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Posts posted by TOXIC

  1. Once you've got the girl friend, there's no need of your physical stats to be maintained and all. And don't worry, no oyster will ever come in your way..

    Tip on Michelle : She loves speed so make sure you don't take her out in a trailer...just take the NRG 500, works perfectly. If she wants to drive, simply take the Monster that spawns at her place. Plus, she likes to have food here [the place turns a discotheque when she wants dancing and diner when she wants to eat, AFA I know] :


    AFA Katie is concerned, she needs a medium speed, neither fast nor slow..bit hard to get...try matching the speed of other vehicles on the Road[not in case of red signals, lol]...hope that helped :)

  2. I think there's no need to explain why, but yes, its sad toe see people leaving forums, including those who get banned. I mean be it the Stunting section or even the Staff, the Elites, or anyone we're in touch for a considerable period of time.

    I just don't know why it feels so, but y'all [well, almost all] feel a bit for the people whom you've known for not more than a few months, maybe a year or so...

    Probably we don't kinda have much idea about how they're doing in real life, then too there's at least some cause of concern for us.

    Its just that while at work or at home or anytime, don't we sometimes tend to feel what those people must b doing at their place and stuff..... That how they carry on with their very own lives...

    I don't know what/how to express myself better in this matter, but I'm sure y'all get what I want to say. Just felt like sharing a thought....what y'all say?

  3. Dude. Trust me. it has nothing to do with the lowrider meet. its just in the same place. its where a remington always spawns, regardless of the circumstances... It's there.

    Agreed. Many of the cars spawn at a particular place which varies from car to car...they spawn ONLY when they're on the import list.

  4. Sorry for posting in wrong section, I couldn't resist, since it was a delicate problem....I saw your profile, nothing's the problem, just put a forward slash in the LAST tag.... so it appears like this:


    ^Or just copy above text in your sig..^


  5. You sure theres a mission with that name? Sorry If I'm wrong but....Just tell me what part of map does it take place or who gives it...or some clue about the mission coz I'm really clueless about a mission with that name...

    EDIT- Ohh is it a mission from SF?...then its FCR 900

  6. Sheesh! I had the same problem recently with VC.. You got any mods or modded the main.scm?

    I re-installed VC 2/3 times, but the problem continued.

    Tip: Leave your game AS IT IS. Try starting and saving a new game in a different slot and then try a unique jump. I say so, because the problem occurred only in my savefile1, NOT IN slot 2 or 3 or etc....weird though

  7. Here, a screenie with the mini-map in the bottom left may help you...


    I had to start a new game so there's no marker @ the shop....When you find the shop there'll be a yellow marker to go in as usual...

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