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Posts posted by tdog07029

  1. ya rockstar def needs to make it so you can hav your gang mebers follow behind you in their own cars. then when you get into chases with the cops they cud help you by running them off the road and stuff... you shud also be able to recruit gang members that are already driving a car... even while your driving, that wud really spice things up. maybe they cud do this by just honking your horn at them, so if your in a car chase with the cops and you see one of your goons driving by all you hav to do is press the l3 button and they'll start following you... at least that way the horn has sum kind of purpose

  2. if they do put snow in the game they shud make it so when u open a car door thats covered with snow some shud fall off and also whenever u run over people or crash into things, that wud be pretty great, especially when your in the first person view and you cant see thru the windsheild until sum1 tumbles over your hood haha

  3. a couple ideas...

    - snow has to be included. it shud accumulate and cover parked cars and make the roads slippery

    - snowmobiles, skis, snowboards and other vehicles make for the snow

    - you shud see other people in the woods doing their own thing

    - much thicker and more life-like woods and better trails with mud. also ponds and rivers and such so you can go white water rafting or sumthin

    - when your in a chase with the cops and you switch cars without any cops around to see you and u flee the area quickly enough, your wanted level shud dissapear

    - cars such as rocket cars, dragsters ect

    - bigger unique jumps like a draw bridge

    - tanks with tracks instead of wheels and dont blow up cars on contact, also when the army comes after you they fire the cannon

    - a car museum that has cars like the general lee, the bat mobile, and a 007 car that can release tacs or a oil slick behind it

    - more ways to control gang members such as having them drive u to a destination or follow somebody. you shud also be able to hav gang members hang out anywhere you want them

    - some way to show your last unique jump/ insane stunt

    - if a cars locked you should be able to break the door off or smash the window and unlock it

    - a more realistic 1st person view when youre driving so you can see the steering wheel and stuff

    - more ways to make your car faster and handle better

    - u shud be able to use your own music to listen to while playing

    - be able to climb ladders fences ect

    - bums on the street play instruments and do funny things for money, you shud also be able to hire them just like gang members only they arent as skilled for instance they are shitty drivers and they can't shoot as good

    - they shud hav loan sharks and if you dont pay them back people will come and kill you over and over until you pay them back

    - new ways to earn and spend money

    - being able to rob people instead of having to kill them, but other people shud be able to rob you too

    - being able to sell drugs but if you sell to an undercover cop you will get a wanted level

    - being able to carry around multiple vehicles on the packer or in the back of a 18 wheeler

    - being able to get drunk like in the phil cassidy mission in vice city

    - adrenaline pill works while driving

    - being able to take hostages but at which point cops will use snipers so you hav to keep moving

    - traffic shud be a little more real for example in the middle of the night the streets shud be pretty much empty while during rush hour there shud many many cars on the road. this might help on missions where u get into long car chases.

    - when you hear a cop on the police radio you shud be able to go to where they are and see whats happening

  4. ...yeah but thats for obvious reasons. They have no reasons to put a waterfall and f***ing grand canyon in a Boston based city.

    Maybe so, but what about the countryside and desert, in SA seperated by a body of water?

    Last time I checked the Nevada desert and Californian countryside, wasn't across the water from each other.

    As he said, it's a game and it doesn't need to be perfect. :)

    Anyway a GTA city based on Boston, would be way better then London. IMO

    Well then why is there a huge bridge in San Fierro based off of San Fransisco's "Golden Gate Bridge"? It wouldnt really be a San Fransisco based city with out it, so I think they needed to add bodies of water in between. Since they did it to one city they had to split the other as well to make it fit. So there is still a reason to have those bodies of water. Why should there be a waterfall and a grand canyon in a Boston based city? I gave you the reasons why those certain things were in SA...so tell me why those things should be geographically correctly in a Boston based city?

    it can be based on one city and hav traits of another hav u ever thought of that. ur probly one of those kids that wants to hav to fill up on gas just to make it more realistic

  5. - it shud be based on boston and hav a irish district, italian district, black district, chinese district and an old colonial part of town with narrow cobblestone streets and gas lamps

    - snow has to be included. snow shud accumulate and cover parked cars and every once in a while there shud be a blizzard and the roads will be real icy, but b4 the storm hits there wud be a weather forecast on the radio to let you know. there shud also be a cheat so u can hav snow whenever u want.

