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Posts posted by TOXIC

  1. Ok, I made a request for Toxic, but it's taken 5 days....

    I've given up waiting for it, it takes the piss, for how long I have waited for now.

    Oh is that so..I'm sorry but umm...

    Ok, changed my mind :D

    Cancel the 3 banners, I only want, and only need 1 now :)

    Anyways, your wish, I had some Probs but still, I'll post my work in my Shop. Cheers :)

  2. All vehicles can't be spawned by cheats. AFA I know, this fact holds true for the vehicles you mentioned above.

    Try stealing it from Restricted Area or SF basin [the place from where you steal Hydra in Vertical Bird].

    If not, the easiest way[Not advised if you're a serious player] is to download a Spawner/Trainer from Here on TGTAP itself.


  3. I think just getting wasted/busted won't help...if you have all 6 GFs

    Try breaking up with either of the two, that nurse in SF or the Lady Cop in Tierra Robada [i forgot their names lol]....Kill them if u don't care about them [which I don't advise]. Then get busted [if you broke up with the cop GF] or wasted [if you broke up with the nurse one]... :)

    EDIT - Breaking up is better than killing, since after 100% they are availabale for starting Afresh with them...

  4. You don't need any mods/modes or stuff for wearing a helmet.

    Its available at Prolaps Shop [if I'm not wrong].

    You can wear it anytime, just as normal clothes.

    Hope you got what you need :)

  5. Believe this or not, but its real.

    When I was a kid, most probably 4-5 years old, a girl from the neighborhood a year elder to me, would come over to my place to play, just as usual.

    One day she just came over; only me and my mom were in the home. Mom was just busy doing things and we were playing in just one of the corners of a room, not much lit. She just said let us play the ghost and the housewife, wherein the ghost comes, pulls the breast-feeding child from the mom and sucks all the milk and runs away. Then we would switch the roles of the ghost and the mom....Sheeeeesh.....I sucked....she sucked then for 2/3 times....again....lol

    Thats something no one nows about me, until now.

  6. "Yeah fuck me yeah yeah yeah...."

    Hey 69: some who's calling you man.....have a nice B'day and all..

    Yeah yeah yeah, as the party goes on, the rap comes upon

    put in the screw, Drill me,

    drill me to begin, drill me to end

    drill me to attack drill me to defend

    drill me to kill me, dill me s that i ain't fine...

    thats a way to fuck this player six nine !

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