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Posts posted by TOXIC

  1. You're gonna love this on if ya read, if not, dont blame me...Tarun=me, devon allen = name changed for social protection[lol]

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:33:28 AM): ok fixed, uploading

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:33:36 AM): ok cool

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:38:03 AM): ???

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:39:40 AM): want the link?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:39:46 AM): yea

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:40:10 AM): *posts link*

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:41:05 AM): kool?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:41:32 AM): Yea now send it and the code to my profile on TGTAP

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:43:24 AM): the codebox is not there

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:44:41 AM): got it?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:45:02 AM): what

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:46:29 AM): thanks how much you want?

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:46:55 AM): 250 is good?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:47:07 AM): whoa you said 200$ earlier

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:47:16 AM): why u as again?

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:47:22 AM): ask*

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:48:08 AM): wait something is wrong it wont show up i pasted it on my recruitment topic and all it shows is the code you have to send the forum code

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:48:40 AM): copy the link and tell me

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:48:58 AM): i did send it to me on here

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:49:08 AM): what send it tome?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:49:19 AM): *posts link*

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:49:25 AM): u made recruit topic?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:49:47 AM): yes but i didnt post it yet im working on it

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:50:01 AM): ok, written everything u want?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:50:10 AM): what?

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:50:32 AM): u wrote something that u want in recruit page?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:51:37 AM): no i want to put that graphic you made on top of my recruitment page but when i do preview post it doesnt show the graphic it just shows the code

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:52:39 AM): ok, there's an option insert image above the spce available for writing, its 2nd among the five square buttons

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:52:57 AM): where at?

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:53:09 AM): above the spce available for writing,

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:53:25 AM): on my blank recruitment topic page?

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:53:35 AM): no fool

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:53:46 AM): ok listen, where are u now?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:54:14 AM): i went to the gang recruitment forum and clicked on start new topic now im looking at a blank topic

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:54:23 AM): ok....

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:54:25 AM): fine

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:54:41 AM): means u can write over there right?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:54:57 AM): what

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:55:23 AM): wtf???????? is there space for writing anything?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:55:29 AM): yes

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:55:41 AM): ahhh finally u got that...

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:55:53 AM): yes ok now what

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:56:27 AM): now, can u see 5 square buttons just above the space for writing? the 2nd button is for inserting image...

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:56:56 AM): yes

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:57:08 AM): click on it

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:57:22 AM): i did

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:57:27 AM): put the link

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:58:11 AM): where?

    Tarun (5/30/2008 1:58:45 AM): why the fuck u teasing me...i know the image took time to make, but such revenge?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 1:59:22 AM): im not i pasted the code in the space for writing and clicked insert image it;s not doing anything

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:00:26 AM): paste only this---- nothing else *gives link*

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:02:17 AM): dude it dont work

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:03:05 AM): ok, what comes when u click "insert image" button?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:03:12 AM): nothing at all

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:04:03 AM): ok, click that button and send me a screenshot after that

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:04:16 AM): what

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:04:46 AM): pay me the mone thats what

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:05:29 AM): dude you jipped me it wont even go on my topic

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:07:00 AM): whats wrong with it?

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:07:19 AM): ok, what you want to write in the recruit topic

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:07:41 AM): i know all what im putting that is done i just need to insert this image

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:08:38 AM): have u clicked preview post/topic?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:08:45 AM): yes

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:09:03 AM): it shows the link in blue not the photo

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:09:08 AM): THE FUCK WITH THAT......

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:09:24 AM): u pressed insert link

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:09:29 AM): if you click the link the photo shows

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:09:45 AM): u should press insert image

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:10:44 AM): ok here is what it is the text box where you put all the writing has the code that i copied and pasted in it then i click insert link and then preview post and it just shows the link in blue

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:12:10 AM): ok, remove the link where u have put it

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:12:35 AM): ok i did

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:13:16 AM): now take the cursor to where u wanna put it

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:13:41 AM): ok so the text box is blank

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:14:03 AM): wtf, u havent written anything?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:14:28 AM): yes i have nothing in it because im starting with the graphic first

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:14:46 AM): ok ok

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:15:03 AM): now u can write u mean...but dont want to write ok?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:15:17 AM): yes

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:15:37 AM): ok is there a button over writing space?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:16:01 AM): there is lots of buttons

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:16:09 AM): there should be 5 buttons in blue/green color

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:17:21 AM): Do you mean the insert link insert image insert email link and wrap in quote tags buttons?

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:17:35 AM): THE MUTHA FUKIN YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:17:46 AM): yes

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:17:48 AM): press insert image

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:17:58 AM): i mean click

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:18:15 AM): so i dont paste the graphic code in the space i just press insert image?

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:18:29 AM): did u do what i said?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:18:41 AM): not yet

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:19:25 AM): everytime i press it under my adress bar it says this website is using a scripted window

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:20:05 AM): ok, then right click where it says so

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:20:15 AM): tell me what happens?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:21:01 AM): it says temporarily allow scripted windows

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:21:11 AM): yes click on it

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:21:18 AM): ok

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:21:28 AM): now click insert image...

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:21:36 AM): ok i clicked it and it went away

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:21:43 AM): now click insert image...

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:23:03 AM): i clicked and in the top left corner there is abox that says Explorer User Propt and it says please enter the Url for this image

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:23:47 AM): then paste the link i gave u

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:24:14 AM): i pasted it and now its in the text box

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:24:33 AM): preview post...

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:24:58 AM): YES goodjob my friend

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:25:25 AM): goodjob my friend???????

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:25:36 AM): its on here

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:25:38 AM): pay me extra 100 for this man

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:25:51 AM): whoa yea right man dont rip me off

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:26:14 AM): no, i'm gonna tell everyone about this

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:26:34 AM): ill tell everyone that it took you three days and you kept lying about the price

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:27:04 AM): u think I'm an idiot and will let that happen?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:27:29 AM): lets come to a deal here 300$ is way too much now be reasonable

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:27:47 AM): done

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:27:56 AM): how much do you want?

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:28:10 AM): u said 3 didnt u?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:28:16 AM): 250$

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:28:41 AM): now dont tell me to teach u how to send money

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:28:48 AM): dollar by dollar

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:28:49 AM): i know how to send

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:29:58 AM): lets agree on 250$

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:30:15 AM): ok now where's the money?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:30:35 AM): ok hold on

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:31:39 AM): i sent

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:31:59 AM): thanks man

    Tarun (5/30/2008 2:33:23 AM): ok keep calm, ulearnt how to post topics with images right?

    devon allen (5/30/2008 2:33:29 AM): yes

  2. Sorry to hear!, my nan died the other week :(

    Just do another fun things and then you wont think about it,

    Trust me.

    - Ash :(

    im sending you 200$ as of this

    - Ash :)

    What the fuck on earth is that ?

    I mean this is some shit !

    The topic is for serious chat and you try to compensate for his loss by some forum dollars?

    What were you thinking man? I mean what ?

  3. EDIT- Please don't bother, got the problem fixed.

    I wanted to make some new skin.

    I extracted the Txd files, used txd workshop to export as BMP image. I edited according to need using PS CS3. Now TXDW doesn't allow me to replace the original file with my custom skin.

    It says "Stream read error"

    Please help.

  4. yes ! yes! yeah ! aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! yeah yeah yeah oooooohhhhh my fu"sfhzkjhfkzjc"ing GOD !!!! yeas yea yea yes yes.....

    more more more more and> maore & more and more.,...the water is so nice to drink, the more you gulp, the more u piss

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