    - rockstar shud make the map on the coast instead of always being islands seperated and surrounded by water. that means there cud be much bigger cities and towns in between, instead of usless ocean. they cud also make the lanscape alot more diverse, like being able to hav very high and low elevations, like having a huge mountain range and a mini grand canyon, instead of the map being pretty much flat. and instead of using endless miles of ocean they cud have endless amounts of forests and mountain ranges or deserts and salt flats where u cud drive really fast vehicles like a dodge tomahawk (motorcycle with a viper engine thats supose to go over 300mph) or rocket cars ect.

    - a big waterfall that you can drive boats off

    - you see peds in the woods for a hike or skiing on the trails

    - better off-road trails with mud

    - thicker woods

    - cars that are so fast you can barely drive them such as rocket cars, dragsters ect

    - bigger unique jumps like a draw bridge or a huge downhill road with a ramp at the end that goes off a cliff

    - tanks with tracks instead of wheels and dont blow up cars on contact, also when the army comes after you they fire the cannon

    - special vehicles that release tacs or a oil slick behind it so you can escape from cops

    - a car museum that has all the famous cars like the general lee, 007 cars, and the bat mobile

    - different years and models for the original cars like a 67' banshee or a 81' cheetah ect

    - snowmobiles, skis, snowboards and ways to modify cars for snow like trucks with chains on the tires, snow plows, dirtbikes with spiked tires

    - movie theaters/ drive-ins that show your last unique jump

    - if a cars locked you should be able to break the door off or smash the window and unlock it

    - a more realistic 1st person view when youre driving so you can see the steering wheel, speedometer and the rear view mirrors

    - more ways to make your car faster and handle better

    - you can change views when your in the slo-mo for unique jumps

    - you can listen to music when not in a car like scarface

    - be able to climb ladders fences ect

    - bums on the street beg for money, sum play instruments or sing

    - they shud hav loan sharks and if you dont pay them back collectors will come and kill you over and over until you pay them back. they shud hav more ways to get even tho, like having ppl wait in your safehouse and ambush you after you completed a mission

    - muggers, so if youre walking around at night somone could pop out of an alley and knock you out and rob you, then when you wake up youd hav to go kill them down to get it back

    - new ways to spend money such as special cars that you can only buy

    - being able to rob people for money instead of having to kill them

    - new ways to make money like selling drugs but if you sell to an undercover cop you will get ambushed by cops and a wanted level depending on what and how much you sold to them

    - other gangs shudnt be able to see you if your just driving by. I hate it when i am driving thru gang territory and sumhow a gang member sense's im driving past him and he will turn around and start shooting at me.

    - people hang out on the sidewalks and listen to radios

    - more of an rpg like zelda, you talk to a ped they giv u useful info or certain peds giv u missions

    - being able to carry around multiple vehicles on the packer or in the back of a 18 wheeler

    - being able to get drunk like in the phil cassidy mission in vice city

    - adrenaline pill works while driving

    - being able to take hostages

    - when you hear a cop talking about a crime on the police radio you shud be able to go where they were talking about and see whats happening

    - being able to adjust the cop strictness

    - other cops join you on police missions

    - new police sidemissions such as dea, fbi, swat, undercover

    here's a few pics of boston http://www.clinko.com/music/boston/pics/

    and who needs london when there's colonial boston http://www.postcardsandtrains.com/Boston_old_street.jpg

    whadaya think?

  6. they need to include cars that go so fast that you can barely drive them like rocket cars, jet cars and a dodge tomahawk (a motorcycle with a viper engine thats supose to go over 300mph). obviously theyll need way bigger unique jumps if they include those kinds of vehicles

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