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Posts posted by Gaz_14

  1. My nightmares have come true, GTA has been delayed until September, there goes my Summer! 

    It will be worth it.... It will be worth it.... It will be worth it..... 


    I hate to be the bearer of such news on the morning we were all expecting box art, but knowing R* we will all be treated when the game does come out. 




  2. What I enjoyed most about IV was the interconnectedness of the characters, looks like this will do it on a whole new level. Admittedly at first I was worried about 3 characters, but after reading the article, I have full confidence in R* and I know this game will blow minds everywhere !!!!

    Excited to see what 'situations' you catch characters in when you leave them unattended :D

    Multi-tiered bank heists. Win.

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  3. Here's yer proof! :P


    Over the course of 18 pages (our biggest cover story yet!),

    we introduce the three main protagonists, discuss the groundbreaking way you use them

    , and explore the reimagined Los Santos – the biggest open world Rockstar has created to date. The massive feature also divulges and dissects many more aspects of the game fans won't want to miss."

    Not sure what exactly this means, but we'll know soon !!!!


  4. I can't help but think how much L.A. Noire and its map will help them in recreating Los Santos, so I'm sure the map will be giant and maybe (pleassee!) they will have more indoor environments... I mean what good is the almighty dollar if you can't blow it all at the mall? I'm getting amped up just thinking about it....

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