff can delete their own posts, other can't (although you probably know that) and I don't see a reason why it's needed. If you make a mistake thats fine, if it's a big deal, which it usually isn't, it will be removed. If not, it's not a problem.

  6. As a new member I have to ask, what are these gangs I see in userbars?

    I think its something like u and ur friendz here make a posse ad do shit...

    Anyone else have problems understanding what was just said here? Please, use full words, your not typing on a phone, keyboards aren't that hard to use are they, really?

  7. far you have done nothing

    That seems pretty heavy, buddy.

    Read the rest of that sentence. Nothing meant "you have nothing but the right thing so far" and "you have done nothing but impressed me so far". I thought that was rather obvious... It was a compliment, not an insult.

  8. Of all the posts I have seen of your's so far you have done nothing but got your opinion across with the use of informative and very useful information, opinions and views. You certainly do seem very intelligent, and have a strong opinion, which is always good. A very very big welcome from myself, I hope you utterly enjoy your time here.

    I Respect you very much, Comrade, But...

    I still don't get it, what did I do? What I said was meant to be taken as a compliment, hope it wasn't taken that way.

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