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Everything posted by QuickDeath

  1. it would be cool if in gta4 all three (GTA3,VC,SA) storylines would come together, like there would be a new character who somehow is connected to all previous ones, and they all take part in the missions.
  2. Thank you so much for agreeing R u out of your mind? What R U doing here if u cant kill a VIRTUAL DOG????? Its ok to kill innocent people in gta right? dont tell me that u havent done that. Since when can you kill virtual dogs in gta so your arguemnt there is irrelvant and stupid. im talking as we all are about the POSSIBILITY to kill dogs in gta4, u say u wont do it, i say u try it in hitman or other game, if u cant it ure a very very very sensitive person (didnt want to swear here) if a dog is dangerous than of course my first thought is to kill that b**ch but surely i will never do that in life. i like dogs and cats and i dont want to kill any. the games is like stress reducers - u let the animosity to come out in there so u can be normal in real life.
  3. that is what this game is all about - people in reality piss u off so u kill people in gta, dogs in reality piss u off so u kill them in gta, simple right?
  4. R u out of your mind? What R U doing here if u cant kill a VIRTUAL DOG????? Its ok to kill innocent people in gta right? dont tell me that u havent done that.
  5. i mean the maximum realism that is needed in gta for fun playing, not the real realism. nobody would want to play game which in all aspects is like life, get it? where did u get this info?
  6. yeah right, poor virtual dog, i should probably make funeral for it. u don't want dogs in game but u want it to be realistic right? so dogs(and other animals, atliest cats) it is
  7. I agree 100%. There is dogs in the new Hitman, try it , its fun to kill the barking motherf****r
  8. And what would that reason be? I can assure u that there will never be children in gta, but why not dogs and cats? f*** PETA and other animal lovers. its like u can kill people in game - thats ok, but u cant kill dogs and cats - thats wrong. WTF? And by the way Rockstar didnt give a f*** when they included the hot coffe in gtasa.
  9. Real nice vid the best in Vice ive ever seen, check out mine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXe09nRSUVo
  10. dont know, i was thinking about air stunt or car stunt vid but there are many air stunt videos already so i guess i will stick with the cars.
  11. Thanks , me and my friend worked a lot to make this vid.
  12. Check out my new vid here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXe09nRSUVo
  13. welcome Start enywhere you like.
  14. check out my new gtasa stunt movie here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXe09nRSUVo check out my new gtasa stunt movie here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXe09nRSUVo
  15. wait few minutes and i will post the link
  16. Plz tell me where can i upload my video
  17. Hi i just joined. i want to upoload gtasa stunt vid . how can i do that?
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