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Posts posted by Silberio

  1. Yeah, it is a Boeing B-17F 'Flying Fortress', a WW2 heavy bomber.

    I am currently working on the Collision file (The one that makes things solid).

    It's going to be real sized, walkable interior, and much more, I also made some bombs inside the Bomb bay :P

  2. Battlefield 1942.

    The only FPS game that is "run able" in my computer, the rest...Well, they just go slow as a turtle in hundred degrees.

    So yeah, it is Battlefield 1942, it's great :P

    But I dislike the sounds, thats the only thing that takes it down.

  3. I'm preetty good thanks.

    I woke up about at 8 O' Clock in the morning, and noticed my mother wasnt at home, so I kept sleeping.

    Thanks godness my brother was there to make dinner, or else I'd starve to death...Yeah, I'm too lazy to make food :P

  4. Howdy.

    I want a signature that has something to do with VC, like the Skyline of the city, or Tommy Vercetti in this...Soirèe suit, walking away from a Sport car :P

    Thats up to the creator, but I want something with VC, and it must have Lè Stylê - Hehe.

    Also, it should say "Siberian Husky" at the top, or in a corner, and Subuzi Family Mafia...Also, somewhere.

    I am willing to pay 1.500 if it is good :)


  5. Meh...If the weapons you have, are the same from San Andreas, then, they're the same from Vice City, because for the three games (GTAIII, GTA VC & GTA SA) are the same.

    And as you said you already reinstalled game, then you MUST understand that there is no problem with them.

    As Stickman already said, they're all the same.

    If you still...Dont get it, give us pictures.

  6. Ph00k, I've been saying "Meaby" all this time, and no one told me the word was actually "maybe".

    Get ova' here, I wanna rape you.

    Allow me to quote myself.

    Spaz, despite the fact he does like to flame people alot, has a point say 90-95% of the time IMO, the times i think he's wrong, i stay out of it, it's not worth taking him on and getting ripped to forumistic shreds over. OK

    So silberio, back down, fool. About the same proportion of people on these forums who dislike you repect spaz greatly (most respected member 2006?) so that kinda sums up why you shouldn't get involved.

    As as for challenging chris? Well, take the fact that you shouldn't challenge spaz, multiply by 10, do the maths and ta-daa, there's your answer.

    And AD did completely fuck you in the ass with his arguments.

    Silberio, we are on the internet, the race card won't work here, because in theory, we could never ever actually see each other.


    Nah, Spaz just tells people what they do/say wrong without the pointless garnish of trying to make them feel better about it.




    Ps3 Fanboy, then why do you have 83 posts in that topic (highest)?

    Because Oskrap, I was aruging when the topic was first made, in the last 2 or 3 weeks I hardly post there.

    Resorting to childish impersonations of names is lame, especially badly fabricated ones. At leat just admit you're a fucking fanboy.

    (I only resorted to profanities when completely necessary, i felt it was my right to make my views known, and i did as coherently as i could)

    One more thing...

    Silberio, it's fucking M-A-Y-B-E ok?

    That was on July 23rd, at 06:41 PM....


    No hard feelings, that's all in the past anyway.

    I still have hard feelings.

    And if you didnt know, I'm too lazy to read all that ^_^

